Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2014: As if entering the back garden

"Can't the ordinary state of mind be able to deal with it?"

Hearing this sentence, the elder was suddenly inexplicably nervous.

Chu Yan's ability to kill Zifu before showed that he was far superior to ordinary Tianxin.

Now the suzerain took this sentence out again.

That means that the idea in this jade charm is definitely not that simple.

Just when the elder was in a state of anxiety, another sentence of the patriarch, almost shocked him with a trembling heart.

"This piece of jade jade was once circulated in the hands of fifteen geniuses with a state of mind."

The suzerain stared at the black disk as if to say something completely unrelated to him.

"Then what?"

The elder asked after taking a breath.

"No one can see what is recorded in it."


The elders actually cared more about the end of the fifteen monks of heavenly mood.

Now the suzerain has not said, it means-no serious consequences?

The elder was glad in his heart that the suzerain continued: "Twelve died and three went mad, and these days of mind were all geniuses of our Tianya Sect."

The faces of the elder and deputy patriarch suddenly showed a surprised look.

The number of Tianyazong ’s disciples of the Heavenly Mind State is more than a thousand, and neither of them is the kind of management affairs, so it is normal for many disciples not to know each other, let alone these things.

However, since the suzerain has been brought up at this time, some things that have been heard are still easy to associate.

The deputy patriarch couldn't help but sit forward, hesitating for a moment and then said: "I used to know that there was a female disciple named Chen Wen, who was born with a very high physique and talent, and then suddenly one day went crazy ..." "


The deputy patriarch's eyes flashed for a moment, and he sighed regretfully: "In fact, she had hoped to reach the realm of Zifu."

"A genius without growth is not a genius."

At this moment, the patriarch expressed the ruthlessness and ruthlessness on the fairy road, "There are too many withered geniuses. This disciple called Chen Wen, you know, is just one of them.

This time it was Chu Yan's turn to give it a try. "

Hearing the last sentence, the elder's heart was pulled again.

As an elder of Xianmen who had a good impression of Chu Yan, he hoped he could remind each other at this time.

But he understood that this was the test of the suzerain.

If he reminded Chu Yan now, it would only be counterproductive.

After pondering for a moment, the elder sighed silently, and his eyes fell on the black disk, hoping that Chu Yan would not become the sixteenth in the mouth of the patriarch.

If that were the case, Chu Yan was hooking the number sixteen. In the mind of the patriarch, he did n’t even deserve to have a name.

But the suzerain still gave a bright future at this time.

"I have read the content recorded in this jade slip, although it is very difficult to understand, but if it can really suppress the idea of ​​the god, the mere rhyme contained in it is enough to bring great improvement to Chu Yan. Too.

The battle of the group fairs will start soon.

He beheaded the Purple Mansion, and he has already shown a certain strength, so that other disciples should beware of him.

But at this time, if he improves again, and no one else knows it, then it will naturally be of great help to him. "

The deputy suzerain nodded again and again, and thought the suzerain made a very reasonable point.

Although she has been practicing for a long time, her mind is still relatively simple.

Otherwise, Chu Yan wouldn't feel a little bored because Chu Yan didn't check it on the spot.

It was the elders who were sitting on the sidelines. At this moment, from the words of the patriarch, a hint of other meanings could be heard.

His eyes narrowed, and he glanced down at the fairy island below.

Feeling the madly surging dark tide, the elder flashed a deep flash in the depths of his eyes, but he was soon covered up by him.

It was at this time that the Sect Master reminded the two to look at the black disk: "Chu Yan couldn't bear it and started."

At this moment, on the fairy island, Chu Yan knew the origin of this jade symbol, and boldly and boldly continued to attack the past.

His consciousness has long been stronger than that of monks of the same rank. I don't know how many times.

Cautious before, just because of caution.

Now that it has been let go, it will naturally be unscrupulous.

Click, click! The layers of forbidden in the jade rune are now destroyed and destroyed by him.

If we say that Yufu's prohibition is like a defensive formation surrounded by a large army, this time is the blink of an eye, and it is wiped out by Chu Yanqiu.

At this time, the lord and others who observed the black disk suddenly changed their looks.

The elders responded the most.

Earlier he heard from the patriarch that the black color in this disc represented the spirit in the jade symbol.

The black fades away, which means that Shen Nian was defeated or suppressed.

Just when the three people were still wondering whether Chu Yan could suppress the magical idea in Yufu, he gave a positive answer.

The black layer on the periphery of the disc disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The elder couldn't help the news with a sigh of relief.

The deputy patriarch also opened his eyes wide and blinked quickly, as if confirming whether there were any problems with his eyes.

In the eyes of the patriarch, a strange man flashed through.

The reaction he showed was minimal.

But the inner surprise and shock are no less than the other two.

The fall of more than a dozen disciples before him made him more conservative than expecting Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan gave him a completely different picture from his imagination at the moment.

"But the real test is yet to come."

Looking at the black disk that was fading away, the Sect Master said silently: "The most central position will directly touch the patron saint of the Jade Fu.

Prior to this, two disciples also passed through the accumulation of time, and arrived in front of the Shennian.

But these two disciples, all in a flash, were overwhelmed by the divine thought.

One is dead and the other is crazy.

It was originally a genius.

And Chu Yan, what will you do? "

The patriarch observed the disk, but his mood did not change much.

After all, after much experience, it becomes bearish.

"It started, it started."

The Deputy Sect Master approached the disc at this moment, murmured as he watched the black change above.

She naturally knows that the closer to the center, the more dangerous.

At the moment, the elder was even stretched out, and his hands under the long sleeves were involuntarily held tightly.

But compared to their tension and expectation, Chu Yan said at the moment that he was much easier.

What does this feel like?

It's as if a farmer has gone to the royal back garden, and when he sees the magnificent surroundings, he feels restrained and depressed.

And the emperor went to his back garden, not only very comfortable, but even picking and choosing four. He felt that the garden is not good here, but not good, and needs repair.

Chu Yan's mentality at the moment is the latter.

After breaking through the prohibition and killing him all the way, when he felt "but so" in his heart, he shouted, as if thundering, and shook his mind violently.

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