Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1960: Your Highness Chu will not

Above the sky, like a meteor, burning flames, falling down all the way, burning all the sky along the way.

Finally, the meteor hit the ground.

The roaring and shaking made the mountain peaks hundreds of miles away to the ground.

In the big pit on the ground, Chu Yan had a giant sword like a big stick in his hand, pierced through the chest of the earthquake, and nailed him to the ground.

Blood seemed to flow out of the wound as if no money was needed.

Wow la la la-soon, it turned into a big river.

The armor of the whole body of the earthquake was stained with blood and ragged.

Because the armor is almost integrated with the body, that is to say, at this time, his body almost does not have a good piece of skin.

There are various scars all over the body.

One arm, with only a trace of flesh left, was still attached to the shoulder.

This look is not like a monk at all.

Instead, it is more like a mortal being thrown into the herd.

After being bitten and rammed, the remaining body remains.

At this moment, the earthquake was still in his last breath. He tried hard to open the remaining eyes and looked at Chu Yan.

But at this time, his face was covered with blood mist, not to mention Chu Yan, even opening his eyes was extremely difficult.

Finally, after struggling a few times, he cramped and there was no movement at all.

Chu Yan withdrew the sword of death language, a flame spewed out of his palm, burned the body of the desolation to ashes, and turned to a few ten feet away, the giant beast squatting in the big pit.

Purple gold thunder ape.

At this time, it looks like it is not much better than the earthquake.

Before being tortured among the rocks in the mountain, his body was covered with wounds and blood was lost.

Later, he came out of difficulty, perhaps because of Chu Yan's five-breath breathing restriction, or was eager to show loyalty, or was eager to avenge his revenge. This purple gold thunder ape regardless of his injury, directly burned his natal blood, causing himself to be hit hard. The extremely weak body returned to its peak state in a short time.

In five breathing hours, it struck both the defeat and the devastation in an extremely tragic way.

The scene at that time, when viewed from a distance, was a fierce collision between a rolling thunder and a burning meteorite above the sky dome.

Every time, it broke apart, and the sun and the moon sank.

Then, the devastating earthquake was seriously injured and fell from the sky.

The Zijin Thunder Ape squatted not far away, as if it were a huge **** statue, waiting for Chu Yan to come to an end.

In other words, Chu Yan only ended up with a sword to the death.

Almost all the wounds on the body were caused by Zijin Thunder Ape.

Feeling Chu Yan's gaze to himself, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape slowly rose.

The huge body with a height of three floors, at this time, even if the body is seriously injured, even if the whole body is blood, it still gives a very strong sense of oppression.

But of course, this oppression only targets ordinary people.

In front of Chu Yan, it was no different from a near collapsed clay figure.

Under Chu Yan's gaze, Zijin Thunder Ape slowly lowered his head.

A moment later, a drop of blood floated from the position of its back brain, and it came round to Chu Yan.

This drop of blood beads contains its natal blood, as well as the spirit of the body.

In other words, as soon as Chu Yan broke up the blood bead at this moment, the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape would immediately extinguish.

"You know the current affairs very well."

Chu Yan looked at each other and said lightly.

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape still lowered his head, like a person bowing.

"The subordinate said that in the future he will follow his master, so he will give the master the essence and blood to the master. That is what his subordinate should do.

From then on, the life of the subordinates is controlled by the master. "

Zijin Thunder Ape said with a rough throat.

Chu Yan has heard before that among the monsters, the apes and foxes are the closest to the human race because they have the highest intelligence.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

No matter what kind of psychology this purple gold thunder ape is in, at least it is willing to be convinced at the moment, but it is not humble, so people cannot pick out the thorn.

Not only that, the strength it showed before, but also shows that it has the blood of the ancient **** beast, even if it is seriously injured, but when it encounters a strong enemy, it still has the power to fight.

Overall, it is quite satisfactory.

Chu Yan was originally interested in the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape because the monks of the Ghost Killing Pavilion were not weak. If they really wanted to catch a monster, why would they have to borrow the hand of Huang Gulou.

So he estimated that the strength of this Zijin Storm Thunder Ape must be not weak.

It now appears that it is stronger than I thought.

Chu Yan estimated that the power of burning natal blood and struggling to kill, is almost infinitely close to the Purple House.

He compared silently in his own heart.

If you let him kill the Purple Gold Thunder Ape at that time, I'm afraid it will take some effort.

Unless he is in the realm, he can go one step further and rise to the triple of the state of mind.

Chu Yan looked at this drop of fine blood floating in front of his eyes at this moment and was silent.

His appearance gave people an unpredictable feeling.

At the same time, the slightly frowned frown made people feel as if he was not very satisfied with it.

It took a long time to get Chu Yan's answer. The head of the Zijin Thunder Ape suddenly fell even lower.

At this moment, its heart began to feel a little frightened, and also piggybacked with some dissatisfaction.

Whatever I say, it is also the bloodline of the ancient beast.

So humble at the moment, why are you still not satisfied?

Monsters are all fierce.

In fact, Chu Yan did not want to ignore Zijin Storm Thunder Ape at this moment.

If it is said to subdue it as a demon beast, the other party may be unsatisfactory. After all, talking about the bloodline of the **** beast, Chu Yan is standing next to the white tiger bloodline and the unicorn bloodline.

But from a mount point of view, such a burly figure, the whole body flashes with thunder, and prefers the beast. It is indeed a satisfying wild monster that disdains the metamorphosis.

But the problem now is that Chu Yan doesn't know how to use this drop of blood.

This drop contains essence blood of the soul, which is naturally impossible to absorb.

Because after absorption, Chu Yan at most got the power of this drop of blood, instead of using this drop of blood to control the fate of this purple gold thunder ape.

This is a master-slave contract.

Whether Chu Yan is handsome or handsome, he has never done so.

He would n’t, and he could n’t let the Purple Gold Thunder Ape know he would n’t.

So at this moment, His Royal Highness rarely felt a trace of embarrassment.

But although Chu Yan does not, there are people who understand this.

And this person who understands, not only knows how to use this drop of blood, but also seems to have a persistent way of weeping about this kind of thing.

As a result, the black words in Chu Yan standing in the same place began to grow deeper and spread out at the same time.

The wind around him seemed to be still at this moment.

With the passage of time, the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape has intensified.

And with the pain from the body injury, this dissatisfaction has a tendency to gradually develop into anger.

But at this time, with a cold hum, the horrible coercion of the ancient beasts of the wild was crushed from the front.

Bang-The original Zijin Thunder Ape was face down, but at this moment, it buried its entire face in the ground, with its huge body, trembling.

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