Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2078: Mobuyu's changes

The last day of the flesh and blood star.

At this time, the Xianbang is divided into two very distinctive parts.

Partly peaceful, partly intense.

The peaceful ones are naturally the more than 100 disciples except the top ten.

The second round has already reached the final stage at this time, and it is almost impossible to complete a substantial increase in your ranking on the Xianbang.

Therefore, most of the disciples chose to be safe and wait for the last day to pass.

After all, in their ranking, the rewards they get after going back are roughly the same.

But if it is too aggressive to be eliminated on this last day, it will be a big loss.

Not being eliminated, and being eliminated from the game, the rewards are vastly different.

But in the top ten rankings, to be precise, it is the second to eleventh competition, but it has continued until this time.

It may even last until the last moment of the second round of the Fairy Fair! The reason is naturally very simple.

The top ten rewards of the Xianbang will be greatly improved with every further step.

And the tenth place is a hurdle, and there is a huge gap with the eleventh place.

Therefore, the eleventh place is not willing to rank himself at the moment and wants to rush into the top ten.

Tenth to second, and hope to go further while consolidating your ranking.

So by this time, it was these people who were still slashing and killing demons.

As for the first place-no one has to think about it.

The gap between the first place and them is really huge.

At the beginning, there were naturally disciples who didn't believe in evil, and we should challenge Chu Yan's number one position.

But when they beheaded the monsters that made them think they were in sufficient numbers, they found that the gap between them and Chu Yan not only did not narrow, but also grew larger.

Later, after Chu Yan's own efforts, he eliminated 156 or 60 disciples of Ziweimen, and even sent all the six wars back, all those who tried to challenge Chu Yan's disciples.

Let him be the first, we can fight for the second, it is still possible.

So up to now, the mood is the most depressed, and suddenly it becomes a silent speech.

He became a nail in the eyes of a few people behind him, stabbed in the flesh.

"Fight for the second child... It's really idle!"

Mo Fu said an axe and cut off the demon's head in front of him.

After watching the demon burst into a red light, and then absorbed by the giant axe in his hand, his face was a little more beautiful.

"This guy Chu Yan, where has he been hiding these days.

Since that day, suddenly it has disappeared.

It seems that he also knows that he has done too much, worrying that Ziweimen ignored Tianya Sect and retaliated against him, causing him to never go back to Xiandao. "

Mo Buyu speculated in his heart.

What he didn't know was that Ziweimen had actually sent someone to attack Chu Yan.

But there was no slight accident. Those guys were all killed by Chu Yan.

"It's just a pity that the six wars will be wiped out in his hands. Otherwise, in his current state of stagnation, I will have the six wars to assist. There is still hope for chasing."

Mo Buyu couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

But soon he shook his head again, and thought his idea was really ridiculous.

"If he didn't fight the Six Warlords with his own strength, he would not hide himself and then stand still.

In this way, it is really impossible to have the best of both worlds. "

Figuring out the details, he shook his head and put the giant axe on his shoulder again.

If Chu Yan is present at this time, you will find that although the time has only passed for more than ten days, there have been some changes from strength to personality to temperament.

These changes don't look great, but they are extremely critical.

For example, when he first came to the flesh and blood devil star, he would like to kill Chu Yan directly.

But later, he became much calmer, knowing that he couldn't deal with Chu Yan for too long.

Wait till now, now the last day.

If it is Mo Buyu's past character, seeing that chasing Chu Yan is hopeless, he will surely go crazy looking for the trace of Chu Yan on this flesh and blood devil star, vowing to kill him, so as to achieve the purpose of making himself the first.

But now, he has calmly analyzed the various factors.

And there was no resentment about it.

Obviously, a calm Mo Mo is more terrifying than in the past.

While his mind became calm, Mo Buyu didn't lose his cruelty.

In the depths of his eyes, there was still the fierceness of the heart-throbbing.

Just when he turned around and planned to continue to look for the demon, the steps he took suddenly came back, and there was a slight sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Do you want to attack me?"

The voice fell, and in front of him dozens of miles away, a place of heaven and earth swayed slightly.

At the next moment, a handsome man with a handsome face, standing with his hand down, floated out of it.

The moment the male trainee appeared, it gave people a feeling as vast as the moon, as if pure without any trace of impurities.

"Oh, it's not good that you obediently ranked third, but it's boring to come here to ask for it."

Mo murmured softly, raising the giant axe with one hand and pointing at the other party.

"Although there are regrets for the second, the reward is much better than the third."

The monk who appeared appeared a faint expression at the moment. Between the words, the bright, moon-like light behind him slowly bloomed and spread out, as if opening a hole in the sky.

Even the breath of demons surrounding it was diluted.

And this ray of light, at this time, with his words, made the surrounding temperature become colder and colder: "What's more, when did I say that I wouldn't find the guy who ranked first?" "

"Since you are so confident--" Mo Mo moved his neck abruptly, and there was a crisp sound of twisting bones.

The next moment, he dashed.

Bang! The place where it was originally was broken.

Behind him, a cloud of ghosts ten times taller than himself emerged.

This phantom holds a larger sword.

Sword out, sweep the sun and the moon, and divide the yin and yang! The surrounding piece of silver-coated silver shattered like a mirror.

"You—" The monk only felt his chest stagnate.

In an instant, I felt as if there were 10,000 peaks rolling towards him laterally.

The spirits of his whole body were sealed and could not move! Mo Buyu raised a grin at the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, the terrifying storm engulfed this monk who was determined to win him! The storm swept through, and the rolling hills all around disappeared.

A hundred miles away, flattened by a knife.

Because it was the cause of the whole flesh and blood, layers of blood water oozed from the surface at this time.

And the monk was gone.

"Oh, it's vulnerable."

With the contemptuous words of Mobuyu on the flesh and blood star, above the fairy island, the disciple who was ranked third before, the robe of the whole body was sparse, the mouth was spurting blood, and appeared in front of everyone in a white light.

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