Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2004: Kill the Purple House in public

As soon as these words came out, the prince's son changed his face.

Amazement, doubt, fear, all kinds of eyes, flickered rapidly in his eyes.

Obviously he didn't expect that Chu Yan even knew about it.

What was unexpected was that Chu Yan even said the matter in public, and he didn't care if he broke his face.

The disciples of Tianya Sect who didn't know the situation around them at this moment also showed a look of enlightenment.

All eyes came together, all fell on the body of the wise king.

Or wonder, or gloat, or indifferent.

Even the people behind Chu Yan were also aware of this for the first time today, frowning one by one, looking badly at each other.

At this moment, only Chu Yan had a faint look at the scene, and the atmosphere seemed to be under his complete control.

When the eyes of the wise king Shizi flickered, thinking about how to respond, he saw Chu Yan slashing his teeth at him from a distance, seemingly smiling with a smile: "Since today is here, let's stay."

As soon as this remark came out, King Shizi only felt as if it was a thunder, and it exploded directly beside his ear.

He didn't even have time to react to what happened, and he felt the turbulence surrounding him.

The original hustle and bustle of Xiandao, everyone around seemed to disappear.

A gray mist filled all his vision.

His body, as if it had become a wandering soul, would be swallowed up by this endless void.

At this time, the wise king Shizi heard a loud drink from his ear: "Dare you!"

The sound shook the surrounding mist.

For this voice, the wise king Shizi is too familiar.

This is the master of their wise king's house. When he came to Tianyazong to observe the ceremony this time, he made a special trip to protect his own strong man from the Purple House.

With this sound, a gust of wind swept through.

The wise king Shizi suddenly saw that the gray mist that enveloped himself suddenly disappeared.

The bustling fairy island and many monks once again appeared.

I still stand on the jade platform.

And the two radiants are colliding violently in front of them.

In all directions, the sound was exclaimed, bursts of shouting, and the wind and tsunami poured into his ears.

"Chu Yan shot!"

"Brother Chu!"

"This guy is Zifujing!"

"Xianwang Mansion even sent Zifujing to protect the world!"

"Chu Yan is dangerous! He is nothing but a state of mind!"

"Be careful!"

"Purple House Realm oppresses Heaven's state of mind, and the House of Kings is not afraid to bully the small!"

"Chu Yan is finished, how could he win the Purple Mansion!"

Countless shouts and shouts gathered at this moment to make the face of the wise king Shizi change again and again.

His identity is sensitive. In this Tianya Sect, he can't cause trouble if he can.

But now the priority is to suppress Chu Yan.

As long as this Chu Yan can be resolved, it does not matter if you accept a little punishment from Tianya Sect.

After all, there are real people in the Purple Mansion on his side, and there are the King of the Mansion and the entire royal family behind him! At present, the biggest card in his hand is the real man of the Purple Mansion as a guard.

"Zifujing should deal with a state of mind, shouldn't it be easy ... eh?"

The wise king Shizi's determined mood at this time suddenly changed with the rise of one's eyes.

The real person of his own side, in front of his eyes, seemed to hit a bright galaxy as soon as he shot it.

In the galaxy, there is a cascade of infinite thoughts, infinite radiance, as if it is a kingdom of light, infinite extension.

A group of Tianya Sect disciples all felt this powerful idea. They couldn't help but shake their hearts, and the heart trembles. Many people even closed their eyes and couldn't face it, their bodies were shaking.

But at this moment, Chu Yan sneered, his five fingers turned into claws, and snapped forward.

With a snort, the void seemed to be torn by him all at once.

That galaxy, with the void around him, was sharply condensed in his palm, and the dazzling light was shattered and smashed, and the whole exploded.

boom! The galaxy burst, and the real face of the Purple Mansion suddenly changed.

The son of the wise king has come to his mouth, and he is suddenly stunned, unable to make a sound.

In Chu Yan's eyes, at this time the ice and snow flew: "Do you dare to spread the wild?"

When the words fell, he grabbed forward again and pulled.

La la la la la! Near the body of the real man of Zifujing, countless depressions appeared in the void, like a sieve.

Before everyone could react, in every depression, an inky chain was shot.

These chains, burning golden red flames, with the tragic wailing of countless dead souls, but at the same time give people a very sacred, ruling flavor, 咰 徰 尰 啰, immediately entrap this real man of the Purple House tightly.


The real man of Zifu burst into roar and wanted to resist.

Chu Yan's face sank, five fingers sang, clenched into fists.

That chain burst into a loud noise, as if it were tens of millions of demon gods, all roared together, in front of the real man of the purple house, all condensed into a **** "kill" word, one stroke at a time, showing Infinite tragic thoughts, repressed fiercely towards the other party.

Sigh! boom! The armor on the real man of Zifu took the lead in being torn apart.

Immediately afterwards the body shattered and shattered.

Immediately the flesh was twisted into a flesh of blood and flesh in a wail.

In the exploded plasma, a ghost image resembled 70% to 80% of the real man in the Purple Mansion, crooked, glaring at Chu Yan.

But immediately, this chain was like fuel to the fire, and it suddenly burned.

La la la la la-flesh and blood was burned cleanly in an instant, leaving no ash left.

The phantom was the soul of the real man of the Purple House. At this moment, it was burned by the flame that contained the Qilin's real life, and a very harsh scream was made.

In a short span of time, a real man in the Purple Mansion was beheaded by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked coldly at the prince.

The wise king's face was pale, and the cold sweat from the moment of kung fu soaked the python robe. At this time, it was worn on the body and wet, as if it had just been picked up from the water.

The rest of the guards were almost unsteady at this moment.

After a moment of silence at the scene, these Tianya Sect disciples, as if they had exploded the pot, made a sound that was almost ten times louder than before.

"Chu Yan! Chu Yan beheaded a Purple House!"

"How is this possible! That's a real man from Zifu!"

"Zifujing can become an elder in our Tianyazong!"

"Chu Yan is the state of mind [txt novel www.txtyuan.com] ah! The state of mind kills the real man of Zifu!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"This person of Chu Yan is really brave, and the real man of the Purple Mansion of the House of Kings said he would kill him!"

"The decisive and decisive decision, under the broad public, Tianxin's killing of the Purple Mansion is very powerful, very powerful!"

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