Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1976: Crush Purple House

A pouting, **** arrow spurted from his throat.

Real people in Zifu feel like their arms are shattered.

The aura in his body was completely out of control, like countless steel needles, stabbing at the veins of his body, making his eyes black and almost fainting on the spot.

But compared to the pain in his body, the tremendous surprise and shock in his heart made him tremble even more.

The opponent not only returned his magical powers, but also had greater power. At this moment, he even shot directly, making him unable to fight back.

How can this be! The other party was promoted to a level.

However, it is still in the state of mind.

In front of the Purple Mansion, shouldn't the mind of heaven be the general existence of ants?

Now, how can this be ... what the other party has inherited! The real man of the Purple Mansion forcibly suppressed the blood flowing from his chest and looked towards Chu Yan.

With this look, he felt the blood flow stopped all over his body and his limbs were cold.

At that position, Chu Yan was no longer there! Bang! The sound of the void being stretched sounded, and the real man of the Purple House immediately saw a figure appearing above him.

"Zhenyang broke his heart!"

In fright, the real man of Zifu roared loudly, stretched out three fingers, and headed towards Chu Yan.

Rounds of light and shadow, revealing a strong and powerful atmosphere, killing the yin and yang, rushed out.

"Ha ha."

A sneer came.

Chu Yan raised his hand.

This light and shadow, just now condensed, was crushed by Chu Yan.

Then Chu Yan slapped toward the real man of Zifu: "Beijing Starry Dafa!"

Countless starlights converged from the horizon, turned into countless beams of light, and burst into bursts.

Boom! The layers of the world seem to be penetrated.

Crackling! Pieces of empty space were all smashed directly.

The ray of light hits the real man of Zifu, producing countless ripples of starlight.

Being rippled, there is a great power to break a universe.

The light exploded violently, and immediately flew the real man of Zifu nearly a hundred miles away, and even the defense did not have time to make it.

His body shattered every space.

The body was in mid-air, and even oppressed a trajectory visible to the naked eye.

This trajectory is solidified after oppressing the void, as if it had been there since ancient times.

puff! The blood arrow spurs in the mouth, and the look in the eyes of the real man of the Purple House changes from surprise to horror.

At this time he was finally determined.

I am not Chu Yan's opponent.

"This guy must have inherited a certain ancient power, and he must find a way to kill him!"

The real body of Zifu smashed into the ground, causing a major earthquake within a hundred miles.

When the ground was torn and collapsed, he took out a jade rune, and when the thought was turned, a line of information was printed on it.

But just when he was about to crush the jade rune and send out the message, a light blade of flame broke through the rushing smoke, and with a loud sound, he cut off his arm holding the jade rune, and then entered Off the ground.

Bang! There was a roar on the earth, and it immediately swelled up, like a large burst of energy, exploding in the depths and destroying everything.

The rocks melted instantly and became magma.

The ground was burned red and flowed directly.

Full of fear and despair, the real man of Zifu looked at Chu Yan's figure, suddenly fell, stepped on it, and trampled his arm into mud.

"The gulf between Zifu Realm and Heaven's Heart Realm ..." Chu Yan's words passed into the real ears of Zifu, so that he was horrified in addition to horror.

"It's really insurmountable."

This is what the real man from Zifu told Chu Yan before.

But this time, from the words of Chu Yan, it was full of satire.

The real man's cheeks suddenly burst into flames.

But at this time, he also understood that if he doesn't show his cards anymore, his life today must be handed over here! Running the aura, temporarily easing the injury to the arm, Zifu real man turned his eyes and sneered: "You have inherited great power, and the strength is far beyond the same level, which I did not expect in advance.

But you also need to know that Zifu is called Zifu, and it's not just the realm.

Then there is-belonging to the accumulation of the Purple House! "

With a loud rant, the real man of the Purple House suddenly ignited a fire.

At this moment, he seemed to become a fireman.

At this time, his body shape also changed. Suddenly, it turned into eight streamers and shot away in different directions.

At the same time, the flame-formed picture, like a wall, was blocked in front of Chu Yan.

These pictures are strange and strange, when they are separated, they give people a dazzling feeling. When they are overlapped, they seem to be a thousand worlds. When you look at them, you ca n’t help but indulge in them. You ca n’t help yourself.

And the surging flame, just a random move, is also a blow to the Purple Mansion Realm.

This is the strongest card of the real man of the Purple House.

"Daro Three Thousand Illusions, Fire and Magical Powers! Boy, wait!"

In the eight scattered fires, the real life of Zifu came full of vicious cursing.

But this voice came from all directions, let people do not know which one is the real body of this Purple Mansion.

"Break the Spirit Flame!"

There was another roar, eight flashes of fire, and suddenly a touch of gold appeared.

This golden light looks sacred and noble.

Suddenly, all the voids that had passed were cut away.

This cutting is also different from the ordinary broken void.

This is closer to a method of escape.

At this time, with the display of this magical power, Chu Yan could feel that the aura in the real body of the Purple Mansion was rapidly consumed, but the Eight Paths of Fire also began to become looming.

Obviously, this supernatural power, although costly, can help him escape quickly.

Because with the completion of Chu Yan's promotion, the strength of the void barrier that had existed in the surroundings has been greatly weakened than before.

At this moment his chance to escape appeared.

To stop Chu Yan with the three thousand magical gods of fire and magical powers, he cast his own shattered spirit flame to get away, this is the last card of the real man of the Purple House.

This is also the situation that he has never been so embarrassed since he opposed the enemy! "Do you really think you can walk away?"

Chu Yan sneered, his figure rose from the sky, and he threw the sky seal in his hand.

Vast aura, slammed into it.

The earth-shattering quake shook in the air. Suddenly, a strong, close force appeared out of nowhere, and in an instant, covered a thousand miles.

At that moment, there was also a jingling sound, rubbing the void, and striking Mars.

"You still have such a treasure!"

The real man's roar of excitement came from Zifu.

"It's more than that."

Chu Yan sneered and raised his hand in the face of the various scenes condensed by the fire in front of him.

"Ten thunder and thunder!"

Sigh! Suddenly, there was a thunder and thunder.

All the pictures were torn apart.

In the thunder, Chu Yan stepped forward, flew to a higher sky dome, raised his hand to pick up the position of the stars, and stomped with a sharp foot.

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