Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1959: It ’s good to be a mount

At the moment, he was deeply surprised by the quake in the Styx.

The monk with mysterious identity in front of him is already extremely difficult to deal with.

If it really moved him, save the ape demon.

The ape demon teamed up with him again ... Thinking of this, the aura of the earthquake could not help but be shocked.

But at the next moment, Chu Yan's reply was: "You count-what."


Not only the ape demon, but also the quake was stunned.

What is this nonsense?

The Purple Gold Thunder Ape is itself a metamorphosis monster, and the body contains the blood of ancient gods and beasts.

If it were not for him and his group of people who were taking advantage of each other's weak promotion, they would be suppressed by force, and it would be difficult for them to catch it.

And what the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape said at this time is not to owe the other person a favor, but to be willing to offer the other party to drive.

If you owe each other a favor, then you will owe it to each other.

And for his drive, that means that this ape demon is willing to serve the other party as its master! Owning a transfiguration demon as a thug, which Tianxin guru has never imagined such a good thing?

If it is an earthquake that encounters such an opportunity, I am afraid that I will wake up laughing.

But now, not only has the other party refused, but the tone is still… very disgusting?

What makes sense! The earthquake did not understand.

The monk in the mountain didn't understand.

The ape demon himself was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't help but doubt the ape.

Chu Yan snorted.

What he just said was completely from his heart.

Want to submit to me and drive me?

Let ’s not say what you said at the moment. It ’s for revenge, a word that you will regret later, or you want to deceive yourself to help him lie.

Based on your current blood and potential, what are the advantages that can enter my eyes?

In the impression of Chu Yan, the ancient gods and beasts, reaching the highest level, are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin and so on.

Your ape demon can only go to the back row, and it belongs to the same level as the demon fox.

To talk about blood, Chu Yan regards the sugar that has the white tiger blood as several places. Although the other party is a monster, in Chu Yan's eyes, it is no different from his own daughter.

And there is a unicorn in the blood of the pure **** beast! What's more, Chu Yan owns Qilin essence and blood in his body.

Although it is not pure, it is definitely more noble than the purple gold thunder ape that you have mixed up and don't know how much.

So Chu Yan is really not quite up to each other now.

There can be thugs, but the thugs who are much weaker than themselves, what are they doing?

Between the words, Chu Yan had already stepped in front of Ye Chen, raising his hand and smashing the other person's head.

As for the opponent's body, Chu Yan grabbed it and threw it into the echo ring.

There are many magic weapons for various functions on this guy.

boom! At the same time, the earthquake shouted loudly, with a **** sword light in his hand, rushing towards the sky, revealing a strong, strong, and beheaded taste.

Rolling the Styx, he suddenly cut a gap and rushed out.

The dead souls of Dao Dao in the Styx rushed towards him, but they were all cut off by the slashing sword.

"Since I was born, I have never stopped killing! Wherever I go, the gods and spirits retreat! How can you be a dead soul in your area!"

The desolation screamed loudly, and the armor on his body was like a burnt charcoal at this moment, a **** ray of light, sprayed out thinly, and turned into a giant of dozens of feet.

In Chu Yan's eyes, Ling Ran was also killed at this time.

Obviously, he didn't want to drag on anymore.

This place is not far from Muyun City and Shita Town.

If a monk finds signs of fighting here, I am afraid that someone will come over soon.

It seemed that I felt Chu Yan ’s killing intention. The purple gold thunder ape in the mountain rock shouted again at this moment: "I would like to serve you as a master, for your urging, and I also know a lot about the ancient buildings and ghost killing pavilion The secret! And what I ask for is that you can set me free now! "

This is the bottom line of the ape demon.

It is also the last condition it can come up with.

Because it is clear, there is no need for a moment, the two sides of this battle will be divided.

At this time, if it does not bet on the last one, then it will only die.

The earthquake has won, and it will definitely die.

The mysterious monk won, and if the other party agreed to its conditions, it still had a ray of life, but if the other party did not agree, it would be dead.

So this time, it must bet! Like to show that he didn't lie, it added an anxiously and quickly: "I am willing to make a vow in the name of ancestors!"

The avenue vow made by the monster in the name of the ancestors, the binding force is basically equivalent to the oath of the human demon, which is very effective.

After hearing the other party's remarks, Chu Yan thought about it.

Looking at the size of the big demon, the size of the size, as a beater, I guess I feel weak.

But if you are a mount.

It seems pretty good.

And from the point of view of a thug, he secretly has a puppet Ji Shi, then in the clear, if he can have this transformational monster to drive, then some future plans will be more convenient to implement.

Seeing Chu Yan's eyes move slightly, the Aranquake knew it was going to suffer.

He made a decisive call and shouted at Shanyan: "Kill the ape demon!"

If the other party really saved the ape demon, the consequences would be disastrous.

So at this time, he couldn't take care of the deal with Guishuige.

Even at the time of the Abyssal Disaster, he was suspecting that Chu Yan was sent by the Guishenge.

The monk who had been hiding in the mountain rock immediately showed a sword awn in his hand, and beheaded towards the ape demon.

Before, he had been indifferent, just to be surprised.

At this time, he also felt that the other party must not know, the side of the earthquake, and his hidden monk who had never shot.

But at the next moment, he found a figure, with no signs, appeared in the mountain before him.

The sword in his hand was crushed by the opponent.

At this time, he really felt that it came from Chu Yan's completely crushed power.

His heavenly state of mind was doubled, and the magical power he displayed was broken by the opponent.

Then, the palm of the other party grew bigger and bigger in his eyes.

boom! A human figure turned into blood water and sprayed out.

Chu Yan fingertips, and flicked a few more times.

A series of auras completely destroyed the formation center among the rocks.

Then he turned to look at the ape demon with a light tone: "Let me see your strength."


The purple gold thunder ape shivered with excitement at this moment.

It knows that it is right! At this time there was no shackles around the formation, the ape demon roared.

The bleak thunder of the week, once again shining, like a thunder, flashed up at the moment.

All of a sudden, the mountains and rocks were illuminated like daylight.

Furthermore, all the darkness and rocks were engulfed by the dazzling light, as if they were to melt.

At the next moment, the mountain shook, and the rock like an empty shell banged with a bang.

The tall purple gold thunder ape jumped high from a gravel.

"Five breaths, you only have five breaths."

Chu Yan said lightly.

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