Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1952: The transaction between the two parties

At the same time as Chu Yan's doubts, he also took back the ray of mind that he had split up before.

Long before the earthquake and Ye Chen came in, his consciousness covered the whole tea house.

So at this time, even if the treasure on Ye Chen's body was detected by someone peeping, it wouldn't be a problem.

Because he subconsciously thinks that it is normal to come to the site of the Guishui Pavilion and have the insight to investigate himself.

The earthquake and Ye Chen came today, apparently not a temporary intent.

In the moment they appeared, the shopkeeper of the teahouse greeted him, without saying much, leading the two of them to the secret room below the teahouse.

Chu Yan has explored it before. The teahouse has three floors above ground and two floors underground.

The shopkeeper led the two of them, and went straight to the second floor underground.

There, the two Heavenly Mind Masters of the Guishou Pavilion had long been waiting.

Outside the secret room, there is naturally array support, blocking all prying eyes.

But for Chu Yan, this kind of formation is nothing.

The other party has a total of four heavenly moods, and three of them are also threefold heavenly moods, but none of them found that the consciousness of a monk with two heavenly moods has already passed through the formation method at this moment, and all their expressions are Every sentence said is monitored clearly.

At this time in the Chamber of Secrets, Huang Zhen and Ye Chen sat opposite the two Heavenly Masters of Guishen Pavilion.

The two Heavenly Masters of the Ghost Killing Pavilion are all dressed in the normal form of the Ghost Killing Monk, wearing a dark robe and showing a chilly body.

After a few words of greeting from both sides, they went straight to the point.

Huang Zhen snorted coldly and said, "The current situation is already very clear. The conflict between our old ancient building and the Guisha Pavilion was caused by someone deliberately planting and marrying it. .

Other nonsense, do not need me to say more. "

"In this matter, there is indeed less laborious effort."

Among the two gurus in the Guishu Pavilion, the one with the three-dimensional state of mind spoke up.

His voice roared as if it were a steel impact.

Between the words, the hand under the black robe stretched out and pushed a square red wooden box to the front of the earthquake.

Huang Zhen raised an eyebrow, Ye Chen sitting next to him raised his hand, a purple light shrouded above it.

"Shock, it's really cautious."

The monk of the ghost killing pavilion laughed loudly.

"There are many ways to assassinate the Guishui Pavilion. Although we at Huanggu Building now believe that the people who killed the Tao Tao are not the killers of the Guishou Pavilion.

If we have already laid down the deserted ancient building, and the Guishou Pavilion has not been completely laid down, out of the affirmation of the Guishou Pavilion's strength, we still feel cautious.

Do you think it is right? "

Ye Chen said.

The two masters in the ghost killing court didn't know how to respond well for a while.

What this says is like a compliment and a sarcasm. It will feel weird to understand.

So they just kept silent.

When Ye Chen's words fell, the wooden box was also explored, and he nodded slightly to the earthquake, indicating that there was no problem with the wooden box.

In the eyes of the earthquake, a burst of joy suddenly appeared.

Don't avoid others at the moment, reach out and open the wooden box.

Suddenly, a bright blood-red flower appeared in the wooden box.

This flower is the size of an adult slap, and the shape is like a person's palm, but the stamen in the palm is vaguely like a human face. If you look closely, you can distinguish the eyes, nose, mouth and other features.

And more importantly, as the wooden box opens, the flowers show that a very vicious, savage, ruthless, **** breath burst out of this flower! In the depths of this flower, it seems that there is a battlefield that is fighting heavily.

Calling to kill Zhen Tian, ​​the flames of fire and flames, sweeping together, rising into the sky, the stars can be shocked and fell, and at first glance, it makes people tremble, "Emperor Dragon Blood Flower!"

The sound of the quake shivered for a moment.

The elder of the ghost killing pavilion said at this time: "This emperor's heart dragon blood is better than the quality promised to Shao Shao that day.

In order to be able to cultivate such a finished product, the responsible monk caused at least 30 wars between the county and the Xinjiang.

Thousands of wars have been fought, and the death toll is tens of millions.

In this process, he introduced all the breath of killing, despair and anger on the battlefield into the flower, and finally cultivated this imperial dragon blood flower so perfectly. "

"Yeah ... I'm very satisfied ..." Close to the past, carefully watching this **** flower, the earthquake took a deep breath, and his face suddenly appeared very intoxicated.

But immediately, he buckled the box with one hand, and his face was gloomy, turning his face like turning a book, looking at the elder Guishuige across the street, and said coldly: "Flowers are good flowers, but why, only this is the same."

"As Mr. Ye said just now, the misunderstanding between you and us has not been completely resolved. The Guisha Pavilion knows the strength of Huanggulou, so the villain first, then the gentleman, as long as Zhen Shao can deliver what we need in a complete way. To us, the remaining rewards will naturally be delivered exactly. "

The elder Guisakuge sneered.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he had just talked about each other's words with yin and yang, but at this time, he would still be used by the other party. Suddenly, a stern look appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Chu Yan understood.

It turned out that the current earthquake came here to contact the Guishou Pavilion because both parties had to conduct a transaction.

Judging from the current situation, Ghost Killing Pavilion wants to get the same goods through the earthquake, and because of the fear of the Huanggu Building, the rewards only show a part at this time.

Knowing this information, Chu Yan's heart began to plan.

At the same time, in the secret room, after confrontation, the two sides took a step back and reached a consensus.

"What you want, because it's more troublesome, so I can't carry it with me."

The earthquake said: "However, you can rest assured that I have arranged for my men to follow me all the way and secretly escort. It is estimated that within three to five days, you will reach this neighborhood.

When the time comes, I will inform you that you can go to the inspection. "

The elders of Guishui Pavilion nodded and said, "Zhao Shao is thoughtful and has a perfect plan. It is indeed the talent of the barren building. Then we are here to wait for the news of Shao Shao.

At that time, as I said before, as long as the monster beast we need to kill the ghost has no damage, and the strength also meets our requirements, promised to give Shao Shao's reward, naturally there will be no shortage.

After all, Shao Shao understands people, and certainly knows that both of you and us had suffered each other because of misunderstandings, and now we need to work together to repair the relationship.

Therefore, at this time, we will never do anything harmful to our reputation. "

The other party's words were covered with needles, and Huang Zhen snorted coldly: "I hope so! We are doing business in Huanggu Building, naturally to whom and what we do, as long as the other party does not play tricks, we naturally treat others with integrity.

At this time, Chu Yan on the second floor put down the tea cup in his hand and blinked: "The Ghost Killing Pavilion bought from Huanggu Building is not a treasure of heaven and earth, but a monster?"

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