Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2000: Unknown rules

Soon, everyone in the secret room made a decision.

As long as the current state of mind is reached, it will not give up this opportunity.

It is a pity that there are not a few other people who can reach the state of mind, nor discouraged. Instead, they express that they will watch the battle at that time and realize their own feelings through the fighting of everyone.

When Chu Yan discussed this matter with his partners, the other disciples of Tianya Sect were also making final preparations.

On an island not far from the Xixin Island, Zhuang Die meditates in a dazzling palace.

On her body, thin, translucent lines spread out in all directions.

These thin lines are all formed by the condensed aura, ordinary magic and magical powers, it is impossible to break them.

At the end of these thin lines of aura, eight boxes of different sizes are connected.

The smallest box is about the size of a washbasin.

The big one is comparable to a room.

Although the sizes are different, these boxes now reveal a very strong atmosphere, as if they are filled with powerful monks.

In fact, the puppets made by Zhuang Die are contained in these boxes.

She majors in puppetry. Although she is not good at fighting methods, as long as the puppet she controls is good at fighting methods.

And in this aspect of puppetry, Zhuang Die is also a genius.

The puppets she manipulates are not just as simple as human figures.

It can be seen from the different sizes of these boxes.

And what is contained in these boxes is the strongest puppet she has made so far.

Now, she is doing the final sacrifice before the group fair.

Soon after, she opened her eyes.

The thin lines of aura connecting her and those boxes also dissipated into the void.

Zhuang Die got up and moved slightly. After a while, he came out of the palace and looked at the blue sea and blue sky in the distance.

What she is facing at this time is the direction of Xingxin Island.

"I don't know how Brother Chu is preparing."

She sighed softly.

Zhuang Die naturally wanted to know how Chu Yan was prepared.

However, since the last time he returned home, Chu Yan closed the entire Xingxin Island, and the outside world was fully open.

Although she has been there a few times during this period, she has not been able to reach the island and can only see Zeng Bi who is coming to greet her outside.

Zeng Bi also told Zhuang Die according to Chu Yan's prior command that he and Lin Miaoran were all in closed state.

The monk's retreat, especially after reaching the state of mind, has been a retreat for several months, even a year or two, for a breakthrough.

So Zhuang Die didn't bother to do more.

But in fact, she still cares more about Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran's preparations.

And at this moment when she felt a little sad, she suddenly saw a large white feather flying over from a distance.

Lin Miaoran was standing on the feather at the moment, like a fairy.

Zhuang Die was surprised and happy, and quickly hurried to draw a magic weapon, flew out of the island, and took the initiative to meet the past.

Before approaching, Zhuang Die felt the change of Lin Miaoran's state.

In just over a year, Heaven's state of mind once again made a breakthrough, and Zhuang Die couldn't help secretly lamenting: "The two men retreat and practice this time. It seems the effect is really good.

Even as a disciple of Tianya Sect, after entering the state of mind, there is no time for three or five years. It is very difficult to take this step forward. "

Lin Miaoran didn't know what Zhuang Die thought at this moment. She flew to the front, smiled and greeted the other party, and then said: "I heard that Sister Zhuang had been to Suixin Island several times while we were closed.

So today, Chu Yan asked me to rush to indemnify Sister Zhuang, and by the way, bring some treasure materials for puppetry to Sister Zhuang. "

Because of the previous experience of traveling together, the relationship between Lin Miaoran and Zhuang Die is already very familiar, and there is no need for special politeness between them.

Zhuang Die wasn't polite with Lin Miaoran either. Thanks, Lin Miaoran flew down and asked a few questions casually.

For example, will Lin Miaoran attend the Fairy Fair and so on.

However, on the side of Zhuang Die, Lin Miaoran did not get an answer to a question.

That's how the group fairs compare.

According to the truth, this kind of meeting is naturally a fight.

But so far, no rules have come out.

Lin Miaoran came this time, on the one hand to send treasures to Zhuang Die, on the other hand was also entrusted by Chu Yan to inquire about this issue.

As a result, Zhuang Die is not clear.

But Zhuang Die gave a possibility.

"Although I haven't participated in the past fairy conferences, in fact, this competition is related to the ranking of the disciples, but also to the distribution of rewards for many treasures, so the real method is nothing more than two.

One is a one-on-one fighting method, and the other is a way to kill demons.

Which one is specific is clear on the day the group fairy meeting begins.

It used to be the same in the past. "

Speaking of which, Zhuang Die paused for a moment, then lowered his head and pondered for a moment before saying again: "But this time, the situation is slightly different from the past.

Some disciples may be more decisive in their shots, so if you participate in the Linxian Conference, Master Lin, you need to be more careful. "

Zhuang Die said obscurely, but Lin Miaoran understood immediately.

Zhuang Die is clearly reminding Lin Miaoran that if it is time to fight, he must be more careful when he encounters the disciples of Ziweimen.

In order to appear in front of the returning Taiqing emperor, these guys must not only win, but also crush as much as possible.

At that time, various techniques will be exhibited, and the discouraged character of Ziweimen disciples on weekdays, I am afraid that the defeated party will be very unsightly.

"Thank you Sister Zhuang for reminding."

Lin Miaoran responded.

Another thing that has a lot to do with Chu Yan is Yun Nishang.

However, Yun Nishang has a teacher from Zifujing in Tianya Sect, so there is no need to practice with Chu Yan and others.

Since she entered Tianyazong, she practiced most of the time under the arrangement of her teacher.

Every time I go to meet with Chu Yan and others, the strength will advance by leaps and bounds, which is impressive.

Among the people she knew in Chu Yan, she set foot on the fairy road at the latest, but now, the realm has also caught up, and was promoted to the heaven state of mind before the group fairy conference.

It's just that although her promotion speed is fast, her natural dragon sound body is not good at practicing, so the resources that her teacher in the Purple Mansion smashed on her can be imagined.

However, with the blood of the Dragon God and the body of the natural dragon sound in Yun Nishang, she is also worthy of her teacher's training.

At this time, Yun Niyang, who was practicing in a cold lake, opened her eyes.

Long Ying was swimming in her eyes.

Behind her, there is Long Yin shaking.

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