Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2096: Emperor Chaos

"This, what's going on!"

"Aren't Mobuyu promoted!"

"Mubei now, there is a weapon in hand, at least tens of times, hundreds of times stronger than before, how could this... how could this..." "It was suppressed by Chu Yan's magical power, but this still did not turn over what!"

On Xiandao, there were bursts of exclamation.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a voice came from you.

"Mobuyu was promoted, which did not mean that Chu Yan was suppressed."

As soon as these words came out, everyone hurried to find the man who spoke.

But the consciousness swept around, but did not find who said it.

However, after careful consideration, the monk present suddenly realized that this is the truth.

When I was promoted silently, the spirit was magnificent and the power was shocking.

But Chu Yan showed no signs of being suppressed.

It was only at that time that everyone's attention was on Mo Wuyu, so this ignored Chu Yan.

At this moment, no one noticed. Among the group of monks in Xiadao Luoxia Valley, Xiao Jie's bright eyes looked at Chu Yan in the air without blinking, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is His Royal Highness Ah, Your Highness will never lose—"Boom! The aftermath of the shock is still being abused.

Large pieces of ground were shattered.

Countless voids broke apart, revealing the chaos inside.

Heaven and earth, for a while, it looks like it has turned into a mud swamp.

Here, the light can't figure out the direction of irradiation with common sense.

At this time, Chu Yan felt a golden light fall from the sky.

He looked up and found the six reincarnations. He didn't know when he floated over the top of his head.

After the golden light spread out, the light became faint.

Although the light is faint, but in an instant, the constantly collapsed void becomes stable again.

The broken space began to close.

The collapsed earth no longer shakes.

The crystal walls of the formation that were shocked around the fairy island gradually returned to calm.

Feeling a "stable" idea from all around, Chu Yan's heart moved slightly.

The fragment of six reincarnations that he owns has the power to regenerate everything.

And this piece of Tianyazong as a reward seems to have the strength to stabilize the void.

"In this way, my previous speculation was correct, the six-round reincarnation was broken, and each piece of debris had different powers.

I just don’t know, the Emperor Taiqing now has a few pieces.

He had owned a piece before, and now there may be more.

And this piece, he certainly will not let it to others. "

As soon as I thought about it, Chu Yan's eyes flashed a stern look: "But it's coincidental that I don't plan to let anyone else!"

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly produced a subtle feeling.

The piece he collected in the world of Little Qiankun seemed to resonate with this piece in mid-air.

In the moment when this feeling occurred, Chu Yan felt awkward, and his alertness instantly filled.

While looking at the world of Xiao Qiankun, Shenshen looked towards the fragment above his head.

In the small universe, the debris that was originally suspended in the air was trembling, and the light flickered.

The three-headed demon, who has been reborn now, is leaning on three heads, sticking out his tongue, and looking at the fragments curiously.

And not far from it, Zijin Thunder Ape blinked and looked at the debris.

Well... these two monsters seem to have gotten together recently.

But this is not the point.

Chu Yan found that this piece of the small world was indeed sensing the existence of other pieces.

This immediately strained his spirit.

However, when he saw the fragment of Tianya Sect, when there was no response at this time, although he was puzzled in his heart, his spirit was relaxed.

"Although I don't know, why only the piece of shards I have reacted unilaterally.

But as long as the fragment above the head is normal, it will not reveal the secret that I already own a fragment. "

Chu Yan secretly said.

What he was most worried about before was that the fragment of the six reincarnations above his head would also produce induction.

In this way, if the Emperor Taiqing sees it, he must know that there are people besides him who have fragments.

By then, your secrets will not be kept.

But now it seems that such an accident did not happen.

Just as Chu Yan's heart was lowered, he immediately felt two beams of anger filled his eyes, hitting himself directly at the moment.

No words! "Chu Yan, you have not won."

Mo said without saying his teeth.

The anger in his eyes was burning.

A burly phantom behind him is slowly disappearing.

Just now he relied on this phantom and tore away the starlight.

But looking at Mo Buyu's appearance at this time, he had suffered a lot under the stars before.

"Do you know, which one of my skills is perfect on the flesh and blood star?"

Mo Bu's mouth suddenly raised a cold smile.

"Not interested in."

Chu Yan spoke three words lightly, and immediately took pictures with one palm.

Uh! The **** spear suddenly appeared, rolled up the blood wave, and stabbed silently.

The void that had just recovered along the way was suddenly pierced, and a series of loud noises continued to crack.

"Chu Yan, it's useless! I tell you! My perfect practice is a natural constitution! Emperor Chaos!"

With this sound, the first responder above Qingyun was the crown prince of Xiangxiang Shangguo.

He crushed the jade calf in his hand, his expression solidified on his face, his body stiff, like clay sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, the royal families who were invited were all stunned. All eyes were unbelievable.

"Emperor Chaos!"

Immediately afterwards, the various patriarchs and patriarchs who had heard about this natural constitution also reacted, exclaiming, and secretly observing the present royal family of Baoxiang Shangguo.

The emperor's chaotic body, as can be seen from this innate physique, can only be possessed by gathering human fortune.

With this natural physique, it is said to be a natural emperor! Emperor, emperor of the human race.

The human race here includes not only mortals, but also monks! According to legend, this innate physique only appears in the royal family.

Because the royal family governs the world, only they can be qualified to own the body of the emperor.

But the problem is that since the founding of Baoxiang Shangguo, no royal family has been born with the Chaos of the Emperor.

As a result, such a natural constitution now appears at the Tianya Sect Group Fairy Conference.

Not only did he appear, this person's identity is not the royal family of Baoxiang Shangguo.

So for Bao Xiang Shangguo, does it not mean that their great command came to be not justified?

According to legend, the Mobu, who possessed this physique, had no problems replacing them at this time.

And this is just the physique aspect of this constitution.

In terms of cultivation, it is even more enviable than ever!

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