Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2044: Go further

When Ziweimen saw the change in her ranking on the Xianbang, what kind of reaction would she make? This has been considered by Chu Yan before.

But he didn't care.

Because in Chu Yan's estimation, the chance of meeting Ziweimen disciples would be particularly low for at least ten days.

the reason is simple.

He had no intention of those low-level demons. From the beginning, he ran directly to the area with powerful demons.

Moreover, Chu Yan himself observed the changes in the rankings on the Xianbang.

After entering the flesh and blood star, to the present position, no disciple's name has disappeared.

That means that not only did there not be disciple battles, nor were disciples injured by demons.

The first point is easy to understand, and the second point will give you a very useful message if you think about it carefully.

That's when the disciples were sent to the flesh and blood demon star, and the monsters they encountered were not strong.

"And from another perspective, the monsters on this flesh-and-blood demon, from weak to strong, are also regular.

While the disciples were still entangled with the low-level demons, I went directly to kill the powerful demons.

Not only can you absorb the blood gas to the greatest extent and condense yourself, but you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by other disciples. "

Chu Yan stripped the cocoon, analyzed various pros and cons, and after weighing them, perfected the plan previously set in his mind, and then continued to fly fast.

Soon after, a rolling mountain appeared in front of him.

This mountain range is stacked one upon the other, just like layers of meat decayed and stacked together.

If you look closely, you can also see the surface of the mountain, revealing a dense cross-section of white bones, as if it were piled with countless corpses.

Rolling demon qi, devil qi, haunting it, as if it were a burning gray flame, revealing a chaotic and chaotic atmosphere.

At this time, before Chu Yan was completely close, the mountain range suddenly rose.

The sound of landslides and cracks sounded.

At the same time, the gleaming green rays lit up on the surface of the mountain, like countless pairs of ghost eyes, and they looked directly at Chu Yan, revealing the urge to greedy and bloodthirsty.

Under this kind of magic light, the Taoist heart of ordinary monks will be directly contaminated, planted from the air, absorbed by this mountain, and become the meat in it is normal.

But Chu Yan just smiled coldly, reached for a hand in the air, and shot down.

In an instant, a purple thunder, as if it was a pillar supporting the world, descended from the sky, inserted into the mountains fiercely, and penetrated into it.

Bang! The entire mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly surging. The surface was like a undulating wave. The deafening roar came from inside, like infinite energy. In a flash, the mountain range was like a volcanic eruption, torn from the inside. It exploded.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! The earth is moving, [Biqugewwww.biqugew.me] In the explosion of the sky, the towering mountains exploded into a deep canyon, and at a glance, it seemed like a terrible rift stretched on the ground.

In the sky, countless pieces of minced meat and bone debris poured down like a rainstorm.

The roar and roar of the demon soul resounded through the sky and earth.

Chu Yan raised his hand and pulled out a slap from the sky.

Lightning interwoven into a shiny grid, sweeping through the sky.

Suddenly, all the minced meat and bone debris were fried into powder.

The demon soul was also shattered.

In the muddy world, in front of Chu Yan, a piece of crystal that was rare on the entire planet appeared.

Chu Yan hovered between the heavens and the earth, his eyes exploded towards the mountain range, looking out into the deep cracks left behind.

At this time, he could clearly feel that an unparalleled blood was surging from the depth of this crack.

Anger, blood, despair, irritability... a negative emotion almost condensed into an entity that propped up the void, and pressed down **** Chu Yan's body.

Bang! At this moment, a loud noise caused the earth trembling a thousand miles away.

The crack that had been torn open on the ground expanded again.

At the next moment, a palm as high as three or four floors stretched out of the crack.

There was blood and magma flowing on the surface of the palm, and countless eyeballs blinked on it.

One eyeball in the palm is the most huge, surrounded by the densely packed small eyeballs in the center, as if it were the stars.

This eyeball has a very violent look, all bloodshot, like a peeled python, constantly struggling and twisting.

His eyes just swept away, and the surrounding ground suddenly turned into thick water.

At this moment the eyeball twitched sharply and looked straight towards Chu Yan.

Suddenly, the void around Chu Yan collapsed suddenly.

A river of blood floating with countless white bones, a mighty, rushing out of the depths of the void, boiling like a rolling oil, swept towards Chu Yan, and in a blink of an eye, Chu Yan would be engulfed.

"It's stronger than the guy before, this should be almost the strength of the triple peak of heaven's state of mind."

Chu Yan made a judgment immediately, "Do you want it?"

This last sentence was addressed to the one behind the gate of hell.

"Too bad..." "I see."

Chu Yan nodded and stomped in place.

boom! A tremendous force spread, and in an instant, the torn blood river was torn to pieces.

Wisps of blood water, scattered into the air, were immediately evaporated completely.

Chu Yan's body turned into a stream of light immediately, and fell straight down, punching through the palm of his hand.

The eyeball in the center of the palm became a huge blood hole.

All the twisted muscles inside were twisted for a while.

嗤嗤嗤嗤——Blood water sprayed out from the hole of the blood hole, as if it were not for money.

Chu Yan turned around after his palm, five-pointed to the next shot.

Bang! The palm curled up in pain was suddenly crushed into a thick pool of plasma.

The blood plasma kept wriggling, and a grim face appeared in it.

This face growled towards Chu Yan, as if threatening, as if swearing.

"Ha ha."

Chu Yan sneered, five fingers clenched again.

The void jumps and concentrates vigorously.

The face in the plasma suddenly showed a look of terrified fear, and in a flash, it became a blood bead, which was swallowed by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's body suddenly heard a convulsive roar.

The power of qi and blood instantly flooded the whole body, so that the sound of the giant wave shooting was heard in his body.

The higher the level of the demon here, the stronger the power of the blood of the ancestral demon contained in the body, and the greater the improvement to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's body was once again promoted at this moment.

At the same time, his ranking on the Xianbang has also taken a big step forward.

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