Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1979: dead

This square town outside Silver Butterfly Canyon, in addition to helping the Guishou Pavilion hide its whereabouts, as well as collecting information, also has a role.

That is to help the Guishangge sell.

The biggest business of Guishangge is to help employers kill people.

The employer wanted to kill, so since the target was killed, the killer of the Ghost Killing Pavilion would naturally not be able to leave the treasures on the employer.

So under normal circumstances, the ghost killer kills the target, and will take away the storage magic on the target.

However, the rules of the Ghost Killing Cabinet are strict, and these storage magic weapons are not allowed to be opened privately by the killer. If they steal the things, they will be punished.

These storage magic weapons must be handed over to the Guishou Pavilion, and then distributed by the elder regiment.

The treasures in the storage magic weapon, part of them, will naturally be rewarded to the killer who completed the mission.

In the other part, either the Ghost Killing Pavilion stays on its own, or it is secretly distributed through channels similar to Fangzhen at this moment, and replaced with a more affordable spirit stone.

Chu Yan turned around in this town, but still found some small objects that made his eyes shine.

There are three realms of his heavenly state of mind, and the monks who sell do not dare to talk about prices at all.

So Chu Yan went very smoothly and found several treasures.

However, when buying one or two of the treasures, Chu Yan clearly felt that the price given by the other party was lower than his psychological expectations.

And more than a little.

After making a circle in Fangzhen, Chu Yan walked out of another entrance and exit of Fangzhen.

This entrance is facing the direction of Silver Butterfly Canyon.

In order to make Silver Butterfly Canyon look as common as possible, it is naturally impossible to cover it with a mysterious array or a phantom array.

There are mortals or monks who want to go, and they will not stop.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be for the sake of covering up.

It's just that they also used a little trick.

After a lot of news about "Silver Butterfly Canyon is very common" and "nothing in it", there were obviously fewer people going to Silver Butterfly Canyon.

At this time Chu Yan walked out of Fangzhen.

He found that the consciousnesses that fell on him did not leave, but still fell on himself.

At this time, he simply spread his own consciousness.

So soon he found that in the position beside him, several figures of the monk of the heavenly state of mind were bypassing themselves and rushing towards the front.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart, took out the world chessboard, and flew forward in a hurry at his own speed.

Flying a distance of about a thousand miles, all of a sudden, several figures flew from all over, and in the midair, Chu Yan surrounded the center.

Chu Yan's eyes were swept away, and there were five people in total, all of whom were in a state of mind.

The number and level of the monks who spy on themselves in Fangzhen are the same.

They are right.

"This guru is so bold, but in Fangzhen, he has bought a lot of good things."

Among them, the seemingly leading monk said with a smile.


Chu Yan looked faintly and looked at the other party, "The five elements are in a large array, and the five people will exert their power. The power will multiply. If you have anything, just say it, I'm in a hurry."

Unexpectedly, Chu Yan immediately pointed out his own hidden trick, and the leading monk could not help but stunned for a moment.

But soon, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said: "It seems that your Excellency is also a person who understands, then since this is the case, I will say it straight.

Your Excellency is also the master of the triple mind state, and you can definitely know that our loose practice is not easy.

A few of our brothers have just seen you buy a lot of precious materials at a low price in Fangzhen.

You can see our hole cards at a glance, and we will not embarrass you.

Give those brothers who are obviously low-cost treasures a few pieces, Master, you will make another piece of spirit stone for road purchase.

That's all for today. "

"Actually, those few treasures were sold to me at a low price, which you instructed."

Chu Yan's tone was faint, "cheap people bought it at a low price, and then snatched it back halfway.

This is also because looking at my realm is high, you feel a little tricky to kill.

If you encounter a low level, you should just kill it directly. Take the treasure and the treasure carried by the other party together. "

This kind of trap, Chu Yan has seen not too much.

It can be said that this little trick of these monks, in Chu Yan's eyes, is almost childish for two or three years old.

Although Chu Yan's tone was bland, he was able to reveal his own plans and mentality in a pinch.

Suddenly, these five monks changed their faces.

The leading monk even narrowed his eyes and squinted his mouth, his face sullen for a while.

The opponent's state is high, and so calm, always feel that this fat sheep is not so easy to deal with.

At the time of silence, among the five, the monk hovering on the left side of Chu Yan, Zhang Ya danced claws and said: "Brother, what nonsense is he talking to him, I think he said so much, just want to delay the time, we are like the past , Just kill him directly, anyway, at this time he has entered the battle, we ... "The monk was talking, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He felt like he was flying in the air.

But when he looked down, he immediately saw that he was still there in the air below.

At this time, it was only his head that flew.

At the next moment, this head slammed into a smog of blood.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the leading monk who had his eyes widened in an instant. He spit out two words in a very relaxed tone: "Noisy."


The leading monk recovered, and was furious.

But immediately, deep fear swept his mind.

He did not see how the opponent shot! And at the moment, five people died, and the five-element formation was broken.

Their hole cards are no longer there.

"We ..." "Dead!"

Chu Yan moved when he didn't finish talking to the other party.

It was like a stream of light, passing through the crowd.

The whole process takes less than 10,000th of a blink.

But this piece of void is like a mirror cut off at this time.

Chu Yan stepped on the world chess board as if nothing happened, and continued to fly forward.

The monks stopped in the air and did not move at all.

When Chu Yan flew away, their bodies suddenly split like the cut void, and then exploded.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Four celestial monks were exploded into four groups of flesh and blood mud.

The blood and the aura mixed together and rolled towards the surroundings.

But at this time, Chu Yan had come to the Silver Butterfly Canyon.

As the distance got closer, the valley was connected to the surrounding peaks, like a pattern of a silver-winged butterfly, the more clearly it became clear.

But in Chu Yan's eyes, the silver butterfly is actually more like a gleaming white moth.

Hovering halfway in the air, Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and Lingzhi suddenly spread towards the entire canyon.

The first time, no abnormalities were found.

But Chu Yan's expression did not change at all.

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