Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1981: Innate treasure, Double Purple House

A beam of light leaked from above, illuminating an area.

The pure light makes people feel that the air has become clean for a while.

In the light of the light, a crystal skull appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This crystal skull is about the size of a house.

Inside the crystal, there is flowing water like a clear spring.

This water flow is extremely clear, and the rhythm generated at this time can make people calm down instantly.

"This is the treasure that can help the monk get promoted?"

Chu Yan was deep in his heart.

From the memory of the man in the purple shirt, he has learned that this is a "congenital treasure".

Like the Xihai Zhaohunzhu he obtained before, it was born out of the avenue, formed naturally, and was not made by anyone.

No matter who gets such a treasure, regardless of its role, it can be said that it is a great source of blessings if it can be obtained.

"No wonder the Guishou Pavilion can rise quickly in a short period of time, and there are a steady stream of high-level monks among them.

Although it is only an organization formed by loose cultivation, the hidden strength is enough to make many sects dare not easily provoke. "

Seeing this innate treasure at this time, Chu Yan understood it completely.

Innate treasures can quickly raise the monk's realm, and it will not be like the panacea, which may bring some bad effects.

This is simply to give everyone a "clean jade body", so don't make people too envious.

"As long as you practice inside, then everyone becomes a wonderful person."

Chu Yan raised his hand and was about to grab this crystal skull.

But Li Dao was about to get close to the skull. Suddenly, a light appeared in the void.

The light film with incomparable toughness blocked Chu Yan's strength.

At the same time, there were sounds like twilight morning clock.

In the mighty knocking sound, the two sides of this void, like the thick fog spread out, even appeared the phantom of two mountains.

At the top of the two mountains, a monk sat cross-legged.

A gray-haired, dry and thin, like a drooping old man, even speaking a word is very difficult.

The other is a middle-aged woman, with a wide body and fat body, her eyebrows raised, and she looks very spicy.

But no matter how they look, Chu Yan can feel the coercion from the Purple House at this moment.

The magical power of the Purple House is far higher than the state of mind.

What the two men presented to Chu Yan at this time was not the ontology, but the projection made by supernatural powers.

The deep and magnificent light makes these two figures give people a sense of towering mountains, the sky above the head, eternal life, and overlooking the soul.

If it is an ordinary monk, just by the momentum of the other party at this time, the body is already shaking and the soul is swaying.

Chu Yan's eyes swept, his expression relaxed, and his five fingers suddenly pushed forward.

Rumble! The light film quickly collapsed, and the sound of landslides and cracks erupted.

The light cast from high altitude suddenly seemed to be shattered, and became messy and dim.

For a moment, the light film was stretched to the extreme, and the distance was torn apart, leaving a line of separation.


At this time, a loud drink came from the depths of the void.

The rich female nun sitting on the top of the mountain, a whole circle of light radiated from the whole body, revealing a mysterious atmosphere, like a beam of light that travels through a long river, and suddenly, stepped out of myth, and the moment In time, it appeared above Chu Yan.

"Xianfu is a heavy place, and I have to stop now!"

The female nun was condescending and looked at Chu Yan with a harsh tone and glared.

A wave of coercion suddenly seemed like a tide, and wave after wave came towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan kept moving in his hands, seeming to laugh, looking at the other party: "Has the ghost killing pavilion also become a fairy palace?"


In the eye of the female, the flash of fineness flashed.

She hadn't disclosed the information of the ghost killing court before, that is, she didn't want to expose the background of this place.

Originally, according to her assumption, even if a monk broke in by mistake and felt the coercion of two real people in the Purple House, they would retreat.

But now, when Chu Yan made such an opening, he immediately showed that he was prepared.

If you only know the secret of this place, there is only one ending, that is-"dead!"

The real man of Zifu drank sharply, his tongue blossomed, and his palm turned toward Chu Yan.

Rumble! Hundreds and thousands of mountains, layer upon layer, suppressed towards Chu Yan.

The void in which he is located must be filled up and exploded at this moment.

Even his soul seems to be crushed completely in the next moment.

"I really thought I could kill me?"

Chu Yan snorted coldly and raised his hand in a void.

The aura in the body circulates violently, just like a mad dragon roaring, and in an instant, it turns into a thunder dragon.

"Ten thunder and thunder!"

Suddenly, thunders with countless thick water tanks appeared.

Thunder and thunder, like a spear of punishment, fell from the sky and torrentially slammed down.

Click, click, click! The cracked mountain peaks were pierced and shattered.

Pieces of rock were entangled in the interwoven power grid, and in an instant, they were blown into powder.

With a bang, the landmines surged, and the endless explosion filled the void in an instant.

Countless mountain peaks, blinking kung fu [Biquge www.bequge.xyz], disappeared, turned into billowing smoke.


The **** Zifu Nuzhen revealed a surprised look.

At this moment, with a clatter, the billowing smoke and tide generally separated from the middle.

Chu Yan's figure, dragons and tigers stepped out of it.

There was a thunderous light, crackling, and above him, beside him, and under his feet, he formed a beast-like image.

The void that was originally condensed by the real people of Zifu was suddenly stretched out.


Chu Yan spit out a word.

This word shakes the sky and slams the film.

Countless lights, like meteors, shoot around.


The Jurchen was furious and snarled.

She has naturally seen that Chu Yan is the triple of the state of mind.

However, a triple-hearted state of mind broke her magical power, and at this moment it even directly broke the ban.

This kind of strength, like a guru, is simply an unreasonable beast.

Looking at Chu Yan, the murderous intention of this plump Jurchen broke out, and there were words in his mouth.

Suddenly, an infinite light appeared behind her.

These lights, washed layer by layer, converge into a large river, a lake, and finally turn into a colorful sea.

The banging sound was deafening.

"Wonderful pilgrimage, wild sea and vast sea!"

An angry scream broke out in her mouth, and she reached out and grabbed a long trident out of this gorgeous and deep sea.

The trident was colorful and moved a little, as if pulling out countless Tianhe Rivers and falling from the Xinghai.

A sacred breath radiated from her.

Chu Yan suddenly felt that his pace of progress was blocked by an invisible force.

At the same time, the light flashed.

He looked up at the colorful sea that was constantly approaching him.

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