Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2065: Open web

Hearing this news, a burst of flame erupted in Mo's silent eyes.

The surrounding earth was also mobilized at this moment, trembling up and down and bursting into roar.

One tear after another, spreading all the way around.

But this time, Mo Buyu's reaction was not the same as usual.

If it is in the past, even a few days ago, he will roar loudly, and then lead everyone to kill Chu Yan.

But at this time, he gave people a feeling of anger and not angry.

The flame kept condensing and coiling in his eyes.

The depressed atmosphere around him has become stronger and stronger.

After a moment, the voids around all clicked and clicked, and a series of fine cracks appeared.

The six generals also felt extremely depressed at this time, as if it was raining before the storm, they could not breathe.

"Your six past."

At this time, Mo said a few words in front of him.


The six warriors were all stunned.

Their original mission to enter this flesh and blood demon star was to assist Mo Mo to kill the demon and let him climb to the top.

It is for this reason that up to the present position, all six of them are ranked at the bottom of the rankings.

But now, listening to Mo Bu's meaning, he actually wanted to go alone to kill the demon, and let them deal with Chu Yan together.

Chu Yan is certainly very strong, far stronger than the general state of mind, and even in a flash, he can kill the generals.

But now let the six of them go together, it is also a little fuss, and lost because of small.

Now they are far away from Chu Yan on the Xianbang. If Mo Buyu is allowed to go alone to kill the demon at this time, wouldn't it be farther and farther away?

This is how the six warriors thought.

Mo Buyu naturally sees what everyone thinks from the change in their expressions.

But he didn't care at all, and he had no intention of explaining. He put the giant axe on his shoulder and turned and flew away.

The six warriors hesitated for a moment, and he had disappeared into sight.

"what should we do?"

One of the warriors asked.

"After this group of fairy fairs, he is the king of the north sky, so we still follow his instructions."

Said another warrior.

"Not bad."

Several other people also echoed.

"Chu Yan can never let him continue to develop.

Otherwise, when the emperor returns, he will make troubles and dissipate by the side, which will definitely be disliked by the emperor. "

"But we also need to be more careful. The previous four guys have no news, and we don't know whether it is in the hands of Chu Yan or other accidents."

"In short, be careful.

With the strength shown before that Chu Yan, if we deal with it alone, it is absolutely fierce, but the strength of the six of us working together is not as simple as the superposition of six ordinary people. "

"Yes, this time he solved him and got rid of this scourge."

The six battles will reach agreement instantly.

At the next moment, the six men shot together and slammed into the void in front of them.

A piece of space collapsed inward suddenly, as if the snow was melting. After a while, a curved space channel appeared.


The eyes of the six people are blooming like a fierce sword light, rushing into the space channel.

But at this time, Mo Mo, who had left, had a calm face on his face. It seemed that the news that had just been spoken had no effect on him, and he had even forgotten it.

But if you notice that he is holding the palm of the giant axe at this moment, you can find that he is actually trying to suppress his inner anger.

"Chu Yan, I don't know what you are going to do, but this flesh and blood star is definitely not a place for you and me to fight! Here, because of the prohibition of Tianya Sect, I can't kill you.

But you don’t have to be proud for too long. In the third round, I will kill you completely in the presence of everyone, and the spirits will be destroyed! This flesh-and-blood magic star has a great supplementary effect on my cultivation.

When my practice is complete and successful, you can no longer be my opponent! "

As soon as he thought about it, Mo Bu said, as if venting, he roared up in the sky.

In an instant, a sonic wave, which turned into a burning sound wave, spread violently towards all around.

Crackling! The mountains were torn apart.

All the monsters in the world are turned into ashes.

The ground shattered and collapsed.

If there is a day and a moon, it will sink completely at this moment.

However, Mo Xianyu still ranked second in the Xianbang.

And far from the top of Chu Yan's list, still far away.

The time flickered and two days passed.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged on a wilderness.

The ground around it, like cut pork, has broken layers, and the rock walls inside are constantly creeping, and there are dense, bulging like sarcomas.

These protrusions contain rich blood.

Over time, these sarcomas will all become demon.

But now, they are still meatballs that are not even embryos.

Chu Yan did not control them, but spread the consciousness to all around.

Thousands of miles around him were covered with a thin layer of mist.

This mist is extremely thin, and the monks would not find it if they did not investigate it by themselves.

This is an illusion that covers thousands of miles under Chu Yan.

The range covered by the formation and the concealment of the formation are all like hinting to the Ziweimen disciples who came to slash him: I was seriously wounded and unable to move. I can only rely on the illusion to hide myself. I am very weak now! Facts have proved that the news released through the hands of Li Ming and the hint of this phantom array completely dispelled the doubt of the group of disciples at Ziweimen.

When they found that the phantom array existed, no one was in a panic, and their hearts were full of joy.

Because of the existence of the illusion, it confirmed the news of Chu Yan here, and even showed that Chu Yan was seriously injured.

So in the past two days, the number of Ziweimen disciples who rushed into this phantom has exceeded one hundred.

And as time went on, there were more Ziweimen disciples who entered one after another.

They were quite disdainful of the illusion at first.

After all, he is the leader among the monks of the Zongmen, not to mention a phantom array, if he can't find the array, then he will forcefully break the array.

Where can the formation of a seriously wounded dying person be strengthened?

But as a result, none of these Ziweimen disciples went out.

They were all trapped inside.

During this period, Chu Yan did not shoot them out, but allowed them to try to break through.

Because the purpose of Chu Yan laying this phantom array at that time was to trap these disciples of Ziweimen who had not arrived at the same time.

He is bait himself.

Phantom array is a big net.

The disciples of Ziweimen are the fish that rushed into the big net without looking back.

So far, Chu Yan has not closed the net because the real big fish has not yet arrived.

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