Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2066: Battle will break

The blood was surging and the mist filled.

Thousands of miles around, there is an indescribable ghostly atmosphere.

Obviously it is a breeding ground for demons, but at this moment, it gives people a more evil atmosphere than demons.

One by one powerful Tianxin guru, full of will, rushed to kill.

Then it disappeared into the void.

These days Master Xinxin is naturally unharmed, but as long as Chu Yan does not open the illusion array, with their strength, naturally they cannot escape.

"one hundred forty four."

In the center of the illusion, Chu Yan's heart slowly said a number.

This is the number of Ziweimen disciples currently entering the illusion.

There are one, two and three layers of heavenly mood.

At this time, these disciples were struggling to break through the array.

But Chu Yan didn't move.

"not enough."

Chu Yan is waiting.

Not only is the number insufficient, but also the identities of these disciples.

Another day later, Chu Yan felt something and suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the light shining in the eyes was like a red sun spurt out.

Eyes penetrated thousands of miles of magic array, looking out of the array.

The seemingly calm void suddenly burst into deep collapse.

A meandering passage seems to penetrate the endless void and extend from it.

The glow of the mist was filled, and in the haze, there were six figures, each of which flew out of it with a high, domineering momentum, and formed a row in the air.

Ziweimen, six generals.

Ziweimen originally had a total of eight warriors, two of them were beheaded by Chu Yan, and there were no newcomers after Ziweimen.

So now, these six warlords are the strongest existence in the sky mood of Ziweimen! "Ok?"

His eyes flashed, and one of the generals, a very sharp light appeared in his eyes.

He reached forward and grabbed forward.

The five fingers seemed to be sharp swords, suddenly in the void, rubbing out Mars.

Reaching out, grabbing and fishing, the mist that filled the front of the crowd was even dug out by him.

Catch the fog in front of you, and look carefully, this battle will sneer: "The illusion of color is disturbing."

The other warlord's eyes narrowed slightly and he exhaled in one breath.

This breath penetrated into the void in an instant and rose with the wind. Before that moment, it stretched thousands of miles.

At the next moment, he suddenly nodded and said: "Chu Yan this person is really talented. He used the traits of this flesh and blood demon star to build mountains and fill the sea, using the mountains and rivers as the trend, built this covering thousands of miles. Large array, and trapped hundreds of people into it.

It's just a pity that he is reckless and can't be used by my Ziweimen, but even his hands are contaminated with the blood of my Ziweimen, and he has to get rid of it. "

The content of these remarks sounds as if this battle will be regretted.

But in fact, his tone and tone seemed to be a blade collision, metal friction, full of rolling intent.

The third battle narrowed his eyes, and now a pair of fists had heard the sound of rolling thunder.

As soon as he spoke, his voice was as loud as thunder.

"More than one hundred people were trapped in it, which means that Chu Yan has not recovered from his injury and can only choose to be trapped.

In this case, we should not miss such an opportunity. "

His words made several other generals nod again and again.

"That being the case, let us not wait any longer.

This Chuyan is a big trouble.

Now that there is a chance, we will directly eliminate it from this flesh and blood star, lest night be long! "

The voice fell, and the six generals joined forces.

In a flash, the six people breathed together.

Over their heads, there was a roar that was 100 times and 1,000 times more severe than the landslide and tsunami.

The next moment, he shot out.

A fist as big as a mountain suddenly condenses in the void.

Among the boxing techniques, flames, torrents, thunder, glow, frost, and peaks all appeared together, like a major natural disaster, a mass extinction, and they slammed into the mist.

A buzz.

At this moment, the time on the flesh and blood star seems to have a short period of stagnation.

After a while, the river resumed its flow for a long time.

Crackling! The sound of countless firecrackers exploded.

In the void, ripples, shocks and vortices from countless explosions appeared.

The entire large group suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

The disciples of Ziweimen who were trapped in it only felt that what they saw in front of them melted like candles.

A moment later, a loud roar came from his ears, and in front of him he had re-seen the reality of flesh and blood.


The formation is broken! "

"This illusion is so powerful, I haven't noticed it, and I was tricked into it."

"Who broke the formation!"

"Where is Chu Yan!"

Suddenly, the sound shouted and sounded from everywhere.

Just when these monks were in doubt, a powerful coercion swept across and suddenly let them know who shot.

"It's a general!"

Eyes and consciousness gathered together in the past, seeing that there were six figures, and the disciples of Ziweimen immediately exclaimed again.

"Six wars will appear together!"

"It seems that this time I made up my mind to eliminate Chu Yan!"

"What is not eliminated, I think I want to kill Chu Yan on the spot!"

"That's a good word. If you only have one or two warriors, you want to eliminate Chu Yan, but now, the six wars will come out together, and it is absolutely necessary to completely eliminate the scourge of Chu Yan!"

"I really didn't expect that the six wars would all be shot together. This Chu Yan is looting this time!"

When these Ziweimen disciples were very excited and excited at the scene, they did not forget to find Chu Yan's location.

After all, not long ago, they were still trapped in a phantom array under Chu Yan's cloth.

Although he was out of trouble at this time, the feeling of shame in his heart was not weakened at all. Instead, it was like cooking oil in flames, becoming more and more intense.

"Where is he!"

Soon, these Ziweimen disciples found Chu Yan who was in the middle of the original formation.

In the eyes of these monks full of murderous intent, Chu Yan's face remained unchanged, and he slowly flew up into the air, with a breath around him, long and long.

Breathing and breathing, it seems like the Tianhe is surging, making people feel not only vast, but also unfathomable.

As he breathed at this time, the surrounding void seemed to have a subtle resonance with him, so that the disciples of Ziweimen within this range could jointly produce a sense of depression.

When everyone looked at Chu Yan with frightened eyes, Chu Yan's vision also crossed the crowd and fell on the six warlords.

After a moment, he spoke lightly: "Ziweimen now has only six warriors left. It seems that Mo has become smarter, but he didn't come."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was quiet first. At the next moment, it was like boiling water poured with boiling oil and boiled.


"Dying to the end, dare to speak up!"

"The warlord has high weight and top strength at Ziwei gate, and you can say it at will?"

"I don't look at the current situation. I still have a hard mouth, but your current state is only one mouth left."

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