Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1961: Conquer the ape demon

Don't look at it's nearly three feet tall, Xiu Wei is a high-level demon.

But at this moment, in front of this momentum, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape felt as small as an ant.

But the other party is a huge ancient beast that is pointing at the sky.

Violently trampled under this oppression, the body of Zijin Thunder Ape trembles even more.

Even the teeth in its mouth started to hit up and down.

Click-click — its face was buried deeper into the ground.

The earth is not broken or collapsed.

But even so, the tremendous power of terror that has been crushed has not weakened in the slightest.

"What the **** is that ..." In the mind of Zijin Thunder Ape, the word monster is used to describe Chu Yan at this moment.

"You ... dissatisfaction ..." Standing not far away, Chu Yan's eyes didn't show any expression and spoke lightly.

In just three words, the body of Zijin Thunder Ape is even short.

When the last word fell, the huge monster was already lying on the ground, his head digging into the ground, his body trembling with the naked eye.

"If there is ... next time ... destroy you ... the whole family ..." "The subordinates dare not! The subordinates are wrong! The subordinates will never again!"

The crazy roar of Zijin Thunder Ape came from underground.

Obviously it was terrified.

"Cheesy ... it's going to ... treat ..." Obviously, this was for Chu Yan's ontological consciousness.

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and placed the drop of blood on the palm of the monster.

Wisps of black, like silk threads, protruded from the palm of your hand and slowly penetrated into the blood.


Zijin Storm Thunder ape groaned, his body cramped.

But it forced it back.

Not long ago, because of the attitude in his heart, he angered his master.

At this time, any punishment by the owner should be appropriate.

It dare not show any dissatisfaction, even if it is painful, it does not dare to show it! The wisps of black gradually wrapped the essence and blood, and finally yanked into Chu Yan's palm.

At the same time, Chu Yan's internal consciousness felt that a force exists in his own heart.

To be specific, there is no way to do it.

But one thing is for sure, from this moment on, the life of the Purple Gold Thunder Ape is just in his own mind.

Even part of the other party's thoughts can be known as long as the thought is slightly stronger.

In other words, if the other party wants to betray himself, then he can completely kill the other party without waiting for the other party to take action.

The man behind the gate of hell, after doing all this, returned the control of the body back.

"Is that all right?"

After regaining control of the body, Chu Yan couldn't help asking this question.

These last few times, he can clearly feel that the man behind the gate of **** has recovered a lot more power than he was at the beginning.

It is also easier to control your own body.

But the strange thing is that by this time, the other party seems to be nostalgic about his body.

Every time I finished my work, I left without thinking of using this body to go into the sky and go over the mountain.

Hurry up and leave.

You know, at the beginning, the other party wanted to extinguish his ontological consciousness and then occupy the body alone.

Tracing back to the source, all these changes seem to have occurred after returning from Sansheng Mountain.

It's kind of weird and weird.

Regarding Chu Yan's question, the other party was still too lazy to answer this time.

Just two words: asleep.

Then there was no sound.

Hey, I fell asleep after finishing things.

Chu Yan could n’t help but toss his lips away, his eyes turned to the front, like an ostrich, his head was buried deep in the ground, his big ass, a trembling monster ... An hour later, in the mountains, a figure The huge ape demon jumped up.

It has a huge figure and strong legs. Each jump has a distance of tens of miles. When the body is crossing in the air, there is a squeaking sound of squeezing air.

And this is obviously far from its fastest speed.

A mountain as high as ten thousand, and a few blinking kung fu, was crossed by it.

At this time, on the back of the ape demon, Chu Yan sat cross-legged, holding the imperial dragon blood flower in his hand.

After the devastating earthquake, this precious material full of killing thoughts naturally fell into his hands.

And the one behind the gate of **** said to go to sleep, but the body is still very honest, indicating that this treasure, if used properly, will make Chu Yan's current state, a hundred feet, and then further.

Chu Yan is now a double fulfillment of the state of mind.

Taking it one step further, there is the triple of the state of mind.

To a certain extent, if he is promoted to the triple state of mind, then his strength will surpass half-step Zifu.

In other words, apart from not being able to tear the void, he has the power to kill the Purple Mansion when he really fights to death.

The promotion may have come too quickly, and even exceeded Chu Yan's expectations, which made him have to let Zijin Storm Thunder Ape rush at this time, and he sat on the back of the other party and rearrange his next plan .

"In addition to the imperial dragon blood, I also need some precious materials and some opportunities.

The elder of the ghost killing pavilion should have other treasures as bargaining chips for the transaction.

But this time, he didn't take it with him.

It seems that the Ghost Killing Pavilion is not completely reassured about the old buildings and earthquakes.

At that time, I was not able to ingest the soul of the other party.

Now look at what surprise this purple gold thunder ape can bring me. "

Chu Yan closed his eyes, silently pondering, thinking carefully.

Not long ago, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape told Chu Yan what he had promised, that is, what he knew about Huanggulou and Guishou Pavilion.

In fact, it was caught by Huanggulou for almost half a year, and it was not caught recently.

During the time he was arrested, it was all held in a secret Beyond Garden.

I don't know whether it was to show the sincerity of the transaction between the two parties. When the monks of the ghost killing pavilion came to discuss several times, the Ye Chen under the arsenal of the earthquake directly talked about the details in the prison holding the Zijin thunder ape.

So Zijin Storm Thunder Ape also heard some secrets.

At this time, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape took Chu Yan to go to the Bieyuan where it was detained by the previous earthquake.

According to the description of Zijin Thunder Ape, there are many treasures in the Bieyuan that are used in the earthquake training.

Those precious materials, because of the natural constitution of the earthquake, do not have much effect on the general monks.

But for monsters and Chu Yan, it is an excellent material for cultivation.

"The blood demon tears the celestial body. When practicing, what is needed is the killing breath and a lot of blood, and enough killing and anger."

Chu Yan thought, nodded secretly.

To ordinary monks, these things are indeed very poisonous. Not only does it not help, but on the contrary, it is very likely to cause damage to the Dao heart, and then embark on an evil path.

But for him, he can replenish his blood and quickly improve his strength.

"Cooperate with this emperor dragon's blood flower ..." Chu Yan just raised this thought in his heart, and suddenly his body was tense.

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