Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2016: Is the name of His Royal Highness

Without being too shocked by the mind, Chu Yan felt a little regret in his heart.

This feeling of falling into the sky is always so unreliable.

If his thoughts were known by the fifteen deaths before, the mad disciples knew that they would be transformed into fierce ghosts one by one to let him know what horror is.

Shaking his head and sighing, Chu Yan's consciousness immediately saw the lines of text inscribed in the jade rune.

To be precise, it is not a word, but a slightly curved line.

Uninformed people see, they will definitely think who is pulling it.

Only the Dao rhythm contained in these lines, too ancient, wild, and turbulent, makes people feel it, and they can't help the trembling of the soul, which shows the extraordinary sound of these lines.

"These are the words of the Hongmeng period."

Chu Yan stared for a while, and found himself—not understanding.

The text on the mainland has also followed a long history of evolution.

The Hongmeng period is far from today, and it can no longer be described for many years, even in epochs, it looks a little pale.

So the text at that time, people now want to understand, unless they have been involved in this, and have done special research.

The Sovereign of Tianya Sect, the true fairyland strongman who has crossed the second hurdle of Xianlu, can see a half-knowledge, and it is full of mist, not to mention the Chuyan who knew nothing about it in the past.

But Chu Yan couldn't understand it, which didn't mean he couldn't understand the meaning.

Because the author of these words is now in him! "What is written inside?"

Chu Yan asked unkindly.

"Um ... I see ... a little bit of time ... too long ..." Behind the gate of **** came the voice with disgust.

Chu Yanwei smiled.

He can roughly feel this mood.

It's like an adult who was suddenly dug out of what he did in his childhood.

After all, people will feel embarrassed.

What's more, this man behind the gate of **** loves his face to the extreme.

Chu Yan did not urge him at this time, while waiting, while paying attention to the progress of the group fairy conference.

The predecessor's preaching sounds before the congregation had begun.

At this time in the middle of Xiandao, the cloud that had shrouded it had gradually dispersed.

At the next moment, a golden beam of light dashed away the remaining white mist, revealing a huge circular platform below.

And this golden beam of light, after rushing to the sky dome, over the fairy island, turned into a golden scroll.

This is like a decree, giving people a noble, sacred, supreme taste.

The eyes of everyone on the fairy island were immediately attracted to the past.

As the beam of light gradually dissipated, the golden scroll slowly unfolded and stopped in midair.

However, after the scroll was opened, everyone was puzzled to find that the scroll was empty and there was nothing.

Suddenly, everyone on Xiandao couldn't help looking at each other, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, a loud voice came from above.

This time, it wasn't the predecessor's previous transmission, but a direct loud noise, which was deafening and resounding, and echoed all over the world.

"As long as the disciples attending the Fairy Fair, put their breath into the Fairy List!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone knew everything.

This is an official registration.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot from all over Xiandao towards Xianbang.

Soon, on the original empty fairy list, there were shiny, powerful names.

Each name gives people a silver hook with iron paintings, the feeling of a dragon and a snake rising from the land. It looks like a strong momentum, and it comes across, almost suffocating.

Immediately on the fairy island came cheers like mountains and tsunami.

Chu Yan glanced away, and immediately saw several familiar names such as Xiao Qin, Cao Jing, Kong Xian, and so on.

Turning his head, he looked at several people beside him and saw Lin Miaoran's eager look. Chu Yan smiled with his fingertips and took the lead to shoot his spirit.

Immediately, Chu Yan's name appeared on the Xianbang.

Lin Miaoran and others had a nervous and excited look on their faces, and also shot their spirits away.

So immediately after Chu Yan, the names of Lin Miaoran, Su Yuqing, Li Xiu and Uslanma also appeared.

It is a pity that Zeng Bi is more pity.

Her realm is currently the highest on Xingxin Island, but she is not a disciple of Tianya Sect, so she cannot participate.

Although Jiang Panmeng, Su Jianyuan and others felt a bit regretful, they were more happy for Chu Yan and others, and looked forward to their wonderful performance in the fight.

At the moment when Chu Yan's name appeared on Xianbang, in an area of ​​Xiandao that was shrouded by the glow of light, Xiao Jue's hand was suddenly raised, and he tightly covered his chest.

At this moment, she felt that her heart almost jumped out of her chest! The moment she knew the role of Xianbang, she widened her eyes, blinking, staring closely, afraid she might miss any name.

She has expectations and is afraid of losing.

But the slightest fluke and hope still let her look over.

As the names appeared one by one, Xiao Pei felt his heart beating faster and faster.

In the midst of it, there seemed to be a voice telling her: there must be, there must be.

Chu Yan! Suddenly, the name that made her dreamful appeared on the fairy list.

Although many names appeared afterwards, Xiao Jue's eyes fell firmly on the words "Chu Yan".

Let Xianbang shake gently, the name light appeared, and the names appeared one after another, but Xiao Jue didn't look at the side again.

There can be many people with the same name and surname in the world, but at this moment, Xiao Ju firmly believes that this Chu Yan must be His Royal Highness! Feeling the change in Xiao Jue's mood, the crowd around him looked at her with concern.

"Sister Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

Asked a sister next to Xiao Jue.

Xiao Jue's hand moved from heart to mouth, crying silently.

But in his eyes, it was shining brightly, revealing incomparable joy.

Everyone around looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Only Sister Li, guessed it.

She looked up at Xianbang.

"Chu Yan."

Soon, Sister Li found those two words.

She didn't know which two words were specific before, but now she knows.

After a little deep contemplation, Sister Li didn't look, remembered the name, and quietly sent a message.

Now that you know the name, you know that the other party is on Xiandao at the moment, and you have to participate in the group fairy meeting. As the sister of Sister Xiao, you are naturally obliged to take a look at this person.

If it was just a misunderstanding of the same name and surname, then you should prepare psychologically for Xiao Xiaomei in advance, so as not to get the truth revealed and affect her morality.

Thinking of this, Sister Li couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, in her heart, she felt that this matter was very likely, but it was only the beautiful misunderstanding of Sister Xiao's wishful thinking.

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