Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1975: You didn't grow


I didn't expect that I would get a response from the other party. At this moment, the real man of Zifu couldn't help feeling hot.

He raised his head and looked towards the distance.

A crack appeared on the surface of the mountain at this time.

These cracks spread at a rate visible to the naked eye, as if they were cobwebs, spreading on the mountain.

After a moment, the mountain collapsed silently.

At the same time, the light gradually dimmed.

On the way to promotion, the mountain that blocked the road disappeared at this moment.

Chu Yan's arrogance went straight to the sky.

The ruined sky dome has become very peaceful and peaceful at this moment.

The twinkling stars appeared.

But at the moment was struck by Chu Yan's momentum, these stars are constantly shaking.

The next moment, it fell like a raindrop.

The real man of Zifu gathered his eyes and looked far away.

At this time, he could feel that Chu Yan's breath continued to climb upward.

Without the shackles of the barriers, the realm of the double perfection of the heavenly state of mind was relaxed, and was stepped on.

The realm comes directly to the triple of heaven's state of mind! Although it is only a trivial accomplishment of the state of mind, it is a major realm improvement.

Rumble! The billowing air waves became extremely sticky, with Chu Yan as the center, rolling and spreading violently towards the surroundings.

In the real eyes of the purple house, the fine mans flashed.

He flipped his wrist and took out more than a dozen blue pills.

A touch of transparency appeared on the surface of this medicine.

Through this transparency, you can even see that inside the elixir, the clouds are sinking, and the Xiaguang is vomiting.

Just a glance makes people feel refreshed.

Taking a breath, it is full of energy and full of aura.

At this time, the real man of the Purple House did not hesitate to swallow the dozen or so elixirs together.

Bang! Immediately, the aura in his body was strongly supplemented.

The surrounding voids are now sunken like steel plates.

"Boy, you have finished your promotion, then let's go to the second round!"

The fire at the foot of the real man of Zifu suddenly ignited a blazing fire and stepped out. Suddenly, the flame formed a dragon head, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and rushed towards Chu Yan.

At this time Chu Yan had just been promoted, and his breath was not completely stable.

But his closed eyes are now open.

In the eyes, there is a kind of indifference without sadness and joy.

At this time and Chu Yan looked at each other, Zifu real person's heart jumped inexplicably.

Faintly vaguely, there was a feeling of great difficulty in my heart.

It was just this emotion that was swallowed up by shame in the next moment.

"Yanlong Skyfire!"

He roared loudly, his hands hit rounds of scorching sun.

The dragon head beneath the feet, roaring again and again, the body seemed to burn through the void, freed from the depths, and swallowed the round of the sun in the sky.

Every bite swallowed, the power climbed up, and the nine rounds of the sun swallowed. This fire dragon has given people a point that is infinitely large and the Avenue of Life must be destroyed.

With a head roar, the dragon descended from the sky and swooped down towards Chu Yan.

Countless flame-fired Tianhe appeared beside it, mighty, pouring down.

Wherever it went, all the space was burnt through, the flame wrapped around the void storm, whining, and slamming toward Chu Yan.

The real face of the Purple Man is proud, and the eyes are grim.

"Although you have completed the promotion, Tianxin is Tianxin, and it can never be compared with Zifu! What's more, you have just completed the promotion and the atmosphere is unstable.

In this case, how dare you still come to provoke me.

Really do not know life and death! "

In his mouth, he was angry and screamed again and again, and the real man of Zifu seemed more interested.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes turned towards him.

At this glance, it seemed that he had directly crossed the distance of the space, and his eyes suddenly fell into the sea of ​​knowledge of the real man of Zifu, making the real man stunned.


Chu Yan's voice, at the same time, also sounded in the minds of real people.

"I didn't grow at all."

The voice was regretful and boring, so Zifu was shocked.

When he was about to refute, he saw Chu Yan looking up, spitting fire towards the sky, and roaring at Yanlong.

Chu Yan's pupils reflected the sky of fire, but it was still calm, as if he didn't care.

Just as Yan Long was about to smash down the top of his head, and the void above him was completely burned through, Chu Yan suddenly opened his mouth and sucked suddenly.

Unbelievable phenomena appeared.

With a loud bang, the Yanlong's figure shrank rapidly, and the endless flames surrounding it all turned into a stream, and was swallowed by Chu Yan in a flash.

In an instant, the clouds are light and the breeze is light, and the breeze is blowing, which is comfortable and pleasant.

The breeze gradually came, and oncoming, let the real man of Zifu froze in place.

His smug smile and maddening expression still solidified on his face, and he didn't have time to recede.

Time at this moment seems to have stopped for a moment.

After a while, Chu Yan looked towards the real man of Zifu: "Really, I didn't grow at all, and I will give it back to you!"

His voice fell, and his mouth opened.

The Yanlong, ten times more violent than just now, rushed to the real man of Zifu in an instant.

The flaming dragon that was made by the real magical power of the Purple House before, compared with this one Chu Yan spit out at this time, is simply a trivial small earthworm! Heaven and earth, this moment was burned to pieces.

The avenue is really spirited and destroyed by all means.

At this moment, the real man of Zifu even felt like he was blocked in the fire purgatory.

The robe on his body could not bear this terrifying power at this time. The surface flashed, and the internal formations and inscriptions immediately crackled and all shattered.

A magnificent robe, which lost the inscription of the formation, suddenly became an ordinary robe, and was instantly ignited by the flame.

The real man in the purple house hurriedly propped up the body protection Zhengang.

But the surrounding fire seemed to squeeze violently together with time and space.

His body protector Zhen Gang, at an alarming rate, consumes his aura.

Although the immortal medicines I just swallowed helped him to recharge the aura, but in this short moment, he was consumed more than 30%! "Ah! The open flame is divided into parasols!"

The real man of Zifu was so furious that he took out an umbrella that was simple in shape, like a bamboo braid, and opened it all at once.

A ray of blue smoke gathered into light and enveloped it.

The flames around them suddenly spread out around them.

The real face of Zifu looks better.

But before he could take a breath, the flames around him once again beat the shore like a raging wave, causing a tremendous amount of shock. A deafening sound broke out just now, and it smashed over.

At the same time, a palm suddenly appeared in the flame.

The eyes of the real man of the Purple Mansion changed again and again, and he was hurried to open the open flame and split the parasol to block it.

But Chu Yan's palms, like dragons, tigers, leopards, and eagles, suddenly penetrated the blazing flames, and suddenly caught on the umbrella surface, yanked.

Sigh! A magic weapon level magic weapon was directly torn by him, leaving only the umbrella bone.

At this moment, Real Man Zifu also felt that he was violently impacted by the force, and his whole body was really gangbang, swaying violently, slamming, and his body seemed to be a cannonball, and flew out.

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