Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2077: Only one day left

Flesh demon star, the middle of the blood sea

The waves were rolling, and a deafening roar came.

But this turbulent wave, as if it was blocked by a magnificent mountain, was suddenly cut off every time it surged here.

A sea seemed to be split in half from the middle.

And at this time, if someone happens to break into this sea of ​​blood unintentionally, you will see that this mountain looks like a humanoid! Not only that, but also breathing.

Every breath is as if all the air in the void is to be sucked away! This mountain is Chu Yan! His height reached a hundred feet.

The skin on the whole body shows a golden-red color, giving people a sense of towering, sacred and courageous, and at the same time a deep and calm feeling.

At this moment he meditated with his eyes closed, and an inscription appeared around him.

These inscriptions are arrogant and arrogant.

But when combined, it feels vast and vast, as if to contain an entire universe.

Every character and inscription seems to be all-encompassing and contains boundless truth.

At the top of Chu Yan's head, a red sun hung over.

But with every breath he breathed, a few flashes of fire would fall in the halo around the scorching sun, and then he was inhaled into the body.

Repeatedly, after a few hours, the scorching sun shrank at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

As for the city hovering in the middle of the blood sea, it has long disappeared.

I don't know if it was crushed and fell, or it was directly melted in this sea of ​​blood.

Chu Yan maintained the current state, and the professor gave himself the exercises after the Hell Gate was operated.

At this moment, the blood of the ancestral demon was refined at a speed far exceeding the expected one hundred times.

Every time the drifting fire drifted down, it seemed to be a match, only a few.

But the blood gas stored in each course is enough to create another flesh and blood devil! Continued at this rate, the ancestral essence and blood that originally took several years to be fully refined can now be fully refined in only three or four days.

After the ancestral essence and blood are all inhaled into the body, Chu Yan can use the remaining time to devour this whole sea of ​​blood! By that time, his physical exercises will also approach consummation, tearing the void with one hand, and physically shaking the void storm, it is not a problem! Another advantage of absorbing the ancestral essence blood so quickly is that in a few days, the impact on the flesh and blood devil will not be too great.

It’s like being alone. If you don’t eat one day, you will definitely be hungry.

But if one person is not able to eat enough for several months, this person's thin body can make others aware that it is wrong.

So before the end of the second round, the monks on the flesh and blood stars can at most feel that the demon here are weaker and more manic than the past.

As for the reasons for this change, they are absolutely unexpected.

What's more, because of the lack of understanding of the flesh and blood stars, most people can't even detect the changes of demons.

As for Chu Yan's ranking on the Xianbang, there is no need to worry at all.

The demon he beheaded before was enough to make him enter the top ten steadily.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the number one position is extremely difficult to be shaken.

This is the case where the blood of the last three demons and ancestors will not be counted in the leaderboard.

So at this time, Chu Yan can completely calm down, and in the center of this flesh and blood star, completely refine the blood and sea of ​​progenitors, waiting for the end of the second round of the group fairy conference.

"This second round is bigger than expected."

In the sea of ​​blood, Chu Yan carefully considered the current situation, and his heart sighed slightly.

"The really tricky one is the third round.

In the second round, I made such a noise that Ziweimen could never let me go.

Although the Sect Master of the End of the World preaches my skills, I can't believe him all.

His attitude is actually not clear enough.

Only because of my performance at that time was amazing enough, so he took a bet on me.

If in the third round, my performance is not strong enough.

Or that when the Emperor Taiqing returned, no one could stop it, then I would be sacrificed immediately.

Therefore, its own strength is the most important.

Fortunately, the cards I have now, at least for self-protection, are no problem.

Make the most of what you can do.

Then it depends on the return of the Taiqing emperor. "

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, turned his spirit, and refocused on absorbing the blood of the ancestral demon.

There is no sun and moon on the flesh and blood star, and the flow of time depends on the monk's own calculation.

In a few days, only two days left until the end of this second round.

As the fighting between the monks intensified, the demon deepened in the demon star became stronger.

By this time, there were fewer than two hundred monks who remained on the flesh and blood stars.

However, the disciples of Ziweimen still occupy the majority.

Among the few people who are close to Chu Yan, only Lin Miaoran and Zhuang Die remain on the flesh and blood star.

The two of them, if viewed from the realm, are definitely inconspicuous among the more than two hundred disciples left behind.

After all, it's just heaven's mood.

But as long as they can stick to the last two days, the rewards they receive are definitely much richer than the disciples who have been eliminated.

Lin Miaoran was able to stay until now. On the one hand, she was clever, knowing when to take action and when to avoid retreat, and on the other hand, there were various magic remedies that Chu Yan gave her.

If she encounters a strong enemy fighting method, she doesn’t even need to consider what magic weapon is suitable for her. She just grabs it and throws it at the other party.

Just using the number of magic treasures to pile up is enough to pile up the opponent.

Zhuang Die's words, she was of extraordinary origin, although the number of magic weapons she carried with her, although not necessarily more than Lin Miaoran, but the quality is definitely not inferior to Lin Miaoran.

And she is good at puppets, and hardly needs to rely on her own fighting methods.

She often encounters enemies, whether it is a monk who attempts to attack her or a demon on the flesh and blood star, she can form a situation where she fights more and less.

Often, the monk who is above her level can overturn the ship in an instant.

The elimination of Shen Qing and Uslanma can only be said to be a pity.

Shen Qing met a monk whose realm far exceeded his own.

Under the invincible fight, he was eliminated from the second round.

Uslanma has attracted the siege of the demon because of her physique.

Among them, there are several monsters comparable to the triple mind of heaven.

So the witty Uslanma chose decisively-to stimulate the restraint yourself, and returned to Xiandao, without giving the demon a chance to shoot himself.

For them, although they were eliminated in the second round, they also got enough experience on the flesh and blood stars and did not suffer any serious injuries. Among the group of disciples, they were definitely lucky.

Soon, Xiandao completed another replacement last month.

That means that at this time, only the last day is left until the end of the second round.

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