Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2023: Silver Fighter

"Fate of Life! Jade Heart Baohua Tree!"

Du Yishen steadily stabilized his body in mid-air, burst into bursts of sound, and his body flashed with aura, as if it were a volcanic volcano.

The beams of light, like a giant sword, pierced the sky, and then spread out.

In every divine light, it seems that there are countless gods to appear, detached from the world, and purify the world.

In this scene, the monks on Xiandao couldn't help but hold their breath and straightened.

"Du Yishen still has such a means."

"It is worthy of being the leader of the Nine Lebanese Party, and it really is hidden."

"I said he was a top 100 disciple of Heaven's Mind State. I really looked at him too little."

"This guy must have deliberately concealed such strength and magic weapon, just thinking about making a blockbuster at the group fair."

"Oh, sure enough, no one can be underestimated."

Everyone was swayed by this Taoist light, and many people were even stunned, thinking secretly, if they met Du Yishen, they would be able to stop him at this moment.

Even the vast majority of people saw the magical power that Du Yishen was exhibiting at the moment, and he directly asserted in his heart: Chu Yan will lose! "The situation has been reversed! Although Chu Yan is also very good, he has amazing ability.

But in the face of Du Yishen, it was still too tender. "

Many monks have such thoughts in their hearts at this moment.

"Chu Yan, you asked for it, die!"

In the middle of the fairy island, Du Yishen shouted loudly, pointing his hand with his sword.

In an instant, thousands of streams of light, like a flame flying, like a terrifying sky, swept toward Chu Yan.

The entire sky dome is covered at this moment.

To many monks at the scene, Chu Yan was as small as an ant.

"Ha ha."

Chu Yan sneered.

The blood inside the body surged at this moment.

Boom! A powerful sound shocked the nothingness.

This sound was like a violent heartbeat, which made everyone feel the blood in the body and suddenly accelerated.

Above the fairy island, the deputy suzerain who had originally prepared to watch the third game also sat up again.

There was also a burst of joy in the eyes of the elders.

The corner of his eyes glanced at the suzerain aside, and when he saw the ever-smiling suzerain, at this moment the brow corner also picked up slightly, looking a little surprised.

A buzzing sound, a trembling roar in the middle of Xiandao, once again attracted everyone's attention to the past.

Chu Yan took a shot.

In an instant, his body seemed to be surging blood, pouring down the river.

The sea of ​​blood turned into a huge spear in front of him, like a mountain in the sky.

Countless Fulu, with a bold, long, thick atmosphere, surrounds it.

In an instant, the void around the spear was crushed and collapsed.

The tremendous light that was not close was also affected, and when the sky swayed, he began to collapse.

Du Yishen's face changed suddenly, his heart beating wildly.

Everyone on Xiandao also showed a more exaggerated look than before.

A loud roar suddenly sounded from all directions.

"What a supernatural power!"

"The blood inside me has been suppressed!"

"What a terrible power, Chu Yan's blood, is so powerful!"

"Blood power! He is a physical trainer!"

"Du Yishen is finished."

In the roar of surprise, Chu Yan made five fingers.

In an instant, the blood gas collapsed like Tianhe, urging the spear and stab forward in the air.

Crackling! The void is penetrated directly.

Wandaoxiaguang, Caixia all over the sky, in an instant, all annihilation.

The series of texts, one after another, with all the power to suppress all the light, suppress all the light.

The spear immediately pointed in front of Du Yishen.

Du Yishen trembles, his face pale, and he can't move in the air.

In front of him, a big tree suddenly appeared.

This big tree, with its lush foliage and precious light, is densely embellished like stars.

This is the magic weapon that Du Yi proposed without giving up, and intends to be famous at this group of fairy fairs-Yuxin Baohua Tree.

At this time, the magic weapon was still there, shining vigorously, blocking Du Yishen, relying on the power of innumerable magic weapons to block the spear.

At this moment, the light shines, and time seems to be forbidden.

But the spear did not stop, rushed forward again, violently surpassing the prestige of the ancient times, burst out, directly bursting the jade heart Baohua tree.

A magical power to destroy the magic weapon! boom! The huge tree burst into a huge firework in an instant.

I don't know how much of the light is emitted. It seems to be a fireworks and firestorm, which dazzles the eyes of blind people.

The entire Xiandao, at this moment, was engulfed by light, as if it had been melted.

After the treasure tree, Du Yishen screamed, his robe around him was instantly torn, the skin on his body cracked again and again, just like broken porcelain, blood and aura, as if no money was pouring out.

Even the hair on the body was slashed by the wind and all ripped off.

In a blink of an eye, Du Yishen became a bare blood man, howling and falling towards the ground.

On the jade platform, on the Jiuli Party side, there was no voice at this time.

Everyone was stunned.

And not only stunned, it can even be said to be scared and stupid.

Especially the disciple who was beaten down by Chu Yan before this moment was directly paralyzed on the ground, his expression was dull, and his eyes would not move.

The whole Xiandao, at this moment also fell into a strange quiet.

Heaven's state of mind beats heaven's state of mind twice.

Magical powers to explode the magic weapon.

And this is still a supernatural power! Mo Mo stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing with fierce light: "This guy, really is my enemy in winning this time!"

Under the gaze of the scene, Chu Yan raised his head and looked up at the fairy list above his head.

His name still shines.

The name belonging to Du Yishen quickly became gray and then disappeared.

This represents the end of Du Yishen's group fairy conference.

Chu Yan turned around and was about to return to the jade platform. Suddenly, there was a loud drink, accompanied by a white light rising from one direction of Xiandao.


Chu Yan looked back and frowned.

The coming person flew out from the direction of the group of disciples at Ziweimen.

This disciple didn't know Chu Yan, but when he saw that the other party was also in the triple state of heaven's state of mind, a guess came to mind.

Seeing this disciple, he fell into a quiet fairy island, and suddenly he was upset again.

"It's the Silver Fighter!"

"Silver Fighter, one of the Eight Battlemen of Ziweimen!"

"What's going on?

Is n’t Du Yishen the leader of the Jiuli Party?

What do Ziweimen Yindouzhan appear at this moment? "

This suspicious voice passed into Chu Yan's ears, proving his guess was correct.

"It really is the Ziwei goalkeeper."

But Chu Yan didn't take it seriously. After glancing at the other party, he continued to fly towards Yutai.


Seeing Chu Yan ignoring himself, Yin Douzhan's face sank, his arms raised.

Immediately, a sharp light, like a guillotine falling from the sky, fell towards the top of Chu Yan's head, and it seemed that he wanted to kill him on the spot!

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