Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2071: Store treasures

"The specific situation is not easy to say."

Xi Tianwang closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, shaking his head and said: "This matter shows all kinds of strange things, but this Chuyan can kill the Purple Mansion, it is an indisputable fact."

When it comes to the three characters of Zifujing, the eyes of the three people at the scene are slightly unnatural.

Although the three of them also knew that the Purple Palace Realm of the Magistrate's Mansion was only a newcomer to the Purple Mansion, their strength was not comparable to them.

But Chu Yan's ability to slay Zifu was said to make them very unhappy.

"For things on the flesh and blood star, it is best not to intervene."

After a while, King Xi Xi spoke again, breaking the silence, "Mo Moyu hasn't come back for a while, that's all right.

Don’t forget, although on the surface, the Six Wars will enter the flesh and blood demon this time, to assist Mo Mo.

But in fact, it is the left guardian who has always been responsible for Mo Wuyu. "

Dong Tianwang and Nan Tianwang frowned, and after a while, Shu spread out.

"Indeed, as long as nothing goes wrong, everything is still in control, but it's the fairy list..." Nan Tianwang paused.

Obviously, he was still very unhappy.

"That's also something that can't be helped."

The King of the East suddenly laughed at this moment, "but the momentary loss of power does not mean that this will always be the case.

How long do you think Tianyazong and Chuyan can be proud? "

After speaking, the three looked at each other and said in unison: "until the emperor returns."

"This Chu Yan."

West King said at this time: "The three of us, don't shoot him."


The Southern Celestial King suddenly puzzled, "Does he let him continue to provoke the majesty of our Ziweimen?"

"You don't think that his appearance is actually good or bad."

There was a mysterious smile on the face of King Xi Xi, "The disadvantage is what we see now. The disciples of this door are constantly losing money in his hands. Even this group of immortals meeting, the generals will be wiped out.

One of them was directly beheaded, and the remaining six, although alive, even if recovered, it would be waste. "

The Southern King nodded: "What about the good side?"

"The good news, of course, is for Mo Mo."

The smile on the face of the Western King was even stronger. "You don't think that before you made such a long time, the emperor did not hesitate to open the celestial blessing for him and enter the genius who challenged each sect.

After that, they created successes one after another.

Although it looks gorgeous, does it always feel like something is missing? "

Hearing the words of Western Heavenly King, Eastern Heavenly King and Southern Heavenly King suddenly grasped the hint of inspiration.

With their wisdom, it is naturally impossible to think about it.

It's just that they didn't pay attention to this matter before, nor did they think in this direction.

At this time, the King of the West reminded that almost immediately, the King of the East and the King of the South reacted.

"A chance to turn the tide!"

"An enemy with the greatest momentum!"

Hearing the words of the two heavenly kings, the western king nodded: "Yes, that's it.

Chu Yan and Mo Buyu entered the third round, which was already a matter of course.

So the real decisive moment is in the third round of the Qunxian Conference.

To be more precise, it was the battle between Mo Buyu and Chu Yan! Now Chu Yan is relying on Youya Sect to support her and keep suppressing our Ziweimen.

And if Mo Wuyu can defeat him, then he is the hero to turn the tide! At the same time, it can also be shown that his strength is stronger than Chu Yan! What could be more convincing than defeating a recognized genius? "

When the three heavenly kings decided to focus on the third round after planning, Chu Yan hovered in midair and reached out.

More than ten magic weapons of storage suddenly appeared in the chaotic void.

These storage magic weapons have storage bags, storage rings, and storage rings.

They originally belonged to those generals.

But now, they are all Chuyan.

These storage magic weapons have a strong prohibition attached to them. If ordinary people get it, I am afraid that they will be injured by the above prohibition if they do not have the time to catch it.

But at this time, Chu Yan didn't care at all.

"Sky Penalty!"

The light of his arm flashed, and Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed.

With a whimper, a void was violently concentrated.

Those magic weapons suddenly exploded and destroyed in the void.

Among them, all kinds of natural materials and treasures, all kinds of panacea, all kinds of killing treasures, all appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Ling Lang was full of eyes, and Bao Guang was vomiting.

"Nine Tribulation Water, Duck Pinggen, Burial Soul Flower, Snake King Yin Qingwei..." Chu Yan glanced and found that it was a treasure that could be collected in the storage magic weapon by the Ziwei gate warrior. Where ringing.

You should know that if these treasures are placed in Tianyazong, and the disciples want to use merit to exchange them, it will not be so easy.

The simplest one, such as Jiujiaoshui and Budu Pinggen, has been seen by Chu Yan before.

If you want to exchange these two treasures in Tianyazong, you need not only a lot of merit, but also some tasks for Ziweimen.

Some of these tasks are specified, and some are not specified, but once there is a requirement, you must complete the kind.

This condition is extremely harsh.

If the disciples of Ziweimen want to exchange, they do not need to do any additional tasks, and the merits required to exchange treasures are greatly reduced.

For the monks, on the Immortal Road, they are never afraid of all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. What really makes people afraid and unwilling is all kinds of unfairness.

Ziweimen deliberately caused this injustice.

What they have to do is to use this injustice to force other disciples to do things for Ziweimen! And it has not given those ordinary disciples the opportunity to enter Ziweimen.

Chu Yan estimated the value of these treasures in the Six Warlords at this time.

The Six Wars will naturally make it impossible to carry all their treasures with them, but within these storage magic weapons, there are no fewer than a hundred magic weapon-level magic weapons! In this way of fighting, I am afraid there is no need to use magical powers, just throw a bunch of magic weapons and magic weapons out, and you can kill your opponent alive.

In addition to those natural materials, magical remedies, ordinary disciples dare not even think about it.

But in the storage magic weapon of the six wars, it is almost piled up into a hill.

Immortal medicine and treasure materials, Chu Yan all collected.

The magic weapon of the magic weapon level, he lightly ticked his finger, selected about 30% of them, and earned it in the small world.

More than 60%, Chu Yan took a shot at this moment.

Suddenly, Qiankun shocked.

Dozens of magic weapon magic weapons, which were enough to make an immortal gate rise instantly, were suddenly shattered into fragments.

If this scene is seen by other monks, I am afraid that he will beat his chest and slam his feet.

But what Chu Yan does next, if a monk sees it at this moment, he will absolutely faint.

Facing the fragments of magic weapons, Chu Yan took a deep breath.

Crackling! The magic weapon fragments that collided suddenly gathered in his mouth.

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