Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2015: Left an impression

Thunder and shock, blood clouds turned upside down.

Chu Yan instantly felt like he was involved in a **** sky.

The murderous intention is pervasive, and there are swords and axes everywhere.

Numerous traces of sharpening, accompanied by billowing smoke, surged towards him, as if he would be swallowed and torn to pieces in the next moment.

In this bleak, a fabulous face can be seen faintly.

The double pupils of this face, with the breath of death, looked at his eyes as if they looked at another insignificant dust.

At the same time, the slowly rotating black disk also showed unusual reactions.

The expressions of the elders and deputy patriarchs were obviously a little nervous.

The patriarch simply said: "Come."

As for who is coming, there is no need to talk more. It must be that the most powerful thought in this jade appears.

Whether Chu Yan can withstand this test will soon be clear.

Can't bear it, then the ending will either die or be crazy, become a waste person, become one of the first sixteen people in the mouth of the suzerain.

But if it survives this test, what it gets is not only the enlightenment of the deities recorded in this jade symbol.

It can also make the lord of Tianya Sect remember the name and leave an impression.

It can make the real fairyland leave an impression, but I don't know how many monks dream to dare to think about things.

Staring at the disc at this time, the elder felt that his breathing was a bit uncomfortable.

He had direct contact with Chu Yan and had a good impression of Chu Yan.

Even because he knew the contradiction between Chu Yan and Ziweimen, he wanted to support Chu Yan.

Because the elders knew very well, Ziweimen ’s influence on Tianya Sect was too great.

As for the Taiqing Emperor, if there is no resistance and he returns smoothly, then an elder like him is likely to be washed.

Therefore, he naturally hoped that Chu Yan would have a greater weight in the heart of the suzerain.

After all, looking at it now, the return of the Taiqing emperor has become unstoppable.

Today, only a few people, including the patriarch, can suppress the Taiqing emperor and Ziweimen.

Feeling the situation inside the disc, she was sliding in the direction of Chu Yan becoming more and more unfavorable. The elder wanted to speak, and the Sect Master asked Chu to help.

But he also knew in his heart that once he spoke, Chu Yan lost the only opportunity for the Sect Master to remember him.

The elder also had a rare moment of indecision.

At this moment, the deputy patriarch suddenly heard a clear voice: "It's over--" The voice was a little deep, and suddenly made the elder tremble.

He quickly looked up at the disk, and saw the darkness that had no obvious color change before. Suddenly, it seemed to be ignited by the fire, and it suddenly expanded.

Seeing this scene, the elder's heart suddenly fell straight down into the abyss.

It was at this time that Chu Yan ’s consciousness was looking towards the monstrous blood, and the swords and axe that had been deceived around him.

A kind of coercive pressure on the ancient battlefield came fiercely, as if not only to crush Chu Yan's spirit, but also to tear up Chu Yan's soul.

Chu Yan frowned, and said to himself, "How can I beat myself?"

There was a killing intent at this moment, surging up like a big river, swept violently, with countless edges around him, and rushed towards Chu Yan.

The pair of pupils in the **** sky were condescending, looking down at him, deep in his eyes, even the contemptuous emotions were not given.

The impatient emotion on Chu Yan's face was even worse. Looking at the torrent of blood, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a word of dissatisfaction: "Go!"

In an instant, a long river comparable to the demon tearing history, and the momentum of breaking through the sky, instantly filled the **** sky.

The whole sky began to crack and shivered.

The eyes behind the sky were startled and stunned, and the next time, the eyes grew bigger and bigger, as if I saw something incredible.

Bang! The torrent of blood that was about to hit Chu Yan, suddenly, in a place less than a foot away from him, turned into a breeze, and even had no hair capable of blowing Chu Yan.

The eyes behind the sky were suddenly filled with a bowed look.

Obviously, the other party has recognized who this momentum is.

Fear, humility, timidity, weakness, and all kinds of emotions are expressed unabashedly at the moment, even a dog that pleases his owner.

At the next moment, there is no need for Chu Yan to say more, this **** sky splits actively, releasing Chu Yan's consciousness.

And the content recorded in the jade is even more pleasingly tasted by this magical thought, and it is like offering a treasure, and actively offered it.


The Deputy Sect Master stood up in shock.

Her petite body was constantly shaking at the moment, with a shock in her eyes.

Turn around and look at the suzerain, then look at the elders.

Although the suzerain's expression was flat and plain, the five fingers on the right hand on the table were straight.

As for the elders, at this time, the eyes were striking, and the expression on the face was too complicated to describe. It seemed to be more than a dozen moods.

Just now, when all three of them thought that Chu Yan would become the sixteenth victim, the rolling black disappeared instantly.

Just looking at the speed, it is ten times faster than the dissipation of the previous periphery! The dissipation of the outer periphery is likened to being blown up and collapsed.

This inner core, regarded as the most powerful and terrifying ideology, was voluntarily thrown away from the helmet and armor.

This is simply incomprehensible.

"In the end, [Biquge www.biquger.vip] what is going on?"

The deputy suzerain has a pair of shiny eyes, looking at the suzerain at this moment.

Earlier, you said that this **** was fierce, and there were fifteen geniuses falling in his hands.

But how does it look now, so, so ... It's hard to say?

Is the cowhide blown up?

The suzerain is naturally impossible to brag, so she suspects that the suzerain deliberately let go.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain this matter.

"I do not have."

The patriarch understood the meaning in her eyes and shook her head.

With this answer, the deputy patriarch took a deep breath, and was about to finish, but was immediately interrupted by the elders.

"Ha ..." The elder only recovered at this moment.

Great sorrow and great joy came too suddenly. Unexpectedly, Chu Yan broke the "ten deaths and zero lives" mentality in Yufu like this. He subconsciously laughed.

But he immediately realized that it seemed inappropriate to laugh at this time, so he quickly closed his mouth.

But because of this, his expression became very weird at this time.

The suzerain could not have punished the two of them because Chu Yan broke his mind and the elders laughed out loud.

Chu Yan's ability to break the mind is beyond his expectations.

But precisely because of this, at this moment, Chu Yan's name was considered in his mind and left an impression.

It's just that Chu Yan doesn't know what it means at this time.

He thought it was just a test set by the suzerain.

After Shen Nian was so scared to take the initiative to retreat, he had already started to browse the contents recorded on the jade rune.

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