Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2061: The best of both worlds

Cao Jing's mood is particularly complicated at this moment.

She used to think of Chu Yan as a younger brother.

Even though she also knows that this younger brother who is valued by the Leiyun Party has amazing talents and strength far beyond her realm.

But after each contact, there will be a feeling that they can't see through each other.

"What is the realm of Brother Chu?"

Is the strength he now shows all his strength? "

The more speculation, the more Cao Jing felt Chu Yan's unfathomable.

"If he was on Xiandao at that time, when he beheaded the Purple Mansion, it was indeed a double-hearted state of mind.

Then he has now risen to the triple of the state of mind, and in terms of strength..." Cao Jing looked at Chu Yan in a daze, feeling the layers of Tao Yun on Chu Yan's body, only feeling as if he was facing a towering high mountain.

The mountain peak can't see the top at a glance, the layers of clouds are misty, and the more I look at it, the more I feel that I am small. After the emotion is deeply trapped, I can't help it, and I have an urge to worship.

But at this moment, Chu Yan gave a greeting, tearing the emotion that almost crushed her Dao Xin.

Cao Jing took a deep breath, calmed down, and smiled gratefully at Chu Yan.

The compelling emotion just now was not Chu Yan's intention to hurt her, but the heart demon she had accidentally produced.

If it were not for Chu Yan to be aware of it in time and to pull her out, her Dao Xin will inevitably be affected.

Without paying attention, Chu Yan had rescued her twice in this short time.

"Sister Cao, have you seen anyone else?"

Chu Yan asked.

Listening to Chu Yan also called himself a sister, and in terms of tone, there was no change due to the transcendence of the realm. Cao Jingxin was more comfortable inside.

She shook her head and said, "After coming to the Flesh Demon Star, except for the two Ziweimen disciples just now, I haven't seen anyone else yet."

After a little deep contemplation, Cao Jing said again: "Brother Chu, are you looking for Lin Miaoran?"


Chu Yan shook his head, "I'm looking for people at Ziweimen, especially Mo Mo."

"You ask them to do..." Cao Jing woke up suddenly before he finished his words, and his eyes suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

Everyone thought that after entering the flesh and blood star, Chu Yan would encounter unprecedented troubles.

On the one hand, he has to face powerful demons.

On the other hand, beware of the pursuit of Ziweimen.

But now, listening to Chu Yan's tone, he turned out to be the trouble to find Ziweimen disciples.

And from his current state and strength, as well as the situation where he just shot out the two, he did not just talk about it, but he did it.

Looking at the confident look on Chu Yan's face, Cao Jingcai realized that he had made the same mistakes as others.

That is to say, the location changed from Xiandao to the flesh and blood star, lost the protection of the Sect Master of the End of the World, and Chu Yan became a toothless tiger.

The fact is that Chu Yan had made Ziweimen lose again and again before this, and he did not rely on Tianya Sect Master's shot.

The Sect Master just gave Nan Tianwang a lesson when he faced Chu Yan's shot at this time.

At other times, Chu Yan is all relying on his own strength.

"Brother Chu..." Cao Jing was so shocked at this moment that he was completely speechless.

Chu Yan had already planned to leave.

He glanced at Cao Jing’s ranking on the fairy list, and took out another bottle of Elixir to give her, saying: "Sister, I still have something to do, so I will leave first. Be careful. If you are in danger, don't hold on.

This Seven-Turn Phantom Spirit Pill can protect your heart and soul when it is critical.

You can always keep it in your mouth in case you need it from time to time. "

Cao Jing knew that Chu Yan was worried about being hit by Ziweimen.

Because the prohibition of Tianyazong can protect the disciples on this flesh and blood star from falling, but if the attack is too strong in the moment of transmission, then it will still be injured.

If it's just a flesh wound, it's nothing to the monks in the state of mind.

But if the opponent aims to shock Doji and Soul, then they still need the protection of the seven-turn Phantom Spirit Pill.

After trying to understand the details, Cao Jing immediately expressed his gratitude to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care, and immediately turned and flew towards the distance, blinking Kung Fu, and disappeared into Cao Jing's vision.

Chu Yan gave Cao Jingdan medicine because it was not prepared for it before. At this time, he met on this flesh and blood star and was in the previous friendship, so he gave the other one.

As for Lin Miaoran and others, you don't have to think about it.

Before entering the flesh and blood magic star, Chu Yan prepared all kinds of immortals, runes, magic weapons, etc. that he could think of, and prepared them properly.

If they are not confronted with a very difficult and irresistible opponent, several of them will be able to fight.

And even if they are eliminated at the end, they will be the least injured among the eliminated disciples.

At this time, Chu Yan flew all the way forward, while the consciousness searched around, he was thinking about a problem in his mind.

The time that the people stayed on the flesh and blood star was a total of fifteen days.

For these fifteen days, for other disciples, they must be vigilant at all times, be careful, and be in a very nervous mood.

But for himself, these fifteen days are a rare time to kill the demon and improve his chances.

On this flesh and blood demon star, there must be more powerful demon.

Even if the space of the flesh and blood star is too thin, it can't support its realm to rise again.

However, after beheading the demon here, the blood and spirits drawn can still be stored in one's own body. After going back, the promotion will be completed.

So, if you continue to search for Ziweimen disciples like this, you can indeed eliminate a group, let yourself breathe out, and get some ideas, but for this opportunity, it is also too much waste.

You know, because you spend a lot of time to find Ziweimen disciples, and delay your own promotion, the consequences of this are the same as those of Ziweimen disciples who chase and kill themselves, and don’t let yourself kill the demon.

"In the ranking of Xianbang, there should be no surprises in my top ten.

But now I need to think of a method that has the best of both worlds. This will not only allow me to continue to have time to kill demons and improve myself, but also to thwart the arrogance of Ziweimen. "

After Chu Yan pondered for a while, his mind moved, and Zhan Ran's gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Instead of searching one by one, it is better to use myself as a bait and let the disciples of Ziweimen obediently hook up, and when they reach a certain number, they will wipe them out.

By that time, I can continue to kill the demon and improve myself. "

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