Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1958: Magic weapon can't hurt

Uh! For a long time, the sword light penetrated Chu Yan's body in an instant.

The knife came suddenly, silently, and no one could detect it.

Seeing this scene, the quake in front, the anger on his face gradually dissipated.

Whereas Chu Yan was dozens of miles behind, Ye Chen's figure slowly emerged from the void.

He took off the shiny mirror on his chest and snorted: "But that's it."

It was just that he took advantage of Chu Yan's incompetence with the Abandoned Earth, and used his treasures to hide his body and breath, lurking into the void, and then found a chance to launch this fatal blow to Chu Yan.

The effect is as perfect as I expected.

The other party was caught off guard by surprise.

And what kills the opponent is a magic weapon called Soul Slashing Sword.

Once the monk's body is penetrated, it is not only the flesh but also the soul.

Even if some monks have strong physique, but the soul is damaged, it is like a mortal body that is extraordinarily strong and capable of carrying the tripod, but it is an idiot, and there is no deterrent.

At this time, in the view of Atrophy and Ye Chen, even if this knife failed to kill the other party, the purpose of hurting the other party's soul has been achieved.

At this time, in their opinion, Chu Yan seemed to be a dead person.

Ye Chen sneered, reaching out to recall the magic weapon to destroy the soul and cut the fairy sword.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but wrinkle.

This magic weapon, because of its power, is one of his cards, so he used his blood sacrifice.

But at this moment, he did not feel the existence of this magic weapon at all.

It was like the connection between the two was suddenly cut off.

"Are you looking for this?"

Chu Yan's voice rang at this time.

Ye Chen's heart string trembled, and he looked up in the direction of Chu Yan.

Suddenly, he saw that Chu Yan was unscathed, playing with the long and narrow knife that had returned to its original shape and was about one foot long.

The short knife flexed flexibly at Chu Yan's fingertips.

Chu Yan's body was unscathed.

"This, how is this possible!"

Feeling the completely indistinguishable breath of Chu Yan, Ye Chen couldn't help but murmur.

The earthquake was shocked for a while.

At that moment, the two of them had four eyes, but they clearly saw that Chuanxianxianxiandao penetrated Chu Yan's body.

That scene is absolutely impossible to be fake! "No, it's impossible ..." Ye Chen's breath was stagnation.

I don't know if this sentence is impossible. Is it saying that Chu Yan is safe and sound, or that he has lost contact with the magic weapon.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, sweeping towards Ye Chen.

Naturally, he would not tell the other party, and at the moment when he was stabted by the soul-slashing and immortal sword, he moved into the void.

This is the void escape method he currently masters.

At that moment, his real body escaped into another layer of void, and what remained in place was just a projection.

The soul slashing the immortal sword is similar to Chu Yan in the mirror, or Chu Yan's reflection in the water.

Whether it is Chu Yan in the mirror or Chu Yan's reflection in the water, even if it is twisted into pieces, his body will not be affected at all.

It was originally intended to ignore this sword magic weapon.

But at the moment when the Soul Crushing Immortal Sword was about to stab himself, Chu Yan felt a strange wave on this magic weapon.

This fluctuation even made his spirits feel like he was approached by the blade.

At this moment, Chu Yan changed his mind.

He immediately escaped into another piece of void, and then reappeared, reaching for the magic weapon, and with a powerful spirit, he wiped the mark belonging to Ye Chen on it.

At this time, this magic weapon seems to be Chu.

Not only that, this magic weapon can directly hit the soul's damage, and has been known by Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes were swept away, and Ye Chen felt his breathing became difficult.

A very dangerous feeling, running straight up the spine, making his scalp numb and blood all over his body coagulated.

Almost without hesitation, he immediately raised his hand and turned the small mirror in front of his chest. His figure quickly faded and he was about to hide into the void again.

This small mirror magic weapon, if used well, can not only kill the opponent by surprise, but also quickly hide the shape and escape from the invisible.

But at this moment, a chain suddenly broke through the void, and hit it on the small mirror in front of his chest.

Ye Chen's heart shook, as did the mirror.

Suddenly, a small noise came from him, and his already lightened figure became clear again.

An emotion of disaster is coming over suddenly.

Ye Chen waved his arms again and again, in an instant, dozens of defensive magic weapons were played, and his many magic weapons were used to the extreme.

In an instant, Baoguang was like a wall, forming a thick barrier.

And when he quickly backed off, he did not forget to shout: "Scene Shao save me!"

In the distance, there was a roar at the moment, and the void in front of him again showed a blood stain.

This blood stain is as thick as it can spill blood.

The Abyssaloid reached into his hand and immediately pulled out a blood-red long sword from the inside.

On the surface of this long sword, there are many unknown souls.

Some monks and monsters turned into twisted grimaces and kept roaring.

With the removal of this long sword, the black armor on his body was as if calcined, revealing a dark red.

The hot breath oozed out of every pore in his body.

The voids around them seemed to be unable to bear the heat at this time, the candles generally began to melt, and a loud noise erupted.

"Go to hell!"

With a loud roar, Huang Zhen lifted his sword and fell towards Chu Yan.

A hundred-mile-long blood-colored sword awn, as if cutting the sky, rumbling and falling towards the top of Chu Yan's head.

Chu Yan laughed loudly, and shot it against Jianguang.

Styx reappears.

The huge waves rolled over the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they were shocked and hit the sword light.

At the same time, Chu Yan turned around, facing the Baoguang condensed defense in front of him, and raised his hand to slash out the flame light blade.

Taiyi Lihuodao! Click! boom! The dazzling light and magic weapon exploded together, and in a flash, shattered into powder.

Ye Chen, who was constantly retreating, was shocked and shouted, and suddenly felt a burst of light in the shattered light. A sharp knife light, he was familiar and unfamiliar, broke through the void, and instantly came to his eyes.

"This is ..." Ye Chen froze.

Uh! The knife came out through the body.

He looked down at the wound that was pierced in his chest, his eyes filled with confusion and doubt, blood poured out of his mouth, and he muttered the next few words: "My magic weapon ..." The knife carried a line of blood in the air, turned around, and flew back to Chu Yan's hands.

At this time, Ye Chen seemed to have suffered only a minor injury, but in fact, his spirit had been severely damaged.

Hovering in the air, the body is completely out of control, as if it is a rigid wood carving, and his eyes begin to loosen, as if he has become a living dead.

"Hahahahaha! Well done!"

Among the mountains and rocks, the ape demon didn't know from that angle, when he saw this scene, he suddenly gave a cheerful laugh again.

The laughter was not falling, and its voice resounded through the world once again, with a cruel and decisive voice: "Give me a chance to let me kill them! From then on, I will be driven by you!"

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