Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1989: Slapping

The two figures are monsters.

Oncoming in front is like a black eagle demon, and behind it is a black crow demon.

But obviously, these two monsters are controlled by people.

Because on the backs of Black Eagle and Black Raven, there is a monk standing on their backs.

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape soon discovered these two monsters, but without Chu Yan's command, it would not respond at will.

"Don't worry about them."

At this time, it heard Chu Yan said lightly.

Suddenly, Zijin Thunder Ape stabilized his mind and jumped like a moving black boulder, sprinting forward violently.

The two monsters and the monks above seemed to disregard them and continued to catch up.

Soon after, they left and right, meeting by Chu Yan and Zijin Storm Thunder Ape.

The Black Hawk Demon quickly turned around and turned into the same direction as the Purple Gold Thunder Ape.

The three-headed monster immediately moved forward side by side.

The monk who rode on the Black Hawk Demon fell into Chu Yan's eyes, thinking a little more in his eyes, and smiled a moment later: "Excuse me, this Daoist is from that mountain gate."

Between speaking, the Black Hawk Demon and Black Raven Demon leaned towards the Purple Gold Thunder Ape in the middle.

Whether it's a direct flight from the past, or a constant approach and temptation at the moment, it is enough to offend the life and death fight.

When the monk is outside, the most taboo thing is to rashly probe other people's heels, and this kind of insincere approach.

For monsters, it is even more so.

The monster has a stronger sense of territory.

In the eyes of Zijin's Thunder Ape, anger has spewed out at this moment, and his teeth are also exposed. Among the thick hairs around him, there is a thunder light leaping, revealing a burst of terrifying oppression.

However, at the moment, the two monsters are still relying on their advantage of flying, and they are still approaching.

The two monks riding on top looked at each other and smiled unconsciously. When they looked at Chu Yan again, their eyes were more interesting.

Obviously, they treated Chu Yan as a single-minded state of mind.

There are bound to be opportunities for loose cultivation to reach the state of mind.

And the two of them are also threefold.

With two-to-one, it is more accurate to say that now it should be four-to-two, and they are more likely to win.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Yan was already a fat sheep who had peeled the skin, washed it, and put it on the shelf to wait for the fire to grill.

The monk riding on the Black Hawk saw Chu Yan not taking care of himself, and he was more certain in his heart that the other party was in a panic.

So he was even more unscrupulous, moving closer to Chu Yan, and said with a smile: "This Daoist, just now our two brothers were stolen as a treasure. The figure of the man is somewhat similar to the Daoist. Do you want to ... "" Go away. "

Chu Yan did not squint, and spit out a word lightly.

The sound was light, but in an instant, it seemed that thunder exploded in the minds of these two monks.

And the monsters they set off at this time are even more panicked, and the black feathers on their bodies are exploding.

The monk on the Blackhawk was shocked and numb, and immediately reacted, suddenly angry: "Oh, you! I talked to you well, but you treated me with this attitude, and did not put our brother at all. In your eyes! It seems that you are a ghost in your heart! In that case, do n’t blame my brothers for being rude! "

After speaking of his arm, a pale golden sword was held in his hand, and he chopped towards Chu Yan.

The sharp edge, in an instant, pulled out a tens of miles of arc, as if it were a hurricane full of sharp breath, swept violently towards Chu Yan.

Suddenly, the voids around Chu Yan seemed to be covered with an endless edge, and they gathered into a cauldron in the hurricane, buckling them towards him and Zijin Thunder Ape.

Seeing Chu Yan's vitality, it was all cut off in an instant. The monk's face on the black eagle was full of fierceness and pride.

The monk riding on the black crow was now holding his arms and smiling.

It was so gratifying that there was such a gain unintentionally this time, and it was so smooth.

At this time, Chu Yan snorted coldly.

With just a single sound, it instantly gave people a sense of terror, the sky dome collapsed, and the sun, moon and stars exploded in terror.

Wow, wow! The countless sword mantles shrouded in it suddenly seemed to be rushed in by a violent beast, and in a blink of an eye, they were torn to pieces.

Countless broken awns exploded fiercely, spraying and pouring out in all directions.

Bang! At this time, the sky seemed to be strongly oppressed by a wave of force, and it shuddered violently.

The monk riding on the black eagle breathed a stagnation, and his eyes suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

"You actually ..." "Dead!"

Chu Yan didn't have any emotion in his eyes, and his five fingers turned into claws, grabbing forward.

The monk's body trembled, and suddenly his whole body was shrouded in a pale golden light. Immediately, it was like a meteor, flying away towards the distance.

"Want to go?"

Chu Yan sneered.

The palm continues to probe forward.

Immediately, the surrounding void was frozen layer by layer.

The palm is in the air, and at the same time it condenses into a virtual shadow as big as a mountain, and Ling Kong photographs towards the golden light.

Rumble rumbling! The frozen void around the palm suddenly collapsed and shattered, and a deafening sound erupted.

The monk in Jinguang who tried to escape, at this moment, his eyes were wide, his face was frightened, and he wanted to ask for mercy.

But his throat was as if it was stuck by an invisible hand. At this moment, a pair of eyeballs had to pop out of his eyes, and his neck was also red, but he still couldn't make any sound.

At the next moment, with a bang, his palm hit a crit in the air, and immediately burst his body completely.

The flesh and blood flesh instantly turned into a thick plasma, pouring down towards the ground like a waterfall.

The black eagle demon he was riding on was also slapped into the ground by the purple gold thunder ape.

The two thick palms of the ape demon grabbed the wings of the black eagle devil and dragged it fiercely.

Wow, wow! The sound of tingling scalp came.

The black eagle demon twisted and struggled painfully. Those wings, with blood and flesh, were suddenly pulled from the body by the purple gold thunder ape.

In heaven and earth, time seems to have stopped at this moment, leaving only a strong **** smell spreading, and the painful wailing of the black eagle demon.

The plasma waterfall that fell from the air in the middle of the sky was extremely shocking. At this moment, I saw this scene, and the monk who was riding on the black crow shivered.

The smile that stayed in the corner of the mouth suddenly froze.

At this moment, he felt his body cool from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

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