Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2011: Why call me

Sect Master Tianya said, although it can't be said that Moxi is like gold, but Jinkouyuyan naturally cannot say too much.

The general meaning is that the congregation of celestial beings begins, and other sects are welcome to come to observe the ceremony.

As for what the Qinxian Conference had to do with Ziweimen and Taiqing Emperor, he did not disclose any information.

If Chu Yan did not get an accurate reply from Tang Lian Xingkou in advance, I'm afraid I wouldn't think much about it.

However, judging from the situation at the scene at this time, it is indeed impossible to see any hint of the imperial monarch about to return.

Only if you think about it carefully.

Tianya Sect's group immortal meeting, "but" is the fighting method among the disciples of the heaven state of mind.

However, it gathered a powerful monk who had the right to speak in almost all ancestors of the Baoxiang Kingdom, including the royal family.

Not only that, several deputy suzerains from several neighboring kingdoms came to observe the ceremony.

Then it can explain the problem.

Furthermore, Chu Yan can also feel that, except for those very ordinary disciples, the disciples at the scene who have a slightly higher level of expression and expressions are a bit unnatural.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yan shook his head: "Don't think about it so much, just do what you can arrange now."

When I thought about it in my heart, the suzerain's voice was also coming to an end.

To make Chu Yan feel a little pity that the Sect Master didn't even mention the rewards of this group of fairy cents.

It is absolutely impossible to forget, the only possibility is to arrange otherwise.

Just as Chu Yan was thinking about other possibilities, he heard suddenly in his ear: "You come to the back of Yutai."

This voice is clearly the Sovereign! And it's a separate voice to yourself! Looking at the solemn expressions of the people around, Chu Yan found that the mid-air glow had gradually dispersed.

The suzerain has returned to Xiandao.

And the sound is obviously aimed at him alone! At such a thought, Chu Yan's spirit couldn't help.

Sovereign of Tianya Sect, the legend is infinitely close to the real fairyland, and may even have broken through the real fairyland, but the ultra-high-powered people who are hidden from the world, at this time, they even spoke to themselves as ordinary disciples of the Tianya Sect, and they seemed to be called ?

Chu Yan's first reaction was to wonder if this was a conspiracy.

For example, the conspiracy of the House of Kings.

Another example is the plot of Ziweimen.

But soon, Chu Yan dispelled this ray.

Because a ray of rhythm that was exactly the same as in the previous Xiaguang light fell from the sky and fell on Chu Yan.

This is proof.

In addition, Chu Yan also felt that unless the Yin Wang Mansion and Zi Wei Men were crazy, how could they dare to play this method under the eyes of the patriarch of Tianya?

Standing up, in the stunned eyes of everyone around, Chu Yan paid a salute to the sky, and then sent a voice to Lin Miaoran and others to let them wait in the same place, and then walked towards Yutai.

There are tens of thousands of disciples on the jade platform, and the contest of the group of immortals will start soon. Naturally, no one will pay more attention to this detail.

Even if I saw it, at most I felt that Chu Yan was a man of sufficient courtesy, and even saluted toward the incarnation of the suzerain.

As for the others, no one thought of more, nor would they think that Tianya Sect Master would summon Chu Yan as a disciple of Heavenly Mind.

As he walked towards the back of Yutai, Chu Yan actually spread his consciousness and watched the surroundings.

There are disciples all around, so Chu Yan is also wondering what means the suzerain will use to summon himself, and he can hide his eyes and ears.

At the same time, he is also thinking, why the suzerain summoned himself, because of the beheading of the purple palace of the king's palace?

That's a bit too trivial.

Just when Chu Yan's thoughts turned sharply, he stepped out, and suddenly, he felt wrong.

For Chu Yan, who already has many experiences in folding and shuttle space, he is now more sensitive to changes in space than ordinary monks.

So after taking this step, he immediately felt that the situation around him had changed.

The disciples around Tianya Zong are still talking.

The sun still shines.

The energetic aura around them is still flowing slowly.

But at this moment, these give people a very illusory feeling.

It's like a person watching the world reflected in the water.

Although it looks exactly like the real world, in fact, it can't be touched.

"Open up the void."

Chu Yan's heart suddenly became clear.

At this time, he hardly hesitated, and immediately went forward, saluting: "Disciple Chuyan, see the suzerain."

At this time, it has obviously entered the void created by the suzerain.

Xiandao is still there, and the disciples around him are also real people, but even if he exploded the flowers in place at this time, he would not have a slight impact on the surrounding environment.

This is-true fairy power! With a chuckle, this time accompanied by the slight shaking of the void, it sounded in front of Chu Yan.

This voice, light and crisp, made Chu Yan wonder: "How did the voice of the patriarch become a woman?"

Isn't it the suzerain who summoned me at this moment?

Not a suzerain, who is that? "

This voice is different from the previous one that was conveyed to everyone, and the vigilance in Chu Yan's heart instantly filled.

In an instant, not only are all kinds of supernatural powers ready, including their own bodies, but also ready to be handed over to the one behind the gate of hell.

Exposure of strength and hostility to Tianya Sect, these things are small things compared to their own lives.

But after waiting for a while, Chu Yan didn't notice the trend of danger coming.

Although the wisdom is not good at avoiding evil, but to some extent, if there is danger, Chu Yan will be aware of it earlier than others.

"I am not a suzerain."

Just when Chu Yan's body was both loose and tight inside and stretched out at any time, Jiao Didi's voice rang again.

In the first sentence, he actively showed his identity and dispelled Chu Yan's doubts.

Immediately after the second sentence, the purpose was explained.

"But I came by the order of the patriarch and gave you something."

Chu Yan's eyes moved slightly. The original salute body and waist owed a little more: "Thank you, the Sovereign, for your reward, Senior Labor."

Since the other party didn't take the initiative to state his identity, Chu Yan couldn't ask.

Saying a senior is enough.

After all, it is possible to open up the void on the ground, so that you can enter here without awareness, and everyone around you has no feeling. The power that this true fairyland can only show is enough to show the greatest respect at present Too.

Whether it is the suzerain himself who opened up the void, or the mysterious female nun who has a clear voice and feels not very old.

Chu Yan did not raise his head at this time, but the consciousness could detect that, not far away in front of him, a pink glow slowly spread out.

In the light, a slim figure emerged.

But it was just a shallow figure, and there was nothing but the outline.

"This is what the Sovereign has given you."

At the next moment, the human figure spoke again, his arms stretched slightly, and a colorful light flew to Chu Yan.

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