Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1953: Chu Yan's interest

"The Ghost Killing Pavilion wanted to buy from Gugu Building, but it was a monster.

And Emperor Heart Dragon Blood Flower is only part of the reward. "

Chu Yan's fingers pressed on the table, his mind was carefully thinking while listening to the conversation in the back room.

"The cultivation of Emperor Heart Dragon Blood Flower is not as easy as expected.

Since ancient times, this kind of heavenly treasure, extreme ruthlessness, and extreme treasure has only been bred on the battlefield where the spirit of killing is extremely heavy.

Although this Emperor's Heart Dragon Blood Flower was deliberately cultivated by others, the attacking breath when fighting on the battlefield was real and there was no fraud.

Therefore, this precious material, which can be encountered but not sought, can also be regarded as a rare treasure. "

Chu Yan weighed the value of Emperor Heart Dragon's Blood Flower. In his eyes, the stars slowly gathered.

"And this treasure can only pay part of the value of the monster.

In addition, there are other treasures.

Other treasures, whether they are treasure materials, magic weapons, or exercises, are inevitably higher in value than this emperor's heart and blood.

Besides, Ghost Killing Pavilion itself has guru and real people.

Speaking of strength, I really want to suppress the monster, even if the other party is an ancestor level, it will certainly not be in the disadvantaged.

In this way ... "Chu Yan was a little interested in the monster that Guishu Ge wanted.

His previous plan was to shoot directly, taking advantage of the four heavens in the secret room on the second floor of the basement to react, killing them directly.

But now, since he is interested in the transaction between the two parties, Chu Yan intends to reorganize his thinking to see if he can get a greater benefit.

At the same time, the discussions of the two Tianxin masters, the Aeolian and the Ghost Killing Pavilion, were almost over.

After that, it was still the shopkeeper of the teahouse who came out and sent out the earthquake and Ye Chen.

Chu Yan sat upstairs, glancing down, and saw the two of them walking towards the end of the street.

He divided another ray of consciousness and quietly followed behind the earthquake.

When he listened to the other party before, he felt that there were some flaws.

Anyway, it is also necessary to track the other party's whereabouts, simply look at his guess right.

As for the Ghost Killing Pavilion, Chu Yan was not in a hurry. He continued to drink tea while waiting quietly.

The split ray of consciousness soon followed Shihuang Town, Ye Chen and the guards.

Seeing the other party taking out the Spirit Boat, Chu Yan's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

Look like this, they actually want to fly long distances?

Did you make a mistake in your previous guess?

Although he was so skeptical in his heart, Chu Yan didn't have much entanglement, and put his consciousness on the other's spirit boat.

He can now cover more than three thousand miles of consciousness.

As long as it is in this area, everything is clear.

After ascending the spirit boat, the earthquake and others flew towards the mountains north of Shita Town.

After flying for more than 800 miles, the spirit boat suddenly turned its direction, and after making several laps in the mountains, it began to land slowly.

At this time, they were within a thousand miles of Shita Town.

"It really is the same as I thought."

Chu Yan snorted softly and took a sip of Lingcha.

At the same time, he directly let go of his consciousness and swept towards the mountain.

Soon he found that there were traces of formation covered in the mountain rock below the landing of the spirit boat.

The overlap of the maze and the illusion, plus this location is already in the depression of the mountain, even if the monk flies over at a short distance, it will not be found.

The Spirit Boat carrying people such as the Abyssalon quickly fell on the rock and entered the illusion.

Chu Yan's divine consciousness was posted on the spirit boat and entered into it. He soon saw the situation inside the phantom array clearly.

This rock, about thirty-story high, was pulled out by a monk with a supernatural power.

The inside of the mountain rock has also been hollowed out, and now it looks like a huge eggshell, upside down on the ground.

At this time, from the cave below, you can hear the roar from the inside of the rock, and the eardrum of the person will be ruptured.

At this time, the Spirit Boat had also stopped, and Ye Chen and several guards walked down.

Among the rocks, a monk soon came out to salute the earthquake and called it "less earthquake".

"How's it going?"

The earthquake asked the greeted man.

This monk is also Tianxin's [Biquku www.biquku.biz] realm and looks quite shrewd.

At this time he smiled and said: "The subordinates arranged the place properly according to the instructions of Zhen Shao, and nothing has happened in these days."

"That's good."

Huang Zhen grinned and said: "The group of guys in the Ghost Killing Pavilion cannot be trusted at all.

Fortunately, I was prepared to let you detain the monster here a few days in advance.

Then I told them again today that it took a few days before the monster they wanted was delivered to Shita Town.

If they dare to play tricks, I must make them unable to walk around! "

"Zhao Shao mighty!"

Ye Chen and the monk were in perfect harmony, salute together, and said aloud.

"It really is the same as I thought."

Chu Yan passed the consciousness, and now he heard the remarks of the Abrasion Shock, and he was clear in his heart.

When listening to the conversation between the two of them in the back room, Chu Yan felt that it was absolutely impossible for the earthquake to occur without prior preparation.

It is said that it will be a few days before the monster beast will be delivered near Shita Town, but it should be sent in secret in advance.

Otherwise, if there is any wrongdoing in the ghost killing court, wouldn't it take the initiative to create opportunities for the other party?

It now appears that the behavior of the Aberrant Earthquake is exactly what he expected.

At the moment, Chu Yan moved his mind, controlling the ray of consciousness, quietly following the earthquake and others, paying attention to the magic weapon on Ye Chen's body and drifting towards the mountain.

The roar from the mountain was like thunder.

I was shocked when I was outside the mountains and rocks before.

Entering the mountains and rocks at this time, the sound kept oscillating and rubbing, and it was more than ten times louder! Except for the earthquake, Ye Chen, and the shrewd monk, the guards who had followed the earthquake all stopped at the mountain rock at the moment, apparently afraid of being stunned by the sound.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan became more and more curious.

What kind of realm is the wild beast caught by the destructive earthquake that the ghost kills the court?

Entering the mountain rock, Chu Yan's ray of consciousness immediately discovered that the inner stone wall of the mountain rock was covered with dense patterns.

These lines, at this time, with the loud roar, continually radiate light, and cancel out most of the shock power generated by the roar.

If it is not the formation of these formations, I am afraid that with a roar, the mountain can be directly collapsed and collapsed.

"Oh, even now, it's not honest."

An earthquake sneered and looked up.

Among the mountains and rocks, it is as bright as the day because of the light of the pattern.

At the moment, at a glance, the interior of the rock was empty, only to hear its sound, but not its beast.

But at the next moment, with the shock of the fingertips of the earthquake, a ray of light hit the sky.

The void seemed suddenly like a stone falling into the water, and ripples appeared.

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