Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2005: Kill directly

Among the roars from all around, there were exclamations, doubts, and compliments.

But more, still shocked by Chu Yan's strength.

At this moment, countless divine consciousnesses came and fell on Chu Yan.

Many disciples who do not know the identity of Chu Yan are now inquiring again and again.

Tianxin beheaded the Purple Mansion, which is too unbelievable.

Although these shocking shouts are inevitably also mixed with the argument that "this is only accidentally missed by Zi Fujing's enemy".

It was just such a sound, but it was equivalent to a drop of water in the sea, which was soon engulfed, and no one paid attention.

At this moment, the glorious eyes gathered on Chu Yan.

If a normal monk suddenly feels so many consciousnesses, I am afraid that he will only feel that the pressure has doubled, as if he has carried countless mountains on his shoulders.

But Chu Yan didn't care at all at this time.

He will not fall behind in this group of fairy conferences.

Since the strength has to be revealed anyway, what's the difference when it comes early and late?

What's more, the prince of this magistrate's palace is to him, but the old complaints come first.

If you do n’t avenge today, your thoughts wo n’t work! His eyes looked like a torch, and he looked at that prince's son, Chu Yan snorted.

This voice came into the ears of the world, only to make him feel his heart shake, and his soul seemed to collapse.

Although he is also in a state of mind, at this time, in the face of Chu Yan, the emperor Wang Shizi only felt as if he saw a cat in a mouse, and a tiger in a rabbit, leaving only fear in his heart.

"Protect and protect the world!"

At this time, some of the remaining guards reacted and gave a loud shout.

Chu Yan reached out and pointed at the man.

The spirit was like an arrow, and he suddenly penetrated the guard's eyebrows.

boom! The head exploded into mud in the next moment.

The guard's body shook, and immediately fell to the ground, and blood spewed out.

Even the heavenly state of mind that can regenerate a broken limb is too dead to die at this time.

In this scene, everyone around was again in an uproar, staring at each other, and all saw a deep shock from each other's eyes.

"This person of Chu Yan is not only powerful but also taboo!"

"No matter how he said, the wise king Shizi is also the blood of the royal family. He has a character with a head and a face. It is not enough for Chu Yan to kill one. He even shot again!"

"Screaming, you didn't see it, did Chu Yan not only want to kill the bodyguard?"


You mean, he is a prince and son of a wise king ... "Chu Yan shot his aura repeatedly at the fingertips of everyone.

Reiki is like an arrow, like electricity, and then, the sound of bang bang rang continuously in the blink of an eye.

The guards around the prince of the wise king exploded one after another without even having a voice.

Chu Yan did not leave the body of these guards. He grabbed them with five fingers, and immediately threw a landmine, which exploded directly into smoke, leaving no slag.

Suddenly, only the widowed man remained.

Even if it is difficult, it can be counted as the disciple of Tianya Sect shivering next to him.

The disciple was even more embarrassed than the prince of the virtuous king. Under the coercion of Chu Yan, not only was his face pale, but his legs were soft, he fell directly to the ground, his eyes filled with fear.

"Chu Yan, you, you know my identity ..." Shizi Wang Shizi was dry and stuttering.

But Chu Yan's savage murderous intention broke out all over his body, making him speak unfairly.

Want to move out of royal status.

But this identity in Tianyazong is really not convincing.

Want to show your own realm.

However, Chu Yan had just cut the Purple Palace realm, and he felt that a heavenly state of mind was not as good as a ants.

There is still the arrogance and arrogance before this moment.

The cold sweat of fear not only soaked the python robe, but also formed a stream under his feet.

Such an unbearable appearance, anyone who sees it can't help but feel contempt.

Chu Yan naturally did not intend to talk nonsense with the other party.

Suddenly, the palm fire was vomiting, a round of light blades, buzzing, like the rising sun, showing a magnificent glory.

On Monday, the monks felt the power of the great shore, and their faces changed continuously, and they kept retreating toward the rear, fearing they might be affected.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

There is no nonsense, the light blade is directly cut.

But at this moment, a loud cry came from a distance: "Chu Yan! How dare you! Stop!"

Between the words, a painting axis suddenly appeared out of thin air, blocked by the light blade, to protect the prince and son.

The axis of the painting unfolded rapidly, and a cyan light quickly condensed into a tall giant.

The giant could not see his face clearly, but had eight arms and eight palms.

Each palm holds a thick shield, coupled with that strong body, it immediately gives people an indestructible feeling.

Boom! With heavy shields on one side, a thick wall was suddenly formed, and the water was impassable, as if the ropes were blocking the river.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qin, who was not far away, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and a strange flash flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

"What are you counting!"

Seeing someone trying to stop themselves, Chu Yan raised his eyebrows, and the spirit in his body skyrocketed.

Bang! The flying light blade suddenly expanded several times, a bit larger than the giant, and it was cruelly crushed.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! The heavy shield even carried the giant, and it exploded in an instant, annihilating into the void.

The unfolded painting axis was also torn apart at once.

The formation, inscription, and rhythm contained in it all exploded into waste paper in an instant.

"Chu Yan, how bold you are!"

The rushing man, wrapped in a dazzling glow, shouted with great anger.


Chu Yan spit out a word, and the consciousness bumped into the other party.

The man suddenly screamed and fell out of the glow, falling heavily on the ground, causing bursts of exclamation.

Chu Yan didn't look at him at all, stepped forward, pushed the light blade, and slashed down.

boom! "what!"

The prince Shizi was torn in half, his body shattered, and in an instant, he burned to ashes.

In a piece of fly ash, a faint human figure could be seen vaguely, and eight points resembled the prince of a wise king. At the moment, his face was grim and he was glaring at Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan's eyes glanced coldly, and the figure shook suddenly, also showing a look of fear, and seemed to want to escape.

But Chu Yan did not give the other party a chance at all.

A long-sleeved wave, hunting wildly.

Everyone around felt that there was only a flower in front of them, and there was no way to see it. In the process, Chu Yan shook Yin Cao's Soul Ringer and captured the soul of the wise king Shizi.

After a while, the gusty wind stopped, and there was nothing in front of him.

Every time everyone responded, the person who had just been shot down by Chu Yan had already flown over again, and fell directly in front of Chu Yan, angrily said: "Chu Yan, you know what big crime you have just committed!"

Chu Yan glanced coldly at this person: "I don't know."

"Then you ..." "But I know, if you verbose, you are the next one."

Before the other party finished speaking, Chu Yan interrupted him.

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