Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1988: The strength scared the ape

Chapter 1988 just after he closed his eyes again, after a moment of effort.

Uh! An arc formed by aura suddenly appeared a few feet away in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and fourth ... dozens of auras, followed closely, and all appeared in that position! This aura of spirit, condensed, solidified, with a bang, suddenly burst out, and in an instant, turned into a dazzling ball of light.

The burst of light was extremely dazzling, as if in the fifteenth floor of the Guixu Tower, a sun rose at this moment.

The rolling spirit tide, as if it were thick seawater, rushed out towards the surroundings.

At the moment, the ground around Chu Yan was oppressed and cracked.

Chu Yan's figure was also engulfed by the light, and the spirit tide roared, blowing up his long hair.

But he still didn't move.

Soon afterwards, the light gradually dimmed, and the spirit tide rolled up around him subsided.

Chu Yan's eyes opened just now.

Experience the explosive aftertaste in the air carefully, Chu Yan exhales, and reveals a thoughtful look: "Time--" Just now his shot, although there seems to be no other special, but carefully experience it, It can definitely make any monk tremble! The spirits hit by the air subsided into the void.

Then at the same time, detonate them all together.

Imagine if Chu Yan just played not aura, but a magical power.

Taiyi Lihuodao, Sword of Three Dead Corpses, Taiko Demon Soul Banner, Taiko Demon Soul Rune, Ten Thunder Swords, and so on.

Hit them out, and then detonate them all at the same time and at the same position! Chu Yan is now in threefold success in the state of mind, but can be cut into one in the Purple Mansion.

Further up, it is very difficult.

But now I have mastered the way of time.

Use the way of time to do so, and gather the magical power to play together.

I am afraid that the opponent who could not be defeated will be beheaded! Moreover, Chu Yan now has mastered the way of wisdom. Under the rapid change of his mind, he can think of thousands of thoughts, set countless traps, and make all kinds of confusions.

In this way, it is difficult for the other party to be fooled.

"Mastering the way of wisdom and the way of time not only improves the strength at the current stage, but also greatly benefits the promotion and perception afterwards."

Chu Yan got up, only to feel that his whole body was cheerful.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking.

If you have realized these two avenues before, and then go to get the innate magical crystal skull, I am afraid that the two Purple Palace monks will have no chance to shoot.

But this is just an imagination.

Perhaps it may be that he did n’t kill the two Purple Mansion monks, he came to realize the Avenue, perhaps because he lacked the mentality to kill two Purple Mansion at the same time. .

There is no if and if on Xiuxian Road.

"This time I can understand the fruits of the two avenues, which are brought about by the various reasons I have made in the past."

Chu Yan soon wanted to understand this, relieved in his heart, no longer entangled.

As soon as his figure moved, he left the Guixu Tower and returned to the real world.

At this moment, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape is still strictly following the route pointed out by Chu Yan in advance, and quickly moving through the mountains.

On this way, although some Zongmen and Xiuxian families were deliberately avoided, occasionally some monks or monsters were encountered.

Seeing the shadows moving quickly, the monks' eyes flashed, and the monsters felt their territory was violated.

But when the Zijin Thunder Ape showed high-level coercion during the metamorphosis period, the monks ran their heads together and ran, and the monsters burrowed into the ground as deep as they could hide.

Seeing the monks and monsters who were scared away directly by themselves, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape couldn't help but lift his chest proudly, extremely proud.

In the final analysis, we are also the blood of the gods and beasts, who sees who ... afraid?

As soon as this thought came to my mind, all of a sudden, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape felt a pressure of coercion coming from his back.

This coercion comes from the truth.

The so-called avenue is heaven.

No matter how strong a monk is, he lives under the heavenly path and is bound by it.

At this moment, Dao Daoyun appeared directly on his back, and the purple gold thunder ape just burst into his heart, and his legs were soft and almost fell to the ground.

But soon, he felt the breath from Chu Yan.

"Master, master?"

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape did not dare to turn his head.

He was afraid that he would be crushed into meat patties when he faced this rhyme directly.


Hearing Chu Yan's response, Zijin Thunder Ape's chest fluctuated and nodded: "It's just you, it's you."

The owner is right. It really scared the ape.

Chu Yan's thoughts moved, and the way of wisdom worked automatically. Immediately, he understood what was going on.

So Dao Yun, who escaped, was quickly taken back by him.

The breath of the ancient haunt that filled the whole body suddenly dissipated completely, as if it had never appeared.

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape immediately felt light all over.

It also understood at this time that the period when the master disappeared must have been improved.

This kind of improvement can't just be reflected by the change of state.

This is rare and terrifying.

And Zijin Thunder Ape has a feeling.

When Daoyun first appeared, although he was frightened by the weak legs for the first time, he thought about it now and realized that he seemed to have something to gain.

But at this time when I was on my way, I couldn't think too much.

So it will temporarily suppress this realization in his heart, and intends to feel it again when he has time.

Perhaps he can complete a breakthrough for his long shackled realm.

Reminiscent of what happened to me after encountering Chu Yan, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape suddenly felt as if he were a human mount-not bad?

Thinking of his indignant mentality before, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape couldn't help feeling that his cheeks were hot.

If it weren't so hairy, his face might be as red as his **** at the moment.

Standing on the back of Zijin Storm Thunder Ape, Chu Yan closed his eyes and pondered quietly.

This is the rare time he hasn't had to hurry up and think about some plans for the future since he recently.

At this time the time is approaching June.

In other words, there is only one and a half years before the Fairy Fair.

That was also everyone's default, the moment when the Taiqing emperor returned.

Although Chu Yan did not deliberately understand the situation of the whole country, he also knew a lot from Kong Xian.

The current situation can be said to be extremely tense, giving people a feeling of rain and wind.

"A year and a half-eh?"

Chu Yan frowned.

Wow, wow! Two shadows in the distance, at this time, entered the scope of his consciousness.

And these two black shadows, one after the other, obviously came to him and Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

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