Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2047: Swept through

Bang! With the order of this demon, there was an amazing loud noise all around.

It was like a sky turbulence, which was suppressed severely at once.

The airflow around him suddenly solidified into an iron plate.

The void is not broken like glass.

Rolling magic energy, terrifying magic light, vigorous on all sides, Chu Yan will be completely engulfed in an instant.

"Huh, the faint magic light is really a pearl of rice, and dare to compete with the sun and the moon."

Chu Yan sneered and shot immediately.

"Biyue ghost torrent!"

Immediately, the sky above the flesh-and-blood magic star seemed to rise a full moon.

It's just that compared to the bright moonlight of the usual moonlight, this round moon reveals a breath of silence, solemnity, coldness, and coldness, as if a terrifying undead engulfing countless creatures is about to come to the earth.

Immediately, the original magical energy around Chu Yan seemed to be frightened and became quiet.

The demon hovering in mid-air, also uneasy, looked up at the sky.

Although these monsters on the flesh and blood demon star are all nourished by the blood of the ancestor, they are condensed on this planet full of flesh and blood.

But in the end, they can inherit the power of the ancestral demons, not even one in a billion.

But Chu Yan's Biyue ghost torrent is inherited from Sage Sage.

Sage Sage, but the contemporary Sage, with boundless mana and powerful strength, is a character who can rival the Sect Master of the End of the World.

At this time Chu Yan showed his peerless supernatural powers, although because of Chu Yan's realm, the power is far less than the Sage Master himself.

But Chu Yan's own strength is to defeat all the demons present.

At this moment, the moon is high and Wan Lai is silent.

These bloodthirsty demons killed on weekdays felt deep despair and fear from the depths of their hearts.

Just when they were shaking and shaking, Mingyue burst out suddenly.

Countless moonlights, like swords, pierced the sky, opened the **** sky, screamed, and split the monsters in the sky in half.

More than a dozen demons roared repeatedly, demonstrating their magic skills.

A mighty **** light condensed into ghost heads, ghost claws, magic shadows, and magic lights, but they were all pierced and split by the sword-mand of the moonlight.

These demons, most of them were killed or injured.

The remaining six or seven are also very embarrassed.

The original celestial demon formation is now destroyed.

The army of demons in the swaying flag was swept away.

The entire sky dome is now a dark, chaotic place, full of demon corpses.

Large groups of squirming plasma burst into unwilling shouts of heart-splitting lungs.

These plasmas are full of demon ideas.

If it falls to the ground, it can be recondensed into a new demon over time.

But today, they are doomed to have no such opportunity! Behind Chu Yan's **** wings, like a meteor, swept through the sky, puffy puffy, as if it were a red trajectory, connecting these thick plasma squirming in the air.

The power of the tumbling blood gas in the plasma was immediately absorbed by him! An explosive force suddenly burst out in Chu Yan's body.

On the sky, it seemed to be a scorching sun, rising instantly.

The bright moon was swallowed instantly.

All the fires, like the dragon, swept through the Taikoo desert.

The remaining demon, trembling all over the body, desperate to escape away into the distance.

"Want to go?"

Chu Yan sneered.

"Blood sacrifice Dafa!"

At this time, the blood in the body was surging and reached the peak, as if thousands of volcanoes were erupting, the blood gas supernatural power was on display, Chu Yan's arms were soaring, thick like mountains, and the knot was like an angry dragon, with five fingers spread out, as if it could be destroyed. Honghuang, smashing thousands of stars.

In a flash, Chu Yan's palms were shot down by the two monsters who were escaping fast.

The black pressure slammed down like a catastrophe.

These two demons are comparable to the strength of the triple peak of the state of mind.

The palms were not close, their bodies cracked like eggs, and then they slammed into the air and exploded into pieces.

The blood rain of broken meat was immediately sucked into the body by the vortex formed by the condensed palm of Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan's five fingers were like boiling oil poured into flames, burning in the air.

The huge palm, long and long fingers, looked at a glance, like ten burning pillars appeared in the sky.

At the moment Chu Yan's palm moved, and suddenly he was the hegemonic pressure of blood and fire, which enveloped the vastness.

"You few, don't want to run away!"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and his consciousness advanced step by step. In the blink of an eye, he escaped from the remaining monsters in the six or seven thousand miles. He was suddenly frightened by the disorder of his body, and his body was frozen in the air.

These great monsters were the strongest monsters that Chu Yan sensed before his probing.

Each of them contains power beyond the state of mind, but it has not reached the level of Zifu.

If it is a human monk, then the strength can be called a half-step purple house.

On the flesh and blood demon, the demon who reaches this strength not only has the wisdom and strength far exceeding other demon.

They will also use their ancestral blood to condense their own souls! When the souls are completely condensed, at that time, they can survive even if they leave the flesh and blood star, and they are still a giant.

At this time Chu Yan's fancy is the spirit that they initially condensed.

"Fengyou Hades Chain!"

Uh, uh, uh, uh! It seemed to be a void covered in blood, and was suddenly pierced by chains.

These chains, with the breath of killing everything, not only penetrate the void, but also destroy the demon trying to escape, one by one, or seal the retreat.

"You never want to stop me!"

Before that, his whole body was covered with bronze armor, and he ordered the demons to kill Chu Yan's demons. With a roar, he wielded a huge sword in his hand and chopped towards the interwoven chain in front of him.

The magic flame of its whole body is burning and rising into the sky. In the dire green light, countless magic souls are madly moved and flock to the chain.

But Chu Yan's five fingers, a catch, and the chain clattered and quickly tightened.

The green magic flame was suddenly taken into it, tightened, and exploded at once, turning into a flying fire, as if it were countless green butterflies. When it was blown by the wind, it disappeared.

The demon wearing bronze armor was also tied tightly at this moment.

As the chain continued to tighten, the armor on it was twisted, and a roar of prying steel plates broke out.

A series of green greasy lines, twisted and twisted, appeared on it.

These runes are obviously written by the Devil, and a glance is enough to make people have a nightmare for a whole year.

"If you don't let me go, I will let you taste the greatest suffering in this world!"

The body is constantly twisting and splitting, this demon roars repeatedly, and the whole body at this moment is flowing out of thick green water.

"Oh, come on."

Chu Yan nodded and pressed his palm hard.

The chain tightened abruptly, and with a bang, the demon was twisted into a thick slurry of blood and water.

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