Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2043: Rank up

"This guy actually swallowed us directly into the body!"

"Ha ha ha ha, it's really a fool. It seems that he also has little experience. I don't know that we demons, the best thing is to get into the body of the monk and occupy their body."

"I have such a strong blood, I really like it."

"Eat! Eat him up, hollow out all his body, and eat only one skin!"

"This guy is so smart that he swallowed us, then we should respect him now, and let him **** him up, hahahaha!"

There were bursts of bitter laughter in Chu Yan's body.

There are tens of thousands of voices, which is unimaginable and full of every inch of skin and every hair in Chu Yan's body.

Even as if every drop of blood contained countless demons and spirits.

If you are an ordinary monk, you will either be attacked by magic energy or scared to death.

But Chu Yan didn't change his face, and snorted lightly.

Suddenly, the sharp screaming sounds in his body changed tone.

"what is this!"

"This guy is intentional!"

"Be careful, he is going to kill us!"

"This breath of destruction, ah, what the **** is this!"

"It's over, we have to escape quickly, otherwise we will die in his body!"

Immediately, these demon spirits in Chu Yan's body screamed like crazy, trying to break free from Chu Yan's body.

But when they go in, it is impossible to get out again.

Dadao Dao, with Chu Yan's whole body of blood, suddenly turned around in the body.

The level of these demon souls is too low, and the knowledge is too little, it is naturally impossible to recognize one of the supreme powers of Destruction Avenue.

In the case of escaping the five gates, Chu Yan was cleaned up in a flash.

In fact, for the one behind the gate of hell, these demon souls can restore power for him.

But there is a problem that the person behind the gate of **** still has a high vision.

That means that he would never eat ordinary monster spirits.

Chu Yan knew the other party’s thoughts, so he didn’t discuss it with the other party at all. After running the Destruction Avenue and strangling it all, he immediately flew to the next place with a powerful demon.

At this time, a demon was killed, and it is a relatively powerful demon.

This demon, the strength is equivalent to the triple of the state of mind in the monk.

Although it can't reach the peak, it is comparable to the demon that slashes and kills a hundred realms, which is equivalent to the weight of heaven.

So immediately, Chu Yan's ranking on the Xianbang had a huge leap forward.

At the beginning, after there were 500 people, after beheading this monster, more than 200 people came directly.

The monk who has been paying attention to Xianbang, whether it is on the flesh and blood star or on Xiandao, immediately noticed a change in his ranking.

The others are at most one or two places, at most three or five places improved, and then when they will fall back a little, Chu Yan's jump in this step is really unbelievable.

"He shot!"

"Immediately raised nearly 300 people!"

"I thought he had an accident at first, but it didn't!"

"It's a veritable word, it's just a shot, it's a blockbuster!"

Everyone on the fairy island exclaimed.

Li Xiu, Su Yuqing, Jiang Panmeng and others looked at each other, and they all felt that their dangling hearts were finally released.

They also noticed that soon after entering the Xinghai vortex, the rankings of Lin Miaoran, Shen Qing and others began to change. Only the most powerful Chu Yan was motionless.

This made them wonder if it would be Ziweimen who made a move in it and laid a trap against Chu Yan.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Chu Yan should have his own plans, and did not kill other demon as he found a demon.

He has his own considerations.

And the remarks reached their ears and made them shake their heads slightly.

"It's a blockbuster when I say it, it's really too small to read Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan's performance, they will absolutely shock their tongues. "

At the same time, on the flesh and blood star, everyone who is concerned about the changes in Xianbang is also in a different mood at this time.

Lin Miaoran and Shen Qing were naturally relieved.

Lin Miaoran has the closest relationship with Chu Yan, so naturally he guessed the purpose of Chu Yan.

At this moment, when she saw that Chu Yan's ranking was stable within a range, she knew that the other party must be on the way to find the next demon, so she focused her attention on her side, actively sought out the demon, and improved her strength through fighting. .

Uslanma pouted her lips: "Well, what's so proud of?"

But at the next moment, her face changed slightly, and the look of expectation appeared in her eyes: "I really want to know what the expressions of the people of Ziweimen are now."

At this moment, on the ground where the blood was flowing, the giant axe in his hand fell sharply.

The golden sharp edge, tearing a thousand cracks in an instant.

The sound of countless knife and axe bursts out of the crack.

A stream of blood rushed out.

In the blood, dozens of demon heads were washed into the sky and then fell to the ground.

These monsters are strangely shaped and indescribable, but their eyes are full of doubts and confusion. Obviously they have never realized how they died.

At this moment, without a word, hovering two powerful figures.

They are the other two generals of Ziweimen's eight generals.

After passing through the Xinghai vortex to the flesh and blood demon star, the few of them dispersed.

The two warriors cast a secret method. They first found Mo Moyu and merged with him to help him kill the demon at the fastest speed and occupy the top position.

The remaining few generals are now on the way to converge.

With a sharp blood stain on the giant axe, he closed his eyes without a word and glanced at Xian Bang in his mind.

Immediately, he discovered Chu Yan, whose ranking had soared.


In a flash, it has improved so much! "

Mo Wu opened his eyes, frowning tightly, and a fierce breath suddenly filled.

This earth, full of malice and ferocity, even made the devil's flesh and blood condense beneath his feet, and the sound of howling came from inside.

Turning around and looking at the two warlords, Mo said coldly: "Let the disciples of Ziweimen pay attention to Chu Yan's movements at any time. Once they find out, tell me his position immediately!"

"it is good."

One of the generals nodded, raised his hand and waved.

His fingertips immediately formed a shiny purple rune in the air.

After the rune was condensed, he stretched out his hand and immediately disappeared into the air.

But at the next moment, the information contained in this rune was known to all the disciples of Ziweimen on the flesh demon star.

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