Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2070: East and West King

The six warriors in front of me, although they were sent back by Tianyazong's prohibition.

However, it is just sent back.

The prohibition of Tianyazong will be inspired when these disciples are in danger of life and sent back to Xiandao.

But there are also different situations.

Some people were unharmed when they sent it back.

Some will suffer some minor injuries.

Very few people were seriously injured when they were sent back.

However, I am afraid that these six warlords are very few among the very few.

Speaking of being seriously injured, it is considered light! This is clearly just a breath! No wonder when they were teleported back before, they would cause an uproar.

At first glance, these six warriors are no different from a human body that is almost falling apart.

Most of the source of life collapsed, the Daoji was damaged, and the soul was damaged.

South Heavenly King swept away the consciousness and immediately took a breath, only to feel as if his body had fallen into the ice cellar.

The king of Ziweimen was all broken! The six warriors who entered the flesh and blood star this time, half of the time elapsed, were all sent back.

And all of them have become waste people.

Even if the panacea is used to repair the injury, the strength is greatly damaged. I am afraid that it is not as good as the original one.

The Southern Heaven King even doubted that, according to the degree of damage to the souls of these six people, it was a question whether they could wake up.

"It was teleported back to nearly two hundred disciples at once, and all the six heavenly kings were damaged..." Nan Tianwang's chest was sullen, and there was a sweet smell in his throat.

He worked the aura, forcibly suppressing this discomfort.

At this time, there were no other Ziweimen disciples around the Southern Heaven King.

Feeling the cold wind like a cold wind, no Ziweimen disciples dared to be too close to him, fearing that they would be moved.

Looking around, Nantianwang's eyes fell on several disciples of Ziweimen who were also sent back not long ago.

Such a large group of people was sent back almost at the same time, absolutely what happened.

Either it was calculated by someone, or it was a very powerful demon.

But as the Southern King thought, the second kind might be minimal.

Because the flesh and blood demon star was chosen by the Taiqing emperor, he was absolutely impossible to start with the disciples of Ziweimen.

Another reason is that all those sent back were Ziweimen disciples. This is clearly a conspiracy against Ziweimen! At this moment, this phenomenon has also caused a lot of doubts on the scene.

The Southern Heavenly King did not know how Qingyun went straight, what the patriarchs and royal families thought.

But it is clear that the prestige that Ziweimen has built for so many years has almost completely collapsed at this group of fairy fairs! The disciples of the Ziweimen who he had just seen had two to three levels in the state of mind, and the injuries were not serious.

These disciples just woke up at the moment and immediately felt a strong attack.

When they reacted again, they found that they had been taken into an isolated formation.

Standing in front of them is the southern king with a pale face.

In addition to the Southern Heaven King, they also felt two powerful Dao Yun, hidden in the void, and were "watching" them.

Needless to say, the two powerful Daoyuns must be the East Heavenly King and West Heavenly King who rarely appear on weekdays.

Due to their realm and strength, these disciples' status in Tianya Sect is not low.

But compared with the three heavenly kings, it is still too much difference, it is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

Excited at this moment, they hurriedly got up, they would kneel and kowtow to salute.

But the Southern Heavenly King waved his hand and stopped them, and went straight to the theme: "Don't worry about it, what happened happened, it was originally said."

Seeing the serious look of Southern Heavenly King and experiencing it by himself, these disciples understood more deeply how great the impact of being sent back to hundreds of disciples at once.

So with anger and resentment towards Chu Yan, several people complemented each other and described themselves from the process of receiving the summons, to being trapped in formation, to being designed by Chu Yan, and then being sent back. .

During this period, the three heavenly kings did not interrupt them.

It's just that Nantianwang's murderous eyes have already shown his mood.

However, it is not clear how these six disciples will become like this.

Because they were sent back before the Sixth Battle.

To be more precise, they were first affected by Chu Yan and the Six Warlords before they were sent back to Xiandao.

"It turned out to be Chuyan's conspiracy."

Nan Tianwang's complexion at this moment is already ugly to the extreme.

A fierce killing intention, even in the void around him, came the roar of the impact of the knife and axe, and bursts of shouting to kill, making the few Ziweimen disciples trembling in front of him.

However, the Southern King will naturally not anger them.

After a suffocating moment, the Southern Heavenly King waved his arm and sent them out of the void.

In the void, only the Southern Heavenly King and two Dao rhythms full of attacking atmosphere were left.

"This person Chu Yan must never stay."

As soon as the Southern King opened his mouth, he gritted his teeth.

In this group of fairy conferences, he has lost his original indifference.

At this moment, Nan Tianwang's eyes were full of anger and annoyance: "I knew that he would cause such great trouble, and when he first saw him that day, he should be beheaded!"

"Now there is no need to doubt anymore. Behind Chu Yan is Tianya Sect's backing."

The voice of East Heavenly King came out at this time.

At the same time, a vortex appeared in the void, and a long figure stepped out.

An awe-inspiring spirit, like a sharp edge, suddenly came on the face.

East Heavenly King's movements seemed to attract countless swords. The mere appearance of it made people have a fear of blades.

"Before that, I doubted that, otherwise, why would there be an elder to exonerate him before Tianya Haige."

In the other direction, the void sags violently, and a tortuous passage appears.

A blue step appeared in the passage, like jade.

A silhouette, stepped down.

This man has a smile in his mouth, giving a very peaceful feeling.

But if you look carefully, you will find that deep in his eyes, the smoke is rising, the Jinge iron horse, criss-crossing, and the powerful idea of ​​killing is just hidden by him.

"At present, the prestige of our Ziweimen has been almost destroyed.

I really did not expect that the patriarchal sect of Tianya was so deep in mind that he secretly cultivated such a character and was waiting for this group of fairy conferences to destroy the various arrangements we prepared for the return of the emperor! "

Nan Tianwang looked at them, his eyes narrowed, and said, "In such a short period of time, we can eliminate so many disciples from this school, including the Sixth World War, and I don't believe that Chu Yan alone will have Such strength."

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