Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2012: Followed

Chu Yan once again thanked, but did not take it immediately, but first glanced at the light.

Well, the rhythm of Tao above is the same as the previous suzerain.

It seems no problem.

But now the problem is coming.

Why did the suzerain summon himself for no reason?

Chu Yan is very clear, at least on the surface, he is just a common disciple of Tianya Zong.

Now the Sect Master not only summoned himself mysteriously, but also rewarded himself with something.

Although it is temporarily unclear whether it is a magic weapon or a practice method.

But this is too much doubt in life.

It's just that although I was puzzled, I couldn't keep away.

Sovereign rewards, even if it is just a stone, a handful of soil, I must be grateful to accept it.

Chu Yan reached out his hand and took the light.

Suddenly, it started slightly cool.

Looking closely, it was found to be a piece of jade.

However, the thick historical breath revealed on this jade symbol made Chu Yan couldn't help feeling that his breath was stagnation. The breath seemed to be suppressed.

Not only that, there was even a hum after the door to **** in the body.

However, the man behind the gate of Hell didn't say much, and it seemed to know that there was a real fairyland paying attention to it, preventing it from being noticed by the other party.

What can be recorded in the jade is generally exercises or supernatural powers.

Since it is the gift of the suzerain, coupled with the thick taste of history on this jade rune, what is recorded in it must be not simple.

After receiving the reward, Chu Yan thought that the other party had something to tell.

But the figure in the pink light was quiet, and didn't move at all.

If the other party does not move, Chu Yan is naturally not moving.

After a stalemate, the figure said: "Okay, okay, go back."

After speaking, Chu Yan could not speak, and a force pushed him in front of him.

Immediately, Chu Yan felt the hustle and bustle of popularity, wrapped around him, and rushed towards himself in all directions.

When I looked around, the general feeling of the mirror flower and water moon had completely disappeared.

A disciple not far from Chu Yan gave Chu Yan another look at this time.

Because he remembered that there seemed to be no one in that direction and position the moment before.

However, his attention was quickly attracted to other things. As for this matter, he was naturally forgotten by Jiu Xiaoyun, and he never remembered it again.

"The Sovereign summons, the Sovereign rewards."

Holding that jade jade in his hand, wrapped in aura, Chu Yan did not immediately look at the content inside, with all kinds of thoughts in his heart, he returned to his original position and sat down cross-legged.

Some things, he needs to confirm first.

And just after Chu Yan left the open void, in the clear air above the fairy island, the light pink light, with a snap, appeared between the two figures.

After the pink light dissipated, there appeared a charming Didi, who looked like a twelve or three year old girl.

But this girl's realm is a terrifying triple of purple palace realm.

Judging from this state, her appearance cannot be her real age.

Seeing the girl appear, the eyes of the two surrounding people fell together.

The one on the left, with his long hair hanging straight down, is a man who feels extraordinary.

But his realm felt that there was no way to see through.

In fact, there are very few monks who can see through his realm in Baoxiang's kingdom, even among the surrounding kingdoms.

This male practitioner is the contemporary suzerain of Tianya Sect.

The old man sitting next to the patriarch, if Chu Yan was here, would recognize it. This was the elder of the Purple Mansion who gave him his token in Tianya Haige.

"I gave him something."

The status of girls in Tianyazong is not low.

Speaking at the moment, she sat down without any worries and hummed: "Originally, I thought he could see what was recorded in the jade slip, and I stopped by to observe it, and he stood Where there is no movement, will it be necessary for the deputy suzerain to speak?

I knew I was pretending to be a suzerain.

The patriarch's voice is male when he speaks to everyone, and then female when he is called alone.

Hey, that doesn't scare this kid to death. "

It seemed that it would be very interesting to do so. The deputy patriarch of Tianya Sect suddenly fell to the ground without a smile.

However, at this time, the positions of the three people had been blocked, and the consciousness could not be explored, so she did not need to worry about being peeped.

The deputy patriarch's thoughts were more out of touch. The patriarch and the elder next to each other looked at each other, and both shook their heads with a smile.

The void was created by the Sovereign, and Chu Yan's performance in it was naturally clear to both of them who were not present at that time.

"Slashing Zifu in public, this leapfrog strength has not been seen for a long time."

After a while, the Sect Master spoke lightly.

As soon as he spoke, the girl who had just laughed and fell to the ground, quickly calmed down and sat upright.

"Yeah, he was promoted to Tianxin at that time, or the blood and spirit that I checked for him. Unexpectedly, he was promoted to Tianxin Realm triplet so quickly. It seems that chance and adventure are also extraordinary."

The elder sighed at the moment.

Thinking of Chu Yan's deliberate state of mind on the day he deliberately revealed that day, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Thinking of disguise, the disciples of Tianya Sect walked outside, which is the greatest confidence, and he didn't know what he was worried about.


Isn't this guy a double mind? "

The girl exclaimed suddenly, her eyes suddenly looked at the suzerain.

Chu Yan's state is disguised, and he can conceal the heaven state of mind and the purple palace state.

But the Sect Master is a true fairyland power, and it is naturally not difficult to break through his disguise.

It was just that when he saw through, the girl went into contact with Chu Yan, not here, so she didn't know.

At this time, I heard that Chu Yan was in the realm, and had concealed his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise.

The elder seemed to be blaming Chu Yan with a smile, but in fact, he was in front of the suzerain to excuse him.

The patriarch understood the meaning of the elders, and there was no point breaking. His eyes also showed a look of interest: "I am rather curious now, he can understand how much from the jade jade.

"Sect Master, what is recorded in the jade jade?"

The girl asked curiously.

She wanted to take a chance to browse through Chu Yan before, and take a look at herself.

But Chu Yan didn't give her the chance.

So at this moment, the more curious she is, the more tangled she is.

"You don't need a little experience in cultivation."

The suzerain said softly.


The girl nodded, but her eyes were spinning around at the moment, not knowing what she was thinking.

Chu Yan did not know at this time that the secret of his realm had been seen through by the suzerain.

And even because of the elder of the Purple House, he was paid attention by the patriarch and deputy patriarch at the moment.

He was thinking about this time, when is it appropriate to check the content in this jade slip.

"Forget it, now."

Chu Yan was not an indecisive character, and he quickly made a decision.

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