Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2022: this one

"This is ..." "Du Yishen's supernatural powers!"

"Wan Xia streamer cut!"

"Du Yishen turned out to be this magical power!"

"Chu Yan is finished!"

"He wanted to kill Chu Yan!"

"Huh, the disciples of the Jiuli Party were humiliated by Chu Yan before. If Du Yishen could not crush Chu Yan at this moment, he would have no prestige."

"Before Chu Yan killed Zifu, whether he was too strong or Zifu was too weak would soon be clear."

At the moment when Du Yishen shot, above Xiandao, there were cries from all directions.

Seeing the dazzling light shining out of the center of Xiandao, Xiao Jie felt that his heart would pop out of his chest.

Around the same group of people at this time, they also showed a very shocking look.

The brilliant round of scorching sun made them feel extremely hot and dazzling at this moment, just like the blood in their bodies, they were all ignited and burned completely.

"Die to me!"

Du Yishen is killing his heart slowly at this moment.

In all directions, a round of blazing sun burst through the void, surging out.

Innumerable rays of light have now become substance, melting into a torrent of light and smoke, covering the sky and pouring down towards Chu Yan.

At this time, even an iceberg will evaporate instantly.

Wow! The world is shaking.

The center of Xiandao was suddenly covered by a dazzling light.

"It's over."

"Chu Yan is gone."

"Alas, after all, there is a big difference. This gap cannot be avoided anyway."

"Du Yishen is also true. This is obviously bullying the small, and even exerting his full strength."

Everyone on Xiandao shook their heads one after another, expressing regret over Chu Yan's encounter and being dismissive of Du Yishen's behavior.

However, some people envy Du Yishen secretly, and encounter a realm far below his opponent.

The process was short, as expected, and the level of excitement was also insufficient.

But being able to see a celestial mind monk with an innate physique's full shot, it can be considered to make up for some regrets.

Just when everyone thought the second fight ended, and these people included Du Yishen, a faint voice suddenly sounded from a roaring roar.

"this one?"

The voice mocked.

Not waiting for Du Yishen and the people on the fairy island to react, a burning flame light blade screamed out suddenly, and with a scream, the waterfall-like light was torn apart.

"Taiyi Lihuodao!"

The flame light blade stretched violently and turned into a giant blade, sweeping violently in the sky.

Crackling! Suddenly, all the radiant round mirrors exploded, as if they were a series of firecrackers.

The shattered light shoots everywhere like a meteor.

After the round mirror shattered and exploded, it left deep depressions in the void.

The surroundings were turbulent and chaotic.

With just one sweep, the sky mirrors were all destroyed, the pouring light was twisted into pieces and all disappeared.

In the stunned expression of everyone, Chu Yan was unscathed, hovering in midair.

Not to mention the appearance of embarrassment, even the hair is not messed up, and the brows are not wrinkled, as if it was just a breeze, not only is there no discomfort, but it is also very comfortable.

"This is what you said let me die?"

Looking at Du Yishen, who looked dull, Chu Yan's gaze rose slightly.

In the tone, this time also brought dissatisfaction.

His dissatisfaction was not due to Du Yishen's bullying, nor Du Yishen's suspected sneak attack, but it was clearly that Du Yishen's strength was too weak.

Heaven's mental state is double, and the triple strength of the heaven's state of mind is too weak! After stunned for a while on the fairy island, everyone reacted, and all of a sudden, all the faces showed an incredible look, and the sounds of breathing one after another were one after another.

"This guy actually blocked Du Yishen's supernatural powers?"

"What is blocking it is simply not caring!"

"It is worthy of the existence of beating the Purple House in public, and it really has strength!"

"Ha, let's see what Du Yishen will do now."

"He's still provoking! Sure enough, he has strength, he has confidence!"

With Chu Yan's just shot, the original questioning of him not only disappeared, but even at this time there was also admiration for him.

Xiao Jue took a long breath and let go of his suspended heart.

She pursed her mouth and suddenly laughed out loud.

"That's His Highness. His Highness is absolutely sure of what he is doing. I just worried about it for nothing."

But immediately, she thought wonderingly: "I haven't worried about your Highness like this for ten years, and I feel a little ..." Xiao Ju shook his head quickly: "No, how can I feel a little sweet. What I hope is that your Highness will always be safe and will never be in danger! "

As soon as he thought about it, Xiao Ju felt a little guilty, so he quietly looked towards both sides.

The next moment, she couldn't help but stunned.

"Sister Yang?

what happened to you?

Why is the mouth so open? "

"Sister Xu, don't you faint!"

"Sister Li, Sister Li, why do you have this expression too?

What's wrong with everyone? "

Xiao Ju couldn't help shouting again and again.

All of her fellow students are shocked and unbelievable at this moment.

But before Xiao Xiu awakened these fellow students, another roar came from the center of Xiandao.

This sound seemed to be rolling thunder exploding in the chest.

Many of the disciples on Xiandao who were a bit lower in level suddenly felt anger and blood, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

The formation of Luoxia Valley covering everyone's figure was also inspired at this moment, and under the impact, it showed a colorful light.

Xiao Ju only felt his heart pounding, and hurriedly looked back toward the center of Xiandao.

At a glance, she saw that the heavenly mood called Du Yishen was triple, and she was frightened to flee everywhere.

Chu Yan didn't even make a shot at this moment, but his body and blood burst open, as if it were a torrent of steel, violently striking around.

The vast void, as if it were crushed glaze, does not break, shatter, collapse, or collapse.

The terrible cracks, like dense webs of spiders, spread in all directions.

At a glance, it feels as if the world is falling apart, the world is sinking, and the end is coming.

Du Yishen, who is clearly higher in the realm, seemed to be a dead leaf in a storm, constantly rising and falling, as if it was smashed by the stormy waves next time.

Although I know that this force is inevitably impossible to affect myself, but looking at this scene, many monks on Xiandao still feel that they are suffocating, their scalp bursts of numbness, and their muscles and muscles are tight. Same as myself.

Du Yishen, who was chased and oppressed, and felt that he was almost crumpled, was even more embarrassed and annoyed at this moment, and shouted loudly: "Chu Yan, don't go too far!"

"Ha ha."

His Highness Chu sneered and responded with two words.

Feeling Dao Dao's eyes, falling on himself, mocking, sarcasm, and confusion, Du Yishen felt that his cheeks were going to burn up, and he snapped his teeth, palms, and in an instant, a thousand rays of light, rising into the sky, Peacock screen Generally unfold.

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