Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1951: Low-level means

Although Shita Town is close to Muyun City, its scale is not small.

But how to say, the general monks have things to deal with, or prefer to choose Muyun City.

Moreover, Bao Xiang ’s state is very strict. Even if the town is large, many things ca n’t be more polite.

This is like the fact that in the secular world, officials of different grades and stone lions placed in front of the door are all exquisite, which is a reason.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the monks who come to Shita Town are not very high, even if it is the state of mind.

After all, only things that the Master of Heaven Mental State needs to do can be handled by Muyun City.

At this time, this group of people in Huanggulou, the earthquake is the triple of the heavenly state of mind. Although the thin man did not reveal the realm, the strength is still hidden above the earthquake.

Coupled with the few earthquakes that also reached the guardian of the state of mind.

Suddenly, this reef boat was like a big shark. At this moment, it swam to the nest of a group of shrimps and scared them to death.

The coercion spread, and the monks near the spirit boat evaded.

The guards of the town far away shivered and dared not stop.

However, they did not dare to be too presumptuous.

After all, the monks in Shita Town are weak, this is also the town of Baoxiang Shangguo.

If they wantonly, they will definitely send people to suppress them.

So the dark-colored spirit boat landed about thirty miles from the town.

After the Axe and his party got off the boat, they walked into Shita Town on foot.

At this time, they don't need to deliberately release their coercion, they just need to go all the way, and they will be unimpeded.

The mortals and monks entering and leaving the town all receded like tide.

Although I already know that there is a teahouse in the Guisha Pavilion in Shita Town, but after Chu Yan pondered for a while, he still did n’t shoot here, but still kept the disguise and followed behind them. Sensation, entered the town of Shita.

After entering the town, Chu Yan split a ray of consciousness, and fell on the body of the earthquake and others.

But at this time, he found that the thin man who was specifically mentioned by Lin Miaoran next to the earthquake, suddenly stopped, showing a vigilant look on his face.

When Chu Yan saw this, he was about to withdraw his consciousness.

"This guy, can find my consciousness?"

Chu Yan secretly said.

His present spirit is far from being able to resist the celestial mind monk.

Because of this, it is extremely difficult for monks in the same realm to discover.

Although this thin monk can tear the void, it is also the power of magic weapon.

His own realm is still in the state of mind, so Chu Yan doubts that this person did not discover his consciousness, but that he carried some treasures on his body, such as the secret bell that Yun Nishang once gave himself In the same way, peeping from others can be detected.

In order to verify this guess, Chu Yan did not withdraw that ray of spirit, but stopped a few miles away.

Sure enough, as Chu Yan predicted.

After that ray of consciousness was removed for a short distance, the thin monk could not be found.

He looked around with some doubt, and then explored it with his own consciousness. After finding no special circumstances, he shook his head and said to the earthquake: "I feel wrong, nothing."

After that, the group continued to move forward.

Chu Yan snorted.

Knowing that the other party couldn't find his own consciousness, just after holding the treasure, Chu Yan controlled that ray of consciousness, keeping a distance of hundreds of feet from the other side, and trailing along the way.

In this way, he can know the other party's movements, and will not cause the other party's magic weapon to react.

Chu Yan himself went all the way to the teahouse opened by Guishui Pavilion.

This tea house is located in the southwest corner of Shita Town.

The decoration and layout are quite particular in this town.

But the price is also very particular.

The spirit tea that Chu Yan drank in Changqing Town here is of the same quality and the price is three times more expensive.

So under normal circumstances, very few people come to this teahouse, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monk.

But this is exactly what the Guishou Pavilion hopes to see.

Chu Yan entered the teahouse at this time and came to the window to sit down.

Although there are few patrons, but after all, it is a tea house, and the services should be available.

Chu Yan brewed a pot of inferior spirit tea, and while drinking, looked down slowly.

His mind, at this moment, kept a close distance with the Axe and his party, monitoring each other's actions.

After the group entered the Shita Town, their actions became much more convergent.

They did not come to the teahouse, but wandered around the town.

For this behavior, Chu Yan pouted, and did not doubt his judgment at all.

What is there in Shita Town, which is worth your wandering in a barren old building, the Shaodong family, and Master Tianxinjing?

What you are doing now is nothing but blinding your eyes and ears.

It's just that this wanting behavior is really low-level.

So Chu Yan continued to observe, while waiting quietly in the teahouse.

At the same time, he split a ray of mind and spread to all parts of the teahouse.

Soon, the pattern of the teahouse on the three floors above the ground and the two floors below was clear in his mind.

After all, it is the place where the Ghost Killing Pavilion accepts its tasks. It seems ordinary on the surface, but there are still many prohibitions and formations inside.

The only thing that surprised Chu Yan a little is that in this teahouse, there are two masters in the Heavenly Heart of the Ghost Killing Pavilion.

You should know that the town mayor selected according to Baoxiang's Shang Dynasty is nothing more than a local realm.

"It seems that it is because Shita Town and Muyun City are too close."

Chu Yan nodded secretly in his heart, withdrew his mind, and turned his attention back to the body of the earthquake and others.

The group of monks in the Aeolian earthquake wandered around Shita Town for about half an hour.

The guards scattered out, leaving only the earthquake and the thin men, who seemed to continue to hang out, but the direction was toward the teahouse.

Before peeping through the consciousness, Chu Yan already knew that the thin man who could tear the void, whose last name was Ye, was named Ye Chen.

It seemed that he was also a disappointed child of a certain family. He was once divorced by his fiancée, and later came into operation with constant opportunities, so he steadily set foot on the peak of heaven.

However, his strongest is not his realm and strength, but various treasures obtained through chance.

Including the treasures that can tear the universe and explore the consciousness, are obtained in all chance encounters.

And because of his ups and downs, he has a deeper and more mature mind than those of the same level of smooth sailing. Therefore, in many cases, the earthquake will listen to each other's opinions.

The two walked along without a hurry, and soon after, they came to the teahouse.

However, they did not enter the teahouse directly, and did not even glance at the teahouse.

But just before walking through the teahouse, the two figures suddenly disappeared on the street.

The next moment, they appeared in the teahouse.

"So cautious?"

Chu Yan suddenly became curious.

This is quite different from the arrogant style before the earthquake.

"Did they come to the Ghost Killing Pavilion, didn't they want to buy a murderer?"

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