Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1995: I'm not as good as him

At the time when this sentence was said, Chu Yan did not show the tension or panic that Tang Lianxing expected.

This surprised Tang Lianxing.

"You don't feel scared?"

Tang Lianxing looked at Chu Yan curiously, "You should be able to guess that Ziweimen is spying on you?"

"Then did they spy on something?"

Chu Yan did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

Tang Lianxing froze for a moment, blinked, and immediately understood.

"Sure enough, as I thought, you know."

After a while, she said.

Chu Yan touched her chin and did not respond to her sentence.

Being spied by Ziweimen was something he had expected.

However, the large array of free islands is not just a casual display.

Chu Yan spent a lot of time and energy on it. Zeng Bi, who participated in the formation of some formations, could probably experience one-tenth of it.

In other words, Chu Yan's real investment in it is more than ten times what Zeng Bi has seen! From the beginning, Chu Yan regarded the monk state of Suixin Island as a real person in the Purple Mansion.

Therefore, the ordinary disciples of Ziweimen, even the generals, cannot see the real situation on the island.

As for the three heavenly kings at the level of the Purple House, or two guardians came to spy, this possibility is not unthinkable.

Otherwise, why did Chu Yan even arrange a training room under the training room of the palace?

In short, your Ziweimen looks boldly.

The details of my Chuyan can be seen a little bit by you, then it is regarded as my loss.

Although Chu Yan didn't say anything at this time, his confident eyes fell into Tang Lianxing's eyes.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "This time the group fairy meeting, he will definitely do something when he comes back ..." "I know."

Chu Yan nodded, "What we can do now is to do our best as much as possible, so that we will not appear to be in a hurry.

By the way, how about Mo Mo? "

"Since the last time he was famous, he hasn't got any new news for now.

But according to the information I received, he seems to be practicing in an extremely dangerous place. "

"Dangerous place-" Chu Yan pondered for a moment and said: "It is one year away from the group fairy meeting.

The following year is more important than ever.

In order to prevent accidents, I will try to walk outside Zongmen as little as possible.

In this way, Ziweimen wanted to trouble me, and there was no chance.

If there is any news during this period, you can tell me as soon as possible. "

After hesitating for a while, Tang Lianxing asked: "Why do you care so much about Mo Buyu because he has sought you?"

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and shook his head: "The situation is more than that simple, and I can't be sure for the time being. In short, I have a feeling that by January, Mobuyu should appear and then be active for the entire first half of the year.

Then it continued to disappear in the second half of the year.

No one will know where he is until the start of the Qunxian Conference.

So in the next six months, news about him will be very important. "

Chu Yan squinted at the somewhat confused Tang Lianxing, then paused and said: "You are not very strange, why am I not surprised by the prying eyes of Ziweimen?"


Tang Lianxing recovered, nodded and said, "Yes, are you here?"

"Not only did I guess they spied on me, but I also guessed that the entire Zongmen had more than 1,200 guru, and they spied at least half.

Among them, the disciples who participated in this group of fairy fairs and reached the triple mind state were the targets they focused on.

Am I right? "

Tang Lianxing blinked and nodded a moment later: "You all know ..." "It's not difficult to speculate, after all, it's a silent opponent."

Chu Yan said.

After talking about this matter, the two discussed some details about the next meeting, and then Chu Yan left.

Because Tang Lianxing's identity is special.

In order to avoid being discovered by the people of Ziweimen, every time Chu Yan meets with her, in addition to a special choice of location, the time of meeting should also be strictly controlled.

After Chu Yan left, Tang Lianxing still stood at the same place, looking at the direction of the other party leaving.

At this time, she felt a bit depressed.

It was not that she was dissatisfied with what Chu Yan just said, or with Chu Yan.

Instead, she found that she seemed inferior to Chu Yan everywhere.

From the simplest things, such as the rebellion against the Taiqing emperor.

The Emperor Taiqing, whom everyone respects or fears, originally thought that after she had recovered her memory, she had challenged each other and even destroyed her thoughts.

As a result, she discovered one earlier than she had this idea. Even when she saw the other party, the other party had already started to do it.

Several disciples at Ziweimen fell into Chu Yan's hands.

Tang Lianxing watched the fall of the general Yun Xiao.

Although there is no tangible evidence for the death of the Northern Heaven King, Tang Lianxing now feels that even if Chu Yan did not shoot, it must be related to him.

Even the death of the head dog group.

Tang Lianxing also felt faintly that there was a shadow of Chu Yan behind the incident.

Then there are other things.

For example, when Sha Ling Road just came out, he directly called the disciple of Ban Ziwei Gate.

Outside the Tianya Haige, directly hit the Ziweimen Tianxin master, and then this matter became the introduction of the falling of the Yunxiao war.

She just thought about it, but the other party had already killed many people with severe injuries.

Even Mo Mo's first shot was planted in Chu Yan's hands.

Despite this, Chu Yan was standing on the opposite side of Ziweimen completely.

But think about it from another angle.

Does Chu Yan choose not to stand on the opposite side of Ziweimen, Ziweimen will let him go?

When thinking of this problem, Tang Lianxing shook his head.

She knew too much about Ziweimen.

Ziweimen can develop to the point where it is enough to influence Tianyazong. Opponents have never been less.

It's just that as time goes by, those who oppose it are speechless.

"I seem to be inferior to him everywhere."

Tang Lianxing murmured.

This is why she felt depressed.

But soon, she blinked again: "But having a stronger helper than yourself is better than having an opponent stronger than yourself."

After so comforting herself, she felt a lot brighter.

After a while, her figure changed into a small fish, and with a clatter, she jumped into the sea beside her.

After Chu Yan and Tang Lianxing were separated, they returned directly to the world of Xiao Qiankun.

It has been half a year since everyone entered cultivation.

The flowering ones should also bloom.

It ’s time for the result.

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