Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1999: Naturally want to participate

After everyone's breath calmed down and their realm was stable, time also came to the end of January.

At this time, there is less than half a month from the start of the Qunxian Conference.

Sui Xin Island is still calm.

But the entire Tianya Sect, at this time, must have been very lively, showing a magnificent scene of gathering of immortals.

They took everyone away from the world of small Qiankun, and came to the secret room below the practice room of Sui Xin Island.

Because when everyone was promoted, they weren't on the Xingxin Island. Therefore, the aura that hit the heaven's state of mind was naturally unknown to others.

At this time, even if they had peeped at the Ziweimen disciples who had been on the Xinxin Island for nearly two years, I was afraid that they wouldn't think of it at this time. There are five more people on the Xinxin Island, the current Master Tian Xinjing.

For more than a year, everyone's realm has been significantly improved, and then it is not the kind of squeezing potential that will bring hidden dangers.

Innate magic can not only accelerate and promote the monk, but also make the monk's body more pure to a certain extent.

Otherwise, the Ghost Killing Pavilion will not send two full Purple Houses to guard.

You should know that the total number of purple houses in the Guishu Pavilion does not exceed the number of slaps.

So at this time, everyone on the scene felt vibrated, his eyes were radiant, and there was a rhythm of rhythm, which was slowly running, showing an extraordinary breath.

Chu Yan made everyone feel the changes of their own, and then talked about the changes in the rules of the group of fairy cents.

After speaking, he waited quietly for everyone's response.

After hearing that the rules of the Qunxian Conference were changed, everyone was at a loss for a while.

Because of this temporary change of rules, it is absolutely impossible for someone to decide on a whim on a whim.

Among them, after all, something deeper is involved.

Coupled with the mention of Chu Yan before, and the publicity of Ziweimen, it is easy for everyone to think of a possibility: the advent of Taiqing emperor.

But if there is any necessary connection between the two, it doesn't feel very similar.

Seeing everyone in a state of contemplation, Chu Yan smiled and said, "Something deeper, you don't need to think about it for the time being.

Now you have to confirm whether you want to participate.

There are naturally benefits.

Because as long as you participate, even if you lose in the first round, you can get a magic weapon level magic weapon. "

"What is the chance of winning?"

Furui asked crisply.

Although her realm is far from meeting the requirements of attending the Fairy Fair, her lady does not have a chance.

Chu Yan thought for a while and said, "If the rules are changed now, it is equivalent to saying that there are more than 1,200 qualified disciples of this guru, less than 1,300.

Except for some special reasons, it is assumed that there are 1,200 people.

Of these 1,200 people, the majority of disciples with a heavy heart of heaven account for about 60%, which is almost more than 700.

Heaven ’s state of mind is twice as heavy, and it ’s less than half, about 300 people.

Heaven has the least triple mindset. I estimate that there may be more than 100 people in total.

There is no doubt that the only thing that can come to the end, except for a very few special cases, is necessarily the disciples with triple minds. "

Chu Yan's analysis was unanimously nodded by everyone on the scene.

Although among the monks, there is indeed a challenge of cross-stepping.

But in general, monks with high realms still have an absolute advantage when facing monks with low realms.

Realm cannot fully represent power, but realm is the most intuitive external manifestation of power.

Under normal circumstances, the triple defeat of the heaven state of mind gives the possibility of the heaven's state of mind a single loss.

Chu Yan analyzed this to everyone at this time, but he also knew in his heart that if there were variables, there would be at least one variable this time.

He can no longer be considered a variable.

Although the realm he is showing now is the duality of the heavenly state of mind, in fact, it has reached the triple of the state of mind.

And the disguise of this level can deceive monks of the same rank.

At the time of the group fairy conference, the purple palace realm can do a lot, and may even have a peep of the real fairyland.

His disguise will surely be seen through.

But see through it. No one has ever said that one should not hide the realm.

The variable that Chu Yan thinks at this time is another person, that is-Mo Mo.

Regarding Mo Moyu, no one knows where he is now.

Just like Chu Yan's previous guess about Tang Lianxing.

Mo Buyu disappeared again in the second half of the year that just passed.

Even the whole person seems to be gone.

Chu Yan estimated that this was the intention of Ziweimen.

Reducing everyone's attention to Mo Buyu, when the group fairy meeting, so that his strength once again reached the level of shocking everyone's attention.

After listening to Chu Yan's analysis, everyone in the Chamber of Secrets thought about it.

However, it didn't take long for Kong Xian to take the lead in saying: "Naturally it is to participate, and I also hope to meet the disciples who are placed in the palace of the king."

Chu Yan looked towards Kong Xian and felt the surging waves hidden under Kong Xian's indifferent emotion.

Chu Yan couldn't be more clear about the conflict between Kong Xian and Xianwang Mansion.

Even when Chu Yan was assassinated for the first time, the killer of the ghost killing pavilion was sent by the man of the king's palace.

Therefore, not only Kong Xian and Xian Wang Mansion have hatred, but Chu Yan and Xian Wang Mansion also have private hatred.

"Xianwang Mansion also installed disciples in Tianya Sect?"

Chu Yan asked.

"Accurately, it is the heir of the king."

Kong Xian snorted softly, "Before there was tolerance, on the one hand, it was for the sake of the overall situation, on the other hand, it was also due to my lack of realm.

But now, my realm has also been elevated to the state of mind, and naturally I have to give them a lesson. "

Kong Xian's breath obviously has been holding back for a long time.

This time it was elevated to the state of mind, so I don't want to continue to be patient.

Otherwise, the thoughts will not be accessible.

After the sound of Kong Xian's words fell, Li Xiu said, "I will also participate, let's not say that even if I lose, I will get a frustrated word like a magic weapon.

In fact, I really want to start. According to the analysis just now, there are about 60% of the heavens and the state of mind is the most important. I do n’t have to be so lucky. I will encounter opponents who are higher than me.

If you can win a game at that time, it is a surprise.

Moreover, fighting against the disciples of Tianya Zongtian's state of mind has great benefits for their own strength. "

Li Xiu's analysis is what other people think.

The blue eyes of Uslan Mana glanced at Chu Yan charmingly at this moment, and the answer naturally need not be said much.

Chu Yan looked at Lin Miaoran, and Lin Miaoran nodded, obviously the answer is yes.

Su Yuqing is not good at fighting, but this does not mean that she will give up this opportunity.

As for Shen Qing, it is more direct.

The huge sword box behind him banged directly in front of him.

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