Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2079: Strengthening

Hula! On the fairy list, the golden light flashed, and the name of the disciple disappeared.

Everyone was wondering, wondering what accidents occurred during the last twelve hours, which would have caused the strong man to be so seriously injured. When he was sent back, the disciple vomited blood again and spit out three words with hatred.

"Mo Mo..." After finishing speaking, fainted, the breath became extremely weak.

No words! Suddenly, everyone on the fairy island was stunned.

Among them, even included many disciples of Ziweimen.

Mo Moyu's strength has been raised to such a degree?

Looking at the injury to this disciple, he was crushed back almost instantly.

This disciple still ranked third in the Xianbang before breathing a few times! After the top 100, there may be bad luck, so the ranking may not be high.

But in the top ten of Xianbang, such a situation will never occur.

With luck and no strength, you may be able to enter the top 100.

But it is absolutely impossible to enter the top ten! To be in the top ten, strength and luck are indispensable, and strength is still the dominant factor.

Before, Mo Bu could be ranked second, everyone knows that this must be the reason why several battles will assist him.

Ziweimen now has six warriors left.

And these six warriors all went to assist Zuo Mo without a word, he ranked second, and also far away from the third, this is a natural thing.

But the current situation is clear to everyone: as early as a few days ago, the six wars will be sent back, and each one has become an idiot and a fool.

In other words, at this time on the flesh and blood devil star, Mo Buyu is alone.

And he was relying on a person and actually defeated this disciple in an instant.

"Mobu's growth...it's really scary."

"No wonder Emperor Taiqing will choose the flesh and blood demon star."

"This flesh and blood star is a test and an experience for other disciples, but for Mo Buyu, it is a great opportunity!"

"It seems that the Emperor Taiqing and Ziweimen of this group of immortals must put Mo Buyu up on the table."

"Now I just don't know if this guy took the initiative to provoke Mo Wuyu, or Mo Muyu took him to stand up."

"Looking at this situation, I think it's more likely that he took the initiative to provoke Mo Bu's words. Alas, it's okay to say bad luck, and it should be okay."

"Yeah, there was no accident. It was the third prize. Now, it is the reward after being eliminated. Is this comparable?"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion on Xiandao.

There are those who are sorry, those who are fortunate, and others who are happy, and others who are not too much to see the lively.

On the side of Luoxia Valley, Xiao Jie became extremely quiet at this time.

But her bright eyes never moved away from Xianbang.

"First, it is Her Royal Highness..." In her mind, there was only such a thought at this moment, "There are less than twelve hours left. Your Highness will surely stabilize and then enter the third round."

Twelve hours, fleeting.

In the past few days, Chu Yan did not pay attention. On the last day, he concentrated all his energy on absorbing the blood and sea of ​​the ancestral demon.

When entering the last half hour of the second round, the whole flesh and blood star can feel the fluctuations of the universe.

This is a sign that the teleportation method is about to start.

It is also Tianyazong reminding his disciples that the final time limit is coming.

At this time, Chu Yan's body in the center of the flesh and blood star has returned to its original size.

From the appearance, he has not changed significantly from before.

But in fact, only Chu Yan knew this at this time.

The strength of his body has accumulated to an unprecedented level of terror.

Now it is like a dam full of water.

It's just that he closed the gate tightly.

Once he opened the sluice gate of this dam, the raging flood would instantly engulf the lofty mountains and the eight wildernesses.

And the absorption of the blood of the ancestral demon also allowed his realm to step between the three major achievements and perfection of the heavenly mind.

The reason why there is no breakthrough again is only because the space of flesh and blood stars is too fragile.

If you are promoted here, you will directly detonate a black hole in place.

At that time, Chu Yan will not only be swallowed by the black hole, but the entire flesh and blood star will also be swallowed in an instant, enter the space crack, and never come back.

So at this time, Chu Yan only hides his power.

His real strength is more than ten times stronger than when he first set foot here! And with only one chance, you can be promoted to the triple perfection of the state of mind.

At that time, it will be stronger than now! Chu Yan's strengthening is not just about the refinement of the body and the promotion of the realm.

His blood is supernatural, and his power is different than before! "Hoo--" The blood sea still exists in front of Chu Yan at this time, leaving only the original size less than one ten thousandth.

It looks like a small pond at the entrance of a rural village in the secular world.

But the blood in it is still full of blood.

Chu Yan breathed at the moment.

The blood was suddenly like a tornado. He was swallowed into his abdomen, and in a blink of an eye, he was completely absorbed by Chu Yan's Whale Hunting Spirit Dafa and transformed into a rolling body of gas that strengthened his body.

Chu Yan felt it carefully, from the original cross-legged, to a posture of standing in this empty void.

The blood sea has been completely absorbed by him at this time.

The former city also disappeared.

The center of the flesh and blood star is an empty piece at this time.

When Chu Yan swept his eyes, he could see the crystal wall in the distance.

After a moment, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a soft hum in his nose.

This hum, in an instant, seemed to be the explosion of hundreds of thousands of thunders.

The blasting and madness shocked and rubbed, and in an instant, it turned into a huge noise of millions and millions of iron rides, striking hard around.

The crystal wall that had enveloped the blood sea suddenly shattered like glaze.

Before that, Chu Yan had used his magical powers to make a hole in the crystal wall.

Now only one hum is needed.

"Time is coming."

Chu Yan flew from the center of the flesh and blood star as soon as he flashed.

Almost instantaneously, the scene in front of him changed from an empty core to a mountain of flesh and blood.

The consciousness swept towards the fairy list.

When Chu Yan saw the people he knew, Lin Miaoran, Zhuang Die and Xiao Qin were still on the list.

The highest ranking is Xiao Qin, in more than thirty.

This ranking is already very high.

The top ten has seen subtle changes.

The original third, I don't know when it was out.

So the eleventh before, luckily squeezed into the top ten.

Mo Moyu still took the second place.

"He just gave up?"

Looking at Mo Bu, who was in second place, Chu Yan looked away.

"It's not like his character."

Thinking in this way, Chu Yan felt a change in the void above his head.

Looking up, the void collapsed at this moment, and a space channel appeared above his head.

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