Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2062: Opportunity is here

There is no sun on flesh and blood stars.

All the light comes from the blood on the planet itself.

If you stay here for a long time, people will inevitably have an upset emotion.

If the mental will is weaker, it is possible to become a lunatic who only knows about mass murder.

At that time, the only ending is to yell, fight everywhere, and finally exhausted to death, and then turned into the nourishment of this flesh and blood star.

So for the disciples of Tianya Sect sent to the flesh and blood devil star, appearing here is a kind of tempering and cultivation of spirit and Taoxin.

Even if a demon is not beheaded, the will, spirit, and Dao heart will be improved.

But already here, who will easily give up this opportunity to kill monsters and improve their strength?

What's more, there is also a ranking of Xianbang.

Although Xianbang eventually only the top ten disciples can enter the third round of the Qunxian Conference.

But at the end of the final trial, different rankings will also have different rewards.

The higher the ranking, the more abundant the reward.

Although Zongmen has not yet announced what the reward will be, but in the first round, even if you lose, you can get a magic weapon of magic level as a reward, then this second round of reward is enough It makes people think.

At this time, Li Ming's disciple Li Ming looked at the demon's corpse under his feet, and then looked at his own ranking on the Xianbang. He could not help frowning.

This ranking... the position is a bit awkward.

His status in Ziweimen is not low.

After all, the realm is a three-fold real mental state of mind, and there are several heavy treasures on the body, and the strength is not weak.

But now, his ranking does not match his real power.

Li Ming thinks it may be the reason of luck. It has been the third day since he entered the flesh and blood star, and the number of demons he encountered is not large.

And even if they are encountered, the realm of these monsters makes people feel like chicken ribs, tasteless, and it is a pity to give up.

But relying on these chicken ribs, he is currently ranked more than 270 in the Xianbang.

"There are more than 500 disciples in total, and my heavenly state of mind is triple in the ranks of more than 270..." Seeing this ranking, Li Ming couldn't help but frown more tightly.

Because as the time to come to the flesh and blood star gradually increases, the competition for the ranking of the disciples on the Xianbang has become fiercer than the beginning.

If he can't meet the demon who can match his strength for more than two hundred and seventy, maybe a few hours later, it will be three hundred.

This ranking is not only shameful, but if you finally return to Xiandao with more than three hundred names, the rewards you get will be much worse than more than two hundred! "My realm strength, although not as good as a general, is also a character with a head and a face in Ziweimen and Tianyazong.

If it finally fell to more than three hundred, what is my face, what is my reward! For the time being, the top ten will not be mentioned for the time being, but it must be promoted to the top one hundred. "

When Li Ming felt anxious, suddenly, he saw a flicker of blood flying from the horizon.

It was accompanied by extreme pressure that made him tremble.

"It's a powerful demon!"

At this moment, Li Ming's body was tight, and for a moment, his brain appeared blank.

But soon, he reacted.

It is absolutely impossible to be a demon.

This is the coercion possessed by the monk.

"Which one of the strongmen in our Ziwei door has such a powerful coercive force?" The consciousness swept in the direction of the blood, Li Ming's body suddenly shocked: "It is Chu Yan!"

He saw the chaotic breath in the blood, the blood at the corners of his mouth, his face pale, and he flew up and down when flying, as if he would fall down at any time.

This state, Li Ming couldn't be more clear.

It is clear that the monk was seriously injured! "What's wrong with him?"

When Li Ming was in doubt, he saw Chu Yan's blood, and fell sharply.

As if it was a meteorite falling down, Chu Yan fell to a place thousands of miles away from him. Suddenly, there was a loud roar.

"This is, this is... he was injured?"

After waiting for a while, Li Ming suddenly shuddered with excitement.

Indistinctly, he felt an opportunity, and suddenly came to himself at this moment.

"Anyone who kills Chu Yan can be directly promoted to the general..." Li Ming couldn't help murmuring.

And he also knew that the Taiqing emperor was coming soon.

If at this time, such a big contribution, what does it mean.

"This is my chance! My chance!"

Li Ming's face was full of joy, and he couldn't help but sigh.

The next moment, he flew in the direction Chu Yan had just fallen to the ground.

But when he was on Xiandao before, he had seen the strength of Chu Yan's beheading.

Chu Yan is now ranked first in the Xianbang ranking, and the second place is far away from Mo Wu.

So Li Ming didn't dare to fan the fanfare, but was cautious, concealing his breath, and hiding the trail with his magic weapon, and went in the direction of Chu Yan falling to the ground.

Soon after, he saw from a distance, there was a big hole with a diameter of nearly a hundred miles in front.

In the middle of the big pit, Chu Yan meditated cross-legged, looking quite painful.

What made Li Ming's eyes shine the most was that Chu Yan's aura suddenly fluctuated, appeared extremely unstable, and was much weaker than what he showed before.

"He really was hurt!"

Reminiscent of Chu Yan's current ranking on the Xianbang, Li Ming's mind immediately came up with a picture: Chu Yan's power is far superior to his own demon, although he fights hard, with the help of Tianya Sect Master Bao , Beheaded the demon, temporarily ranked first in the Xianbang, but also suffered heavy damage, and fled in embarrassment.

When he flew here, he finally fell from the sky due to the aggravation of the injury and the lack of aura and blood.

At this time, you can only choose in situ healing.

As for him, Li Ming himself.

I have never met a demon who matched my strength before, and the ranking was once close to 300. It was just for the first chance to be discovered! "As long as you can kill Chu Yan, the position of a general can't run away! And for the entire Ziweimen and the Taiqing Emperor, this is a huge contribution! My chance has finally come!"

Li Ming's hands were shaking with excitement, so he quickly ran the reiki, meditated on the mantra, and performed the exercises to calm his mood.

After a while, he quietly probed out his consciousness again, and observed Chu Yan for a while.

It was confirmed that Chu Yan was indeed after healing at this time, his eyes gradually became cold, and his murderous intentions condensed out.

But when he was ready to shoot, Li Ming hesitated again.

"What if this is just the illusion made by Chu Yan?

Am I hooked?

Although my heavenly state of mind is threefold, but he can even kill the Purple House. "

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