Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1980: Treasure of the Ghost Killing Pavilion

The meaning of Silver Butterfly Canyon to Ghost Killing Pavilion is self-evident.

If he can be discovered at once, it will make Chu Yan doubt.

And from the spirit of the man in the purple shirt, he only knew that there was such a treasure in this silver butterfly canyon, and he had at least two guardians of the purple palace realm.

As for the specific location ... To be honest, the man in the purple shirt is also unclear.

After all, although he has a high status, he has not enough state.

Some secrets, it is still not possible to know more specific circumstances.

So Chu Yan was not in a hurry, and continued to spread his consciousness, and explored this area more carefully.

One inch, one inch, even one grass and one tree, never let go.

There is still no second pass.

Chu Yan calmed down and continued to explore.

The third time, the fourth time ... The impact of the consciousness is deepening.

Chu Yan didn't believe he couldn't find it.

Since it is the Purple Mansion that protects here, the ability to hide treasures is naturally within the ability of the Purple Mansion.

It is impossible to say that a purple palace realm has exerted the power of true fairyland to hide a treasure.

Such things may happen to him in the future.

But it happened in the ghost killing pavilion, that is impossible.

He already has the power to kill Zifu Realm, so if he really wants to find it, he can definitely find it.

Waiting for the tenth time, Chu Yan moved his heart.

Behind a rock in Silver Butterfly Canyon, he discovered unusual spatial fluctuations.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were sharp and clear: "Yes!"

After a moment, he stood in front of the big rock.

This rock protrudes from a rock wall in the canyon.

There are rocks like this, there are 10,000 to 8,000, which is too ordinary.

But it was just said that it was on this rock that a faint wave of spatial fluctuation was felt.

If it was n’t he who was looking for it deliberately, then he might think that the momentary fluctuation would be an illusion.

But strange things happened at this time.

When he came to the rock again at this time, he probed with his consciousness, but found that he could not feel the space fluctuation again.

"What the **** is this?"

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment without vigorously bombarding.

Using divine consciousness to investigate, the other party's Zifujing did not respond, which means that Zifujing didn't care about the monk's divine consciousness.

However, if you don't understand the problem at this moment, you will rashly take action, then the other party will naturally respond immediately.

"The understanding of space seems to be much worse than the real Purple House.

After all, they can tear the void and open the channel.

What I rely on is the external magic weapon such as the Tieling Void Bracelet. "

Chu Yan thought about it, would you like to ask the one behind the gate of **** on this matter.

After all, that must know.

However, I didn't plan to let the other party intervene in this matter in advance, and now I always feel weird when asked.

When Chu Yan was hesitant, he suddenly thought.

Following the sensation, the arm scratched in emptiness.

Immediately, a small stick, about the thickness of an adult's thumb, appeared in Chu Yan's hand.

This was discovered by him in the treasure house of Tiangangmen.

At that time, this little stick was burnt by thunder, and there was no change in his handsome bite, so Chu Yan left it.

However, I haven't figured out what material the slender stick is made of, so Chu Yan forgot about it.

But just now, when he was facing the rock, he obviously felt that the stick had changed.

Holding the stick in his hand at the moment, Chu Yan looked at the stick and looked at the rock.

The rock remained unchanged, the stick was held in his hand, nor did it get hot or cold, or the color changed.

Chu Yan thought about it and leaned the stick towards the rock.

When approaching, there is no specific response.

But when the stick touched the rock, Chu Yan immediately felt that the stick in his hand was obviously sinking.

As if in a flash, the weight has increased several times! "Ok?"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and an idea rose in his heart.

Almost at the same moment, the voice behind the gate of Hell sounded in his knowledge of the sea.

"Smash ... it ..." This sentence coincides with Chu Yan's thoughts.

Lifting the stick, Chu Yan hit the rock.

The rock cracked.

But Chu Yan only had the feeling of hitting the rock, but when the rock was smashed and shattered, there was no sound.

In the canyon, the wind blew after this moment.

The rock suddenly broke into knuckle-sized pieces and fell to the ground.

A hazy, twisted void, like a door, appeared in front of Chu Yan.

"It turns out the secret is here!"

Chu Yan looked at the stick in his hand.

At this time, he had roughly guessed the role of this stick.

"It can detect changes in space."

Knowing the role, it's much easier to manage.

But at this moment, the hiding place has been found, and it is not needed for the time being. Chu Yan put the stick away and stepped into the twisted void.

This twisted void is a teleportation space.

Chu Yan didn't have to worry about the existence of a void storm, nor did he have to worry about being transported to a dangerous place.

Because according to his knowledge.

After selecting the talents to be cultivated, Ghost Killing Pavilion will send them to Silver Butterfly Canyon.

When these people came, if they were in the condensed vein, they would spend three or five years in the Silver Butterfly Canyon, and when they appeared again, they would become the primordial realm.

And if it is the land of the Yuan Dynasty, stay here for a dozen or twenty years, and then go out, it will become the state of mind.

In other words, through this teleportation space, the place reached is the mysterious treasure that can raise the monk's realm.

If there is any danger in it, the talents of the ghost killing court will be dead.

Ningmaijing is still safe, not to mention Chuyan today.

After one step, Chu Yan found that he was hovering in the air.

Surrounded by motley, shining space barriers.

In front of him, there was a meandering path, like a passage inside the intestines.

In this passage, the consciousness is blocked, I do not know how far.

But Chu Yan did not hesitate and flew forward quickly.

The flashing light and shadow in the passage quickly passed by him quickly.

After turning around dozens of corners, a bright light appeared before Chu Yan.

At the same time, a scent of light grass and flowers flew over.

Chu Yan can also hear the rumbling sound like a waterfall.

Fly forward for a while, and fly out of the exit, and the warm sunlight is coming.

In front of Chu Yan's eyes, suddenly bright.

Under his feet and all around, it was still a silvery white, pure rock free of impurities.

That means that at this time he is still in the Silver Butterfly Canyon.

But the place in front of him was a different picture than expected.

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