Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1987: Third Avenue

After a while, there was only a little bit left in the handwriting. It seemed that it was only the size of the thread, and it was still disappearing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Chu Yan's mood at this time was extremely calm.

Even if the whole world exploded in front of him, I'm afraid it won't attract him the slightest attention.

There is Simen Avenue, the light is getting darker and darker at the moment, and it can even be said that there is only a trace of outline.

And this silhouette, you need to open your eyes desperately and look carefully to see the difference.

The handwriting stopped in the fifteenth floor of the Guixu Tower was almost invisible at this time, and even the legs of the mosquitoes were not as good. I am afraid that the next one or two breathing exercises will completely disappear.

The disappearance means that Chu Yan's chance of enlightenment is completely lost.

The last four spots in front of Chu Yan, and the last ray of outline, were almost imperceptible.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

In the darkness, his eyes shined like stars.

Even the flare that was about to disappear, at this time, suddenly cleared for a moment! Chu Yan raised his hand quickly.

Fingertips quickly touched one of the spots.

There seemed to be a deep trace in the dark, with supreme truth imprinted in Chu Yan's heart.


Chu Yan's heart moved.

But at this time, he did not immediately enlighten.

Ordinary people will be satisfied for a lifetime.

But how could Chu Yan be so satisfied.

The remaining three light spots quickly disappeared as Chu Yan raised his hand.

Chu Yan raised his other hand at the moment and touched towards another light spot that was about to dissipate.

This time, it's a gamble.

Because Dadao's enlightenment is just a feeling, there is no substance at all.

At this moment, just because of instinct, he pointed his finger in the direction where he felt it should be.

As for whether he can enlighten himself or not, Chu Yan will not know what the path will be.

But one thing, Chu Yan can be sure.

That is the road to enlightenment, and it is absolutely impossible to produce it out of thin air.

Any avenue is born from one's own heart.

Only when it resonates with the world and is in line with the principle, will it stand out and be controlled by yourself.

Even at this time, Chu Yan was not sure if he could enlighten himself again.

However, since there is such an opportunity, it cannot be missed! With fingertips.

Snapped! It's like a foam that bursts in the air.

Three light spots remained, all disappeared.

The handwriting that hung in the air, as if it were curled up, disappeared.

Chu Yan's hand stopped in midair.

He looked at his fingertips.

Almost at the moment when the light spot disappeared, his finger touched the past.

So at this moment, he was not sure whether he had contacted the avenue at that time.

Waiting quietly for a moment, there seems to be no more sentiment in my heart.

"Nothing--" Chu Yan could not help but sigh slightly.

"It really can't be forced."

Although the words said so, at this time, Chu Yan's heart actually had a little regret.

The chance of direct contact with the avenue, how many monks dare not dream.

It's already amazing to be able to comprehend a avenue from it.

"You can't be too greedy."

Chu Yan warned himself in this way.

But the thought hadn't been dissipated before, and suddenly he was shocked.

Immediately after that wisdom, another rhythm of Tao appeared at this time.

At the beginning, Dao Yun was only a touch of light, which made Chu Yan's breath almost frozen.

After a while, this rhyme diffused and condensed, becoming extremely thick and solid, directly printed on his heart.

After the destruction and wisdom, a new avenue mark was imprinted on the heart of Chu Yan's Tao.


The way of time! Chu Yan recovered his breath.

But this moment of breathing became heavy.

I really realized that there was a avenue! And it's the way of time that I didn't think of before! In fact, before trying to comprehend again, Chu Yan had guessed in his heart that if he succeeded, he would comprehend a new avenue.

At that time, he guessed that what he could understand was the way of space.

Because although he is still in the state of mind, he already has too much experience in shuttle and folding the void.

There is also insight in this regard.

Or the way of killing.

But the result is the way of time.

"It also means that I have realized it in terms of time, but I haven't noticed it all ---" Chu Xin suddenly looked at him.

He vaguely guessed why he understood the way of time.

"Sansei Hitomi! Sneak into the past, present, and future Sansheng Hitomi!"

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Previously in the Sansheng Mountain, he was dragged into the long river of time by the zombie emperor's Sansheng Hitomi.

There, he crossed the long river of time and saw the past.

At that time, he didn't even realize it, just because of this opportunity, he felt something about time.

I didn't even expect that this realization would allow him to understand the way of time in this opportunity.

"Avenue--" At this time, Chu Yan did not immediately emerge from the Guixu Pagoda, but still knelt in the same place and felt carefully.

The mind is running, and Dao marks appear in the void behind Chu Yan, slowly appearing.

Dao marks are different from magical powers and exercises.

It has no physical existence, just an insight.

Therefore, what emerged behind Chu Yan at this time is not a specific form, but a breath.

This kind of breath, in the eyes of different people, will produce different forms.

At this moment, the three breaths haunted Chu Yan, slowly rotating.

"The way of destruction can multiply my strength. There is no indestructible thing and no indestructible body in the world between supernatural powers."

As Chu Yan murmured, a mysterious chant also sounded around him.

"The way of wisdom can transform my mind into tens of millions. When used in cultivation, the ability of enlightenment and enlightenment is greatly improved. I am versatile and enlightened to learn the powers of the heavens.

When used in fighting methods, planning and layout, every move of the other party, I can guess in advance and make a response. "

"The way of time is currently the most obscure and difficult to understand, but the places that can be used are also the most comprehensive. Mastering the way of time and space, the future can be condensed into its own field. In the field, no one can beat it!"

Such thoughts, Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand, stretched out his fingertips, and swiped quickly in front of him.

Every time, there is a Reiki shot.

But it is very strange that after this aura shot, it disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared.

Chu Yan shot dozens of auras in a row.

These auras, without exception, are all submerged in the void and disappear.

But for this, Chu Yan didn't seem to care at all.

After finishing this series of actions, he closed his eyes and re-entered the state of thinking.

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