Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1994: Trivia before the conference

The time flickered, half a year later, it passed quickly.

When Chu Yan opened up the teleportation array and brought everyone to practice in the innate magic weapon in the small world of Qiankun, it was still in early June.

By this time, the time has come to the end of December, and the year is about to pass.

This also means that there is one year left before the start of the Fairy Fair.

Although the Qunxian Conference is nominally used by Tianyazong to examine disciples' cultivation practices, to enhance the disciples' communication among the disciples, and to revise the disciples' strength rankings.

However, due to the influence of Tianya Sect and the strength of the disciples participating in the conference, Qunxian Conference still encompasses the entire Baoxiang Kingdom, including the grand event that affects several neighboring Shang Kingdoms.

As for this time the group fairy conference, it is even more eye-catching.

Among the reasons, more natural is the reason of Ziqingmen Taiqing emperor.

Ziweimen had spread the news of the Taiqing Emperor's return at the Qunxian Conference throughout the whole Kingdom.

To a certain extent, in the eyes of many monks, Taiqing Emperor can now represent Tianya Sect.

When he returned this time, there were rumors that a series of new orders would be issued.

These orders involve the merit system that Ziweimen and Tianyazong have been pursuing before.

The rumor of this system is likely to change the dynasty and even change the delicate balance between the current major powers.

Therefore, not only the royal family of Baoxiang Shangguo, but also the royal families and ancestors around Shangguo also paid special attention to this.

There is another important point.

That is, everyone wants to know if the Emperor Taiqing returns this time, will the realm complete the legendary breakthrough.

The Taiqing Emperor is too mysterious. For his rumors, apart from being powerful enough to be imaginative, the other messages are almost equal to none.

Because of this, all talents want to see if he has the strength to do the big thing he is determined to do.

At this time, there was almost a year before the Qunxian Conference. Tian Yazong and Bao Xiang went to the country and they were already busy.

This kind of busyness is naturally prepared for the holding of the Fairy Fair.

As for the undercurrent surging in the back ground, it will naturally only be much more than the bright side.

But Chu Yan did not pay much attention to these.

But this does not mean that in the past six months, Chu Yan did nothing.

During the past six months, most of the time, Chu Yan continued to deepen his understanding of Dadao.

If you divide the skills and supernatural powers you have at present into different levels, then the three avenues you have at present can be regarded as the strongest cards in Chu Yan.

This hole card even exceeded the one behind the gate of hell.

Although the strength behind the gate of **** is very powerful, Chu Yan understands that it is not his own strength.

For such an uncontrollable force, we cannot rely on all hope.

The perception of Dadao can not only improve your current strength, but also greatly help your promotion.

And with the promotion, you can also feel more power from the road to enhance your strength.

In other words, the avenue is a treasure that will never be dug.

In the remaining time, Chu Yan mainly did three other things.

The first thing is to continue to urge the debris of the six reincarnations, and inject the power of the six reincarnations into the body of the zombie demon.

Since it was determined that these six reincarnations could indeed reshape the zombie hound, Chu Yan did not have much concern.

Both the time and the intensity of the spell have been improved a lot compared to the past.

And the remodeled part also spread from the small hair of the zombie demon to its whole body.

Thanks to Chu Yan's efforts, the body of the zombie demon has been able to feel a faint flesh of blood after half a year of remodeling.

Although this plume of blood is extremely weak, if it is not deliberately and carefully probed, there is almost no way to detect it.

However, the appearance of this plume of blood showed that Chu Yan's previous efforts were completely in vain.

The three zombie dog demon, at the moment when the flesh appeared, had already got rid of the zombie identity.

Zombies are dead, and blood gas is absolutely impossible in the body.

The next thing Chu Yan had to do was to guide the blood flow through the whole body of the demon.

By that time, this demon can be said to be completely resurrected! After more than 20,000 years, it is back to life! And this process, according to Chu Yan to make judgments based on this period of time, it will not be too long.

In the whole process, the most difficult thing is actually to guide that ray of blood.

Chu Yan has now completed the most difficult step.

The other thing was extended by the zombie demon, about Bai Xiuxiu's fire.

Before, Chu Yan relied on the cold water vapor from Sage Sovereign to block the fire and poison in Bai Xiuxiu's body.

But doing this will not cure the symptoms.

Sealing fire poison with cold water vapor is equivalent to putting a pot of water on the flame.

When the water dries up, the fire poison will still hurt Bai Xiuxiu's body.

The way to solve the fire poison, Chu Yan's thinking is similar to that of the zombie who deals with the zombie demon.

It is to use the six reincarnation to directly rebuild the part of the body that was hurt by fire and poison for Bai Xiuxiu.

In this process, the fire poison will also be melted away with that part of the body.

In the past few months, Chu Yan once went to the Bai Family in Tongzhou City in October to check Bai Xiuxiu's body.

Since the last time he received Chu Yan's advice, Bai Xiuxiu resumed cultivation.

And because of Yufu's suppression of fire and poison, Bai Xiuxiu did not have to worry about the recurrence of fire and poison at all.

So in the past few months, her strength has improved significantly.

If she is not worried about the possible impact of the breakthrough, she even hopes to advance to a new level.

The appearance of Chu Yan at that time surprised Bai Xiuxiu because she was much earlier than she expected.

After instructing her, Chu Yan checked the fire and poison in her body again, so when she made an appointment for the coming year, it would start in January, and he would come to Tongzhou City every three months to clear the fire for Bai Xiuxiu poison.

A total of four times, this stubborn illness can be completely resolved.

The last thing is a conversation with Tang Lianxing.

When Tang Lianxing entered December, he found an opportunity to hide his body, and exchanged information with Chu Yan quickly near the Suixin Island.

This time is almost the same as Chu Yan's estimate that the other party will come to find his own time.

But the news brought by Tang Lianxing is not so optimistic.

When Chu Yan asked about Emperor Taiqing, Tang Lianxing's face was not so pretty.

And she answered Chu Yan ’s words that the Emperor Taiqing had also been close to a year, and had not summoned her.

And looking at the current situation, the next year will continue until the Qunxian Conference, and the Emperor Taiqing will not appear.

No one knows where he is currently and how he is practicing.

In addition, Tang Lianxing also told Chu Yan one thing.

"Your heart island, now everyone is paying attention."

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