Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1990: Avenue murder

Beheaded instantly.

There is no chance to escape.

Seeing the tragic death of his companion, the monk riding on the black crow only felt that his own soul was screaming and fleeing from Tianling Gai at this moment.

At the next moment, he shuddered and recovered. Without any hesitation, he stepped on the black crow.

In an instant, the black crow ignited a black flame, as if it were a black meteorite, a meteor, and flew thousands of miles away in an instant.

The black raven is also a great demon who has reached the metamorphosis period. It does not need the master to command it. It also understands how dangerous the current situation is.

If you take a slow step, you will be torn like a piece of paper like the Black Hawk.

The sky is full of fragmented feathers and blood stains hula, think about it makes the crow cold all over.

In the blink of an eye, the black crow and the monk above turned into a black spot and disappeared into the sky.

The Zijin Storm Thunder Ape was grabbing the black eagle's head at this time.

It looked up at the dark spots that disappeared in the distance, and then at Chu Yan.

"Will escape."

Chu Yan snorted softly.

Suddenly, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape felt a chill, and his body shivered inexplicably.

Chu Yan's voice fell, holding the sword of death language and slashing toward the front.

"Three Dead Swords!"

The white swordman's cries resemble the cry of the soul, with a tremendous cold, flashing in front of him, suddenly disappearing into the void.

But waiting for a moment, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape did not see any movement.

That Jianmang was like a mud bull entering the sea, and disappeared.

"Not hit?"

It is puzzled, but dare not ask.

At the same time, the monk riding the black crow kept glancing backwards.

Seeing that Chu Yan didn't chase it, he let go of his suspended heart.

"It's really unlucky today, but fortunately now ..." The voice just fell, the cold air swept through the world, and smashed down towards him.

In just a moment, the monk and the black crow under him were frozen into crystal ice sculptures and solidified in the air.

At the next moment, a faint sigh belonging to the dead sounded in the void.

Floating into the monk's ears, suddenly made him feel that the blood in his body had stopped flowing.

In a trance, he seemed to see three white shadows, floated towards him, and quickly passed.

Uh! boom! In the middle of the air, an extremely dazzling flesh-and-blood firework exploded.

Blood, aura, and steam were falling from midair.

At this moment, the monk of Heaven's Mind and the Transfiguration Demon fell together, and the death caused by them made the souls of Fang Yuanli tremble with fear and tremble.

The Zijin Storm Thunder Ape looked at the slowly blooming big fireworks in the distance, and his eyes were full of shock and doubt.

It looked at Chu Yan, and then looked at a piece of blood in the distance, and didn't understand how Chu Yan did it.

But one thing is certain.

Just when Chu Yan shot, he felt the huge and deep Daoyun rhythm before.

"The host is ... terrible ..." The ape monkey demon sighed at the moment.

It can no longer be described as purely powerful and powerful, but it can only be described in words. Only terrible can it now conform to its inner true thoughts.

Feeling the emptiness where the two vitalities were suddenly strangled, Chu Yan didn't show much expression on his face, but he felt it carefully in his heart.

He just used the way of time to cut the sword of the three corpses to the front of the black crow's path.

When the black crow flew to that position, the power of this supernatural power was instantly detonated.

The black raven demon and the monk riding on it were suddenly cut into mud.

For the first time using the way of time, Chu Yan got a new impression from it.

And there were some other ideas faintly in his mind.

However, this is obviously not suitable for practicing perception.

So Chu Yan temporarily pressed this feeling to the bottom of his heart, let Zijin Storm Thunder Ape continue to move forward.

These two monks and big demon did not affect him.

As for the origin or heel of the other party, he is too lazy to know.

Going all the way, a few days later, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape carried Chu Yan and came to the edge of the territorial range of Tianya.

According to Chu Yan's original idea, after arriving here, he will temporarily put the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape into the ring of echoes, and then he will return in a spirit boat.

However, unlike what he expected, some patrol disciples appeared in the Zongmen territory.

Looking at the Zongmen disciples coming from Yu Jianfei in front, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

In an instant, he wanted to understand the reason.

The Qunxian Conference is still a year and a half away.

Neither Ziweimen nor Tianyazong will allow any errors in this conference.

So it is normal to start eliminating hidden dangers early.

At this time, since there were disciples of Zongmen flying, Zijin Storm Thunder Ape was exposed in front of each other, so naturally there was no need to hide.

Chu Yan kept it away from the rest and moved on.

Zijin Storm Thunder Ape's order to Chu Yan was unconditionally obeyed, so he didn't care about anything else at this moment and continued to run forward.

"Come and stop!"

In the two streamers in the distance, there was a rant.

Although it is a flying sword, but the two disciples in this streamer are obviously heavenly minds, and they are the few master disciples in the sect.

When one of them saw Chu Yan standing on the back of the ape demon from afar, he even exclaimed: "It's you!"

Chu Yan also saw at this time that both men's robes were embroidered with Ziweimen disciples.

After confirming that it was Chu Yan, the two disciples shouted in unison: "Cooperating with the demon beast, broke into the mountain gate, Chu Yan is so brave to stop quickly!"

If this time is outside the Zongmen territory, and the other party dares to blame him so loudly, Chu Yan will kill them all with a direct move.

But at this time it is already within the Zongmen territory. If you do so, it will give Ziweimen more reasons to shoot him.

Finally, with the help of Tang Lianxing, he won an opportunity to practice with peace of mind.

Chu Yan didn't want to break like this for the time being.

But the other party's death penalty is exempt, and the live crime is inescapable.

Seeing that the other party was going to pull out the Aura Flying Sword, Chu Yan frowned, and directly released the triple pressure of Heaven's state of mind! In an instant, the two disciples changed their faces.

With two bangs, they knelt down in the air in unison, their faces pale, their eyes panicked, and they watched Chu Yan step on the Zijin Storm Thunder Ape, and swept past.

As for what they said before, now they are silent, and they dare not speak at all.

When Chu Yan went far away and completely disappeared into sight, the two heavenly mind disciples felt that the feeling of sorrow gradually disappeared.

But at this time they embarrassedly discovered that they had just been scared by the other party's coercion. At this time, let alone flying, they didn't even have the strength to stand up from midair.

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

The two looked at each other and laughed out loud at the same time. They knelt in the air like this, and after two full hours, they wobbled and stood up from the air.

But even so, still soft legs.

But at this time, Chu Yan had already transferred to the Spirit Boat, and went all the way towards the direction of the heart.

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