Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2076: Vast Blood

The palace was just collapsed by Chu Yan.

But at this time, the main body inside can still be seen what it looks like.

There are three tall stone pillars all around.

The original three monsters should be at the top of the pillar.

And in the center surrounded by these three stone pillars, a dark red blood drop hovered.

But it's a blood drop, but it's as big as an adult's slap.

Unlike the blood and brutality of the outside world, this palace is full of a quiet and peaceful taste.

When people set foot here, unconsciously, the mood will become calm and the thinking will become agile.

If it is someone else, it must be hard to believe that this is the blood of the ancestral demon, and it gives you the feeling.

Because in the eyes of ordinary monks, the devil should be evil and malicious, and it is one of the most brutal existences in the world.

But the emotions passed by the ancestors at this time are completely different.

It even gives people the feeling that they are very close to the sages and want to teach the world.

At this moment, with Chu Yan's stride, the drop of ancestral demon blood slightly shook. After a moment, a light spread out from above, and turned into a two-foot-high figure.

This figure also looks like an ordinary person, so that people do not feel the slightest oppression, but make people feel like a spring breeze.

It is like a kindly elder in the family, an elder in the village, a dear elder in the village, and a super elder who loves the younger generation in Zongmen.

Anyone who sees it, I am afraid that they will feel the feelings and give birth to a burst of warmth.

But Chu Yan's eyes were not moving at the moment, and he appeared in front of this figure in one step.

"Are you really going to do this?"

The other party's tone was flat and gentle, even with a hint of smile.

It seems that the elders are watching the juniors at home.

But in fact, both his tone and the rhythm of Dao surging around at this time are full of a bewitching taste.

Chu Yan was still expressionless, not even saying a word.

The name "Zumo" sounds really shocking.

But, what do you count in front of me.

Chu Yan raised his hand and grabbed directly towards the other person's heart.

The blood of the ancestor is in this humanoid heart! "You..." Poof-In the air, there was a sound like something was pierced.

Chu Yan's palm penetrated the humanoid chest without hindrance and grabbed the blood of the ancestral demon.

The figure-shaped body suddenly shook.

His vague facial features had gradually become clearer now.

A face that appeared to be peaceful appeared with great doubt.

Apparently he didn't think that Chu Yan didn't even speak to him.

This... doesn't make sense.

Isn't the image of this wise elder enough to confuse people?

The eyes of this humanoid phantom looked towards Chu Yan.

The next moment, he saw Chu Yan's eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to realize something, the original doubts in his eyes shuddered violently, and all of them were broken in an instant. Then, he was replaced by boundless surprise and fear.

This fear, even making his figure tremble, was about to collapse at any time.

Chu Yan still has no expression.

Palms pressed slightly.

The blood of the ancestral spirit immediately shattered and turned into countless light spots.

These spots spread out.

But instead of shooting everywhere, it coincides with a certain avenue, a certain pattern, and slowly spreads around.

As the blood of the ancestors exploded, this human-shaped phantom also began to fade, and soon disappeared in front of Chu Yan's eyes like a light smoke.

It's just that the order in which the phantom disappears, starting from the feet, and finally disappearing, is the pair of eyes full of fear.

At the same time, Chu Yan stepped forward and walked directly under the original blood of the ancestral demon, sitting cross-legged.

As the scattered light slowly sank to the ground and enveloped Chu Yan, the consciousness behind the Gate of Hell also returned to the Gate of Hell and returned the body to Chu Yan.

In the moment of regaining control of the body, Chu Yan felt a sense of fullness that he had never had before! Not only will the belly be exploded, but even the internal organs, every muscle, bones and even hair in the whole body are full and full, and it feels like it is full.

Chu Yan did not dare to neglect it immediately, and hurriedly ran the Whale Swallowing Dafa.

But the power of the blood of this ancestral demon is really too vast, far exceeding the blood of any demon and demon absorbed by Chu Yan in the past.

So while Chu Yan was running the Whale Swallowing and Spirit Hunting Dafa, he also performed the chemical bloodthirsty exercises to accelerate the absorption of blood gas and share the pressure of the body.

In addition, all the supernatural powers that need to be cast with blood are also displayed by Chu Yan.

If the magical power is likened to the blade that hurts the enemy, the blood of the ancestor is the best sharpening stone.

The blood-stained finger, blood emperor's armor, and burning flame demon slashed, the **** spear passed down by the patriarch, helping his **** wings to fly away from the ground, this moment was all exhibited by Chu Yan.

The intertwined blood-colored net, the armor covering the whole body, the fierce sword twisted in the **** sea, the spear pierced through the void, and the wings full of blood, now appeared in front of Chu Yan, vomiting blood, surrounding He rotated slowly.

But even so, the blood contained in the blood of the ancestors is still too much for Chu Yan! You know, an entire flesh and blood star, the reason why it can continue to breed demons, is to rely on this drop of essential blood of the ancestor.

Those monsters comparable to heaven's state of mind and even purple palace realm appeared only because of it.

Thanks to Chu Yan’s previous foundation, he laid a solid foundation. His own Dantian Qihai and veins and veins almost opened up the void, and it was no problem to accommodate ordinary monks hundreds of times.

Otherwise, the moment the blood of the ancestral demon was absorbed, it was directly crushed.

In the process of continuous absorption, Chu Yan's consciousness swept away.

"According to the truth, the power contained in the ancestral essence blood is not only this drop of essence blood, but also the surrounding blood sea, and the crystal wall that covers the blood sea.

If at my current speed, it takes years to absorb the blasted blood.

If the blood sea and crystal wall are included again, if you want to absorb all of them, I am afraid that it will definitely not be enough in ten years.

But in the second round of trials, there were only six or seven days left.

The problem is that the blood of this ancestral demon has no way to be sent into the world of small Qiankun.

If I send this essence blood and sea of ​​blood into it, as long as I stop absorbing it, the small universe will become the second flesh demon star.

Oh, no, it's a terrible place to breed demons than flesh and blood stars! "

The flesh and blood star is just an unknown piece of rotten meat, and because it has been contaminated with a drop of ancestral essence blood, it has become the current magic star.

In the small world of heaven and earth, there are treasures everywhere.

If the blood is infested, I am afraid that a new peerless head will be born, and there will be no problem.

Chu Yan didn't want to take this risk, and there was no need to take it.

Heavenly materials and treasures in the small universe, but he used them for cultivation.

"I have... a set of exercises..." It was at this time that the voice came from behind the gate of hell.

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