Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2048: Rank up again

All the blood springs immediately flowed down the chain, and were sucked into Chu Yan's body through the chain of Feng You Pluto.

It was at this time that a green glow in the exploded plasma turned into a fierce face and swooped toward Chu Yan.

Thousands of miles away, the most extreme, the extremely fierce and fierce breath, condensed on this face, a bit hard, and shot into Chu Yan's chest.

The demon's angry roar came from Chu Yan's body at this moment.

"I'm going to burn your soul with magic flames, so that you can't survive, don't you die... eh?"

Before the words were finished, its voice was like a big goose stepped on the neck and became struggling.

"Ha ha."

Chu Yan sneered.

This demon, reaching the strength of the half-step Purple House, condensed out the original soul.

Although this spirit is like a devil, but if it is really invaded by it, the harm is as huge as it just said.

But for Chu Yan, this injury does not exist at all.

At this moment he didn't do anything, everything was done by the one behind the gate of hell.

The hungry man had been hungry for a long time. At this time, the soul that had been condensed by the power of the ancestors took the initiative to send him to the door.

At this time, Chu Yan seemed to be able to hear the demon shouting in shock and rage while being dragged, "You let me go... you let me go..." Then there was no sound at all.

I thought I was dragged to the door of **** and eaten.

At this time Chu Yan's eyes looked at several other places.

The demon who just fled is not the only one.

It is natural to have more than half the strength of Zifu.

But now, without exception, the remaining demon, no matter how strong they were originally, but now, they are all locked in the air by the chain of Phantom Hades, unable to move.

The cold air brought by the chain of Feng You Pluto even freezes the devil qi inside them, making them unable to break free.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes were swept towards them. The bodies of these demon were suddenly uncontrollable, trembling violently, and even with the big net-like chains in the air, they were clattering.

Chu Yan snorted coldly, opened his arms, and moved his heart.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Suddenly in the air it seemed to explode several huge firecrackers.

These demons, in a flash, burst apart.

The flesh and blood were quickly absorbed by the chain of Phantom Hades. When the soul was about to flee, he was sucked by Chu Yan's mouth, and all of them were sucked into the body.

The strength of these monsters is dozens of times stronger than the monsters that Chu Yan had killed before! And the promotion this time brings not only the blood, but also the soul.

So at this moment, Chu Yan's whole body, even hovering in mid-air, still gives people a kind of prestige that shakes the world and shakes the galaxy.

A terrible coercion spread out from inside him, even making the voids pile up like waves.

When Chu Yan breathed, the sound of a landslide and tsunami came.

The ground beneath him, rumbling and tumbling, continued to collapse.

After these pieces of meat collapsed, the dense eggs underneath were exposed.

Inside the eggs are demons that have not yet formed.

At this time, the void vibration caused by Chu Yan's breath suddenly broke one after another.

In an instant, there were no known how many demons that had not yet formed completely died out.

At the same time, above the Xianbang, Chu Yan's name suddenly disappeared in the position of more than forty.

From the last time he moved from a hundred to the end, and suddenly jumped to more than forty, the eyes of many monks were always paying attention to his next change.

Because within a hundred, even if the rankings are relatively slow, Chu Yan's name has only fallen into five positions in the past period, and it is still within fifty.

Suddenly disappeared at this time, no matter the people on the fairy island, or the many monks on the flesh and blood star, they felt that their hearts were instantly tense.

This time, where will Chu Yan's name appear?

Within a hundred, the higher the front, the greater the difficulty.

More than forty people will be raised to more than thirty people. If the difficulty is one, for more than thirty people to more than twenty people, the difficulty may be five.

And more than 20 people have to score more than 10, the difficulty is 30.

When more than a dozen people have to reach the top ten, the difficulty may reach one or two hundred.

After the top ten, the difficulty can only be calculated one by one.

Will Chu Yan disappear this time, eliminate the bleeding star, or complete another leap?

If it is a leap, how many will it rise to?

At this time, the monk on the fairy island stopped talking; the monk on the flesh and blood star couldn't help but stop his movements.

With a pair of eyes and a lot of thoughts, Qi Qi is paying attention to the changes in Xianbang.

After two breaths, Chu Yan's name appeared again on the fairy list.

This proves that he has not been eliminated.

It just disappeared because of an increase in ranking.

This time, seeing Chu Yan's ranking, Xiandao suddenly became quiet.

Many monks on the jade platform looked at Xianbang with incredible eyes.

They were all dumbfounded, and their eyes were unbelievable.

Even above the green clouds higher in Sendai, the patriarchs, elders, and high-level royal families of the various sects were stunned.

Some people even rubbed their eyes vigorously with their hands, and then looked over to make sure that there was no problem with their eyes.

"This... kidding... right..." Nan Tianwang's breath was frozen and his eyes were confused.

He looked left and right, and the expressions of all the monks around him were exactly the same.

On the flesh and blood star, after seeing Chu Yan's ranking, some disciples had heart tremors and problems with the reiki movement in their bodies, and they fell directly from the air.

Also, the disciples' minds suddenly became blank, and they felt like they were dreaming.

With a snap, there were more monks who subconsciously squeezed the magic weapon in their hands, and then felt distressed.

Mo Buyu was silent.

The three Ziwei goalkeepers who had joined together at this time.

The three warlords looked at each other at the moment, and they all saw the deep shock and surprise from the other's eyes.

On the fairy list, Chu Yan ranked first! And throw away Mo Mo speech a large distance! "From more than forty people, I went straight to the first... this guy... what kind of demon he killed..." After a moment, a warrior muttered to himself.

The other two generals were speechless for a while.

Although there is no opening, the two warriors understand that they can be more than forty in a flash, surpass Mo Mo, and become the first in this fairy list. Strength.

And there is more than one demon beheaded in a short time! The surrounding atmosphere seemed to be extremely frozen for a while.

Without saying anything, he stopped in the air, and the three generals did not dare to talk.

After a long time, Mo said nothing, and said the first sentence after seeing Chu Yan ranked.

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