Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1950: Shita Zhen

In fact, when it was discovered that Ao Zhen and others were from Ao Gu Lou, Lin Miaoran told Chu Yan through Ling Xiyu.

The following various actions against the other party are based on her own ideas and suggestions.

If she did n’t have Chu Yan ’s confidence, she would definitely not let the other party stay when she was about to leave.

At this time, listening to Lin Miaoran, Zeng Bi and Zhuang Die suddenly understood that Chu Yan had been paying attention behind him.

"What did Brother Chu say?"

Zhuang Die stepped forward and asked aloud.

"He is already on his way, let us not leave the city for the time being.

He also said that since this pedestrian could bear this breath, there must be more important things to do.

And being able to keep his face in public, also shows that the monk who finally torn open the void is much more difficult to deal with than the earthquake. "

Lin Miaoran told Zeng Bi and Zhuang Die two people of the message conveyed by Ling Xiyu.

Zhuang Die thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that Chu Yan's analysis was very reasonable.

So she couldn't help but praise: "Thinking about things, it was still Brother Chu who was more thorough and meticulous. Let's not leave the city for the time being, as he said."

"I think it will do."

Zeng Bi nodded and said, "I have just observed this trading bank, I should be able to find my right Dan furnace, and the city is also very prosperous. If you calm down to browse and hang out, you can relax.

After a brief discussion, the three made a decision.

As for Chu Yan's side, as long as he has new news, Lin Miaoran will still tell the rest of the situation through Lingxiyu.

At this time, Chu Yan was stopping in a cloud in the air.

Looking at Ling Xiyu in his hand, Chu Yan pondered.

"Huanggulou, the earthquake.

It seems that this person should be the brother of the barren Tao.

I haven't paid too much attention to the situation between Huanggu Building and Guisha Pavilion.

But this time, I always feel that things are a bit strange. "

After Chu Yan thought for a moment, he simply raised his hand and waved.

Suddenly, in the middle of the air, a heavy illusion was laid.

And he directly meditated cross-legged, running his mind and analyzing carefully.

What he knew so far seems to be very few, only those that Lin Miaoran passed through Lingxiyu.

But if the thinking spreads out, there is a lot of information that can be analyzed.

And more importantly, when Chu Yan beheaded the Yuan Ye, he also beheaded a "big fish" from the Guishu Pavilion.

Although the "Purple Shirt Big Fish" is not high, but in the Ghost Killing Pavilion, its status is extraordinary.

To a certain extent, it is even higher for the old buildings than the earthquakes.

After all, the owner of Huanggu Building is very good at and loves childbirth, so he has a lot of heirs.

This is not a secret, just a little attention will be known.

Therefore, Chu Yan even doubted that if it was not something like birthday celebrations, the landlord of Huanggu Building might not remember how many children he had.

But the ghost-killing pavilion "Purple Shirt Big Fish" beheaded by Chu Yan was many times more expensive than the devastating earthquake.

Otherwise, there would be no reaction immediately from the Guishu killing court, and the direct execution of the Purple House would intercept Chu Yan.

But precisely because of this, Chu Yan can learn many secrets about the ghost killing pavilion from the spirit of the "Purple Shirt Big Fish".

These secrets include the location of the Ghost Killing Pavilion similar to the Mission Pavilion.

After all, a secret organization like a ghost killing pavilion cannot always be erected at a certain place with a banner with the words ghost killing pavilion on it.

There must be a lot of places for them to accept tasks, and they must be able to be found by others, but also be secret enough.

For example, in a lot of cities, you think that the shops are inconspicuous, buying and selling items that have nothing to do with murder.

These shops are actually opened by the Guisha Pavilion.

And the location of these shops will not be in a prosperous place, nor will it be very biased.

If it is very prosperous, it is too striking, and the original intention of the shop is not to buy or sell goods.

Not too biased, and the same reason.

For example, in the wilderness, open a restaurant or a pawnshop, as long as it is not a fool, you will know that there is a problem.

The soul before, after being browsed by Chu Yan for a while, could not bear it directly, and completely collapsed.

This is also something that cannot be done.

After all, Chu Yan's own soul is too powerful.

This is like letting a strong and strong man wear women's slender silk underclothes. It would be strange to not brace.

But Chu Yan remembered all the memory of that soul.

At this time, Chu Yan carefully thought about the "Muyun City" where the trading bank was located, and found the information he needed.

About two thousand miles away from Muyun City, there is a town called Shita Town.

Because this town is not far from a big city like Muyun City, it is also relatively prosperous. Compared with some smaller cities, it does not succeed.

And in this town of Shita, there is a secret stronghold of the Ghost Killing Pavilion! In Chu Yan's mind, there are various possibilities.

One of them is that after the fierce battle between the Fengu Building and the Guishen Pavilion, it was discovered that the previous thing was caused by someone, so the relationship has been eased.

This is also a possibility that Chu Yan prefers now.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the earthquake occurred here at this time.

After all, Muyun City is too close to Shita Town.

As an earthquake, if the relationship between Huanggulou and Guishenge is not reconciled, even if he himself is a triple of the state of mind, there is a powerful monk beside him who can use the magic weapon to tear the void. thing.

The monks in the Ghost Killing Pavilion are all killers. They only think about **** you, and do not consider other issues.

After this judgment, Chu Yan was 80% sure that after the earthquake left Muyun City, the place to go was Shita Town.

After trying to understand this, Chu Yan used Wansheng Ghost Face and changed his appearance.

When I went to the Bai's house before, I was a young monk. At this time, I changed to a monk who looked more than 40 years old and had his eyes slightly raised.

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan released his breath a little more. It seemed that after the Tianxin state became double, he turned the stacking wave void bracelet and went straight to Shita Town.

Because of the relationship between Baoxiang and Shangguo, Chu Yan was familiar with the car and arrived in Shita Town half a day later.

Speaking of which, his luck is really good.

After landing outside the town, quietly mixing into the nearby monks, and walking towards Shita Town for a few steps, Chu Yan saw a dark spirit boat and fell from the sky.

A large flag was erected on the spirit boat. A large absurd word on the flag showed a cyan light in the wind. It remained motionless, giving a majestic feeling.

The monks around were dissatisfied with the spirit boat's unscrupulous behavior, and they landed on the heads of the people, showing their consciousness and coercion warnings. His face was pale, and he was forced to retreat toward him.

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