Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1978: Guwaifang Town

Silver Butterfly Canyon.

The place where the ghost kills the treasure.

Shuangzifu live guard.

Chu Yan knew this secret from the memory of the man in the purple shirt of the ghost killing court.

This hidden place in the Silver Butterfly Canyon is, to a certain extent, one of the pillars that the Ghost Killing Pavilion can grow bigger and bigger for so many years.

If you compare the Ghost Killing Pavilion to a growing human race, then the Silver Butterfly Canyon is the spine of this person.

What is hidden here is not a treasure trove.

It is an extremely secret treasure.

This treasure can help the ghost killing pavilion continue to cultivate talents.

Thereby, the development is very fast, and the bigger the bigger.

Although Chu Yan knew before, he had no idea of ​​playing this treasure. The main reason is that he was not strong enough.

At that time, he had not yet dealt with the power of Zifujing.

As for using the power behind the gate of hell, Chu Yan never considered it.

Unless this is the last card, Chu Yan will not use it easily.

Because there is no way to control.

With such thoughts, Chu Yan rode on Zijin Thunder Ape and headed towards Silver Butterfly Canyon.

After Zijin Storm Thunder Ape recovered from his injuries, it showed its strength of Tianxin level, which is far faster than ordinary flying magic weapon, and indeed helped Chu Yan save a lot of time.

When he came to a place less than ten thousand miles from Silver Butterfly Canyon, Chu Yan stopped Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

In the forest, Chu Yan asked the other party: "You have always shown people in the form of beasts, but if you are a big demon, should you be able to be a human?

"If I go back to my master, I can become a humanoid."

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape reverently replied.

Chu Yan understands that there are some monster beasts who feel that their animal form is more distinguished, so even if they can be transformed, they often appear in animal form.

This Zijin Thunder Ape belongs to this category.

However, what Chu Yan wants it to do next is not appropriate in the form of a beast.

After repeating his request, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape did not hesitate, the whole body thundered, and after a while, his figure began to shrink in a dazzling thunder.

Soon after Lei Guang dissipated, a middle-aged man who appeared taller than normal appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Fang Fangzheng's face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, burly figure, the whole body reveals a strong breath.

This image is quite similar to the generals who commanded millions of soldiers and horses in the secular dynasty and rushed to kill the enemy.


Chu Yan nodded, "I will do what I told you to do after a while, understand?"

"Yes, the subordinates will not let the master down."

The ape demon solemnly said.

Chu Yan immediately turned the stacked wave void bracelet, and his figure immediately disappeared.

After waiting for a while, the ape demon quickly ran forward from the mountain forest.

Compared with the animal form, it trampled on the ground and ravaged all the violent states than at this time, its action was more agile and silent.

Taking a few steps, Chu Yan came to a town above Fang Town less than three thousand miles from Yindie Canyon.

Ghost Killing Pavilion is naturally impossible to tell others with great fanfare that they have hidden treasures in the Silver Butterfly Canyon.

Moreover, most of the killers in the ghost killing cabinet, except for the group of people who are respected in the ghost killing cabinet, are also unknown.

In the world's cognition, Silver Butterfly Canyon is a canyon in addition to the strange landforms.

It is as common as the countless mountains and rivers on the mainland.

Chu Yan was standing in the air at this time, looking up, he could also see it.

In the distance, there is a bright silver mountain.

Between these peaks, there is a canyon.

The canyon is meandering and winding, which is not much different from other canyons.

The only thing that catches people's attention is that the whole gorge presents the color of pure silver, even brighter than the surrounding mountains.

It's like pouring it from washed silver.

Some people used to think that this Silver Butterfly Canyon was made of silver mines.

But then it was found that it was not.

The canyons are all ordinary stones, just a special color.

The entire canyon, there is no natural treasure, it is very common.

As for why it is called the Silver Butterfly Canyon, it is only because looking from a height, the canyon and the surrounding peaks look like a large butterfly with wings spread.

However, Chu Yan already knew the secret of the Silver Butterfly Canyon through the memory of the man in the purple shirt.

So at this time, he was quiet, and first fell into this town of Fang outside the Silver Butterfly Canyon.

The town of Fang is not large in scale, but it is deliberately managed by the Guishage.

It is said to be Fangzhen, but in fact it is more like a trading place where spontaneous repairs are brought together spontaneously.

Therefore, not only can you often see some extraordinary monks, but you can also buy some rare treasures.

Even things that are not visible on weekdays can be found here as long as there is a way.

With this Fang town as a cover, there is no need to worry about the Ghost Killing Pavilion. There are often monks in this mediocre Silver Butterfly Canyon, which is doubtful.

At the same time, this town has become a place for them to collect information.

As for Chu Yan's special trip to this town, the reason is even simpler.

To go to Silver Butterfly Canyon, you must cross this town.

Otherwise, it will arouse the vigilance of the Ghost Killing Pavilion.

From the memory of the man in the purple shirt, Chu Yan knew that there were at least two low-level purple houses in Silver Butterfly Canyon all year round.

Occasionally one more will be added.

He is bound to get the treasure this time, so he does not want to miss it.

If you are as aggressive as in the past, it will attract the other party's awareness, and then you will take the thing away, and it will not be so easy to get it next time.

After all, Purple House can tear the void.

Although he now has the strength of Zifu Realm, he can't pass through the void like Zifu Realm.

Immediately after entering Fangzhen, Chu Yan felt a sense of God fell upon himself.

Some are curious, while others are bad intentions.

Chu Yan snorted, letting go of the triple pressure of his own state of mind.

Suddenly, those who spied on their own consciousness withdrew most of them like a piss.

In this heavy realm, the threefold Xiaocheng of Tian Xinjing is the lowest, but in the entire realm of Tian Xinjing, it is already at the upper level.

The monks gathered here are still based on the condensed veins and the primordial realm, so for a moment, Chu Yan just stepped forward, but the surrounding monks avoided him.

But there are so few consciousnesses that have fallen on him since he entered Fangzhen.

Even if Chu Yan let go of the heavenly coercion, these consciousnesses never moved away.

Obviously, the masters of these gods have no good ideas.

Chu Yan did not care at this moment.

His consciousness is far beyond the same level in the current state.

Therefore, the masters of these consciousnesses did not know their small movements, and Chu Yan was watching them all the way.

Since he came to this town this time, he turned around and looked around.

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