The purple gold thunder ape beneath Chu Yan clearly felt this moment.

One person and one animal, looked up together.

Sigh! The sky dome suddenly collapsed.

The flowing sunset, like a raging flame, surged towards the depression.

In an instant, it seemed to form a vortex of flame.

A terrible atmosphere of terrible destruction suddenly came and spread straight towards Chu Yan.

"It's Purple House!"

The Zijin Storm Thunder ape shouted.

The next moment, its voice was engulfed by a deafening roar.

The vortex of the flame, at the moment, suddenly opened a gap! It was like a burning eye appeared in the sky! This eyeball gives people a sense of insight into everything, to perceive everything, to destroy everything.

As if any creature, any thought, in front of it, could not escape the feeling.

As the eyes opened, the world seemed to suddenly light up.

The void and the avenue are all shaking and shaking.

For thousands of miles and thousands of miles, the creatures are still, all creeping on the ground, trembling.

Although Zijin Storm Thunder Ape is a transfiguration demon, at the moment, in the face of this coercion, he is still out of control and his knees are soft.

When Chu Yan saw it, he had a kind of brow, grabbed the long hair behind the other person's head, and directly received it in the echo ring.

When I looked up at the giant eyes in the sky again, at that moment of the eyeballs, the fire kept shaking and looked towards Chu Yan.

The moment when the two sides looked at each other, Chu Yan felt as if he had penetrated a long distance, penetrated the long river of void and time, and the eyes of a pair of monks from the Purple Mansion. At this moment, his eyes met.

"found it!"

Chu Yan's ears, as if at this moment, sounded like thunder.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan turned the stacked wave void bracelet, and in a flash, he rushed out thousands of miles.

"You can't escape--" A majestic voice penetrated the void and shook the sky, omnipresent, as if representing the idea of ​​heaven, passed on.

The eyeball moved slightly and looked towards Chu Yan.

At the next moment, there was a raging fire in the void around Chu Yan.

Where the fire passed by, the space was all burned and melted, and countless lights and shadows became mottled, as if it were a sinking and lost place.

Chu Yan knew that once the burned areas fell into it, it was equivalent to entering the vast void, which contained a terrifying storm.

That kind of storm, his current state and strength, once touched, in an instant, will be crushed.

So he concentrated all his spirits, constantly breaking through in a flash of fire and destruction.

"You dare to escape!"

It seems that because of the failure to suppress Chu Yan's "ants" all at once, the monk in the Purple House after the one-eyed anger was also angry at this moment.

The one-eyed not only seemed to be burning oil in the pupils, but even burning around the eyes.

Originally it was already evening at this time, the setting sun went down and the sun was shining.

But at this time, it seemed to be a blazing sun.

And this scorching sun will exceed the noon sun in any of the four seasons.

In an instant, the land was red.

Where the one-eyed line of sight passes, the trees turn into coke in a flash, the river blinks and depletes, and the rocks melt and turn into magma, flowing everywhere.

Chu Yan's constantly collapsed space, this time, all burned.

In a flash of fire, in an instant, condensed into a big fire dragon, opened a big mouth of blood basin, and rushed towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately raised his hand, a torrent of water, bombarded.

Rolling the Stygian River, engulfing monks of the same rank, it was extremely easy, but at this moment, this fire dragon was only slightly blocked, and it was evaporated.

"It's still the gap in the realm!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's eyes shook slightly.

At this time, he had already felt it. At this time, the realm should be the first stage of Zifu realm.

Otherwise, Styx will not stop the opponent.

But although the other party is the first stage of Zifu Realm, there is a major realm between him and him.

It was this great realm that made Chu Yan completely powerless to fight back at this time.

"Must go!"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with fine mans.

"I ... come ..." "No!"

Chu Yan shook his head immediately.

He naturally knew that if the shot after the gate of **** was changed, this monk from the Purple House had absolutely no counterattack ability and could be immediately beheaded.

But Chu Yan had a feeling at this time.

What you lack in your own promotion is such an opportunity now.

Cultivation requires not only precious materials and insights, but training like this is also essential.

"I'm only one level away now.

As long as I can complete from the current duality of Heaven's Mental State and be promoted to the Triple Level of Heaven's Mental State, I will have the strength to fight this person! "

Chu Yan's thoughts changed sharply, and he continued to shuttle among the fire dragons.

The void folds, Chu Yan's figure, a thousand miles away.

But this big fire dragon swept through the world, making him dangerous.

"Just go one step further.

And this step, I need time and space. "

At this time, Chu Yan moved.

"Looking at this monk's shot, he is not a monk who killed the ghost.

And it is more like a man in a deserted ancient building.

That being the case- "Chu Yan suddenly came up with a bold idea at this time.

Amidst the hot flames around him, he took a deep breath and his body suddenly stopped.

"you are dead!"

After the one-eyed in the air, a roar came.

The fire dragon swept through the air, hitting successive crits.

With the swing of the dragon's tail, the sky was burned down and collapsed. In a flash, the strong flame turned into a long river, engulfing Chu Yan.

The one-eyed breath seemed to take a long breath, and the rolling waves in his eyes subsided a little at this moment.

But just as the long river of flames fell from midair and crashed to the ground, Chu Yan's figure suddenly appeared again in midair! Just that moment, he deliberately revealed a flaw, but his figure was hidden in the depths of the void.

Then by the other party thinking that he beheaded himself, a moment of relaxation appeared, his body reappeared, the body's aura was running like a vast sea, and the surface of the stacked wave void bracelet was blooming, like a billowing flame, brightening a dazzling light. Stars.

At the same time, Chu Yan's other hand shook it violently.

Taiko demon soul flag in hand, waving violently towards the giant eyes.

Boom! The space around them suddenly opened up passages, and the army of demon souls turned into pillars of heaven, thrusting violently towards the giant eyes.


The giant eyes, which had been gradually decayed by the flames, suddenly burst into a blaze of sun in the depths of the eyes, and the flames slammed into the sky.

The rolling flames, a sudden impact, will destroy the giant pillars formed by the demon soul, and they will all be destroyed.


After the huge eyes, a roar came.

His eyes looked like a torch, penetrating thousands of miles away, and he wanted to rely on the pressure of Zifu, and immediately stunned Chu Yan.

But when his eyes smashed the void directly, he did not see Chu Yan.

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