Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2097: Chuyan VS Mobuyu (Part 1)

Emperor Chaos, all attributes are complete, all attributes are complete.

Even Chu Yan, the elemental attributes of his Taoist body have strengths and weaknesses.

The chaotic body of the born human emperor goes hand in hand, and each one is far superior to ordinary people.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a man.

In addition, this natural constitution will have many conveniences that ordinary people can't imagine when practicing.

Good luck, great strength, and amazing talent are the best explanations.

"Chu Yan, I'm on the flesh and blood devil star, and it's the chaotic body of this emperor, and now I see how you still win me!"

The words fell, and without a word suddenly burst into flames.

The flames, like a dragon that was fearless and unafraid of death, fell from the sky and smashed **** the **** spear, making the runes around the spear tremble.

At the next moment, booming, towering hills rose from the ground and stood in front of the **** spear.

Uh, uh, uh! The **** spear pierced the hills instantly.

But immediately, countless thick long vines grew up from this mountain peak, winding towards the **** spear.

Although the **** spear erupted into the sky, all these vines were shredded in an instant, but the vines continued to be broken. One torn apart, two regrowths appeared, seemingly endless, winding up.

The tendency of the Scarlet Spear to move forward suddenly lags behind.

Squeaky-When the spears and vines wrestled, there was a loud noise that twisted the steel plate.

For a moment, the fast-growing vines wrapped up the **** spear.

"You're done."

Mo Wuyu sneered again and again, raised the giant axe in his hand, and slashed towards the sky.

Sorry-the sky was suddenly torn in half.

The mighty flood poured down, as if to submerge the entire world, shattering countless mountains, rivers, and voids, and suddenly condensed into a big hand, and grabbed Chu Yan hard! The void around Chu Yan was suddenly broken.

He as a whole, as if he was “pulled” out of this world, as a single person, exists on an isolated island and has to face this torrent of torrents.

"You are done!"

Above the sky, Mo Yi raised his eyebrows and shouted.

"You too?"

The answer to him was the three words of Chu Yan.

At the next moment, Chu Yan's breath rose sharply.

The original crumbling space slammed and exploded.

Behind him, his wings were bleeding.

This pair of wings stretched instantaneously, full of length.

A little movement, suddenly rolled up a vast sea of ​​blood, the depth is more like a certain road, so that people will fall into it if they are not careful.

"This is..." "Blood power!"

"This Chu Yan, blood is so powerful!"

"I only knew that he was full of blood before, but I didn't expect to reach such a point!"

"Body Trainer! This Chu Yan is actually a double cultivation of the **** body!"

In the exclamation of everyone in Xiandao, Chu Yan's body moved, and he pulled innumerable afterimages in the air, as if at this moment, there were thousands of him.

Mo Moyu saw this scene and hummed: "Even so, you can't escape death!"

As the words fell, his aura surged again.

Emperor Chaos reappears at this moment.

His body seemed to turn into a black hole all at once.

In the sound of humming, all the aura around him turned into a practice and gathered towards him.

In a blink of an eye, the spirit within a hundred miles was exhausted.

The time of a few breaths, the aura of thousands of miles, all entered his body.

In the midst, it seemed to be a towering tree formed by condensing aura, covering the sky and the sun, and it appeared above the head.

In a blink of an eye, this tree made him full of spirits, skyrocketing dozens of times! "Chu Yan, the emperor's chaotic body, is better than the human emperor! But mortals, in front of me, are subjects and ordinary people. If I want you to die, you will have to die!"

Mo Wuyu's face was grim and he roared loudly, pushing his arm downward.

boom! The vines entwined with the **** spear suddenly tightened, and the sound of broken roads kept coming.

Catching to Chu Yan's giant palm, the rolling torrent at this moment has condensed the luster of mercury and steel, which is far more powerful than before! I don't know how many layers of void, they are all broken at the moment.

The fall of this palm is more like shooting all the vitality of Chu Yan to the end.

The innumerable afterimages were all crushed at this time, leaving only Chu Yan's body.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Chu Yan shook his body.

"You can't escape!"

Mo Buyu finished his roar, and was surprised to find that Chu Yan was not fleeing, but was flying towards this huge palm.

Bloody wings spread to a swift speed, and in a flash came to the palm of his hand.

A golden light shot from Chu Yan's hands.

The extremely sharp feeling, the monks who let Xiandao see at this moment, all felt the trembling of the soul, and felt that their own souls were all cut open.

Archaic Demon Soul Rune! Uh! The thin golden light suddenly pierced the palm of the hand, meteor-like, and stabbed in silence.

Chu Yan breathed, and his body stretched out suddenly.

The sound of flat mines and thunderbolts came from all directions.

"Ten thunder and thunder!"

Click! Crackling! Lightning smashed all the vines in an instant.

The runes on the surface of the **** spear turned at high speed, as if to re-explode the generator.

A black texture, with a breath of destruction, permeated this moment.


Mo Wuyu made an unbelievable cry and raised his hand in a hurry.

The gleaming lights shone towards the archaic demon soul charm.

Each swipe directly melts a piece of space.

But the Taiko demon Soul Rune seems not to be affected at all, the electric light is generally coming, and the split feeling is called Mobu Yu's panic.

He glanced at the corner of his eyes, and at the next moment he saw the **** spear, shining more intensely than before. With Chu Yan's arm waving, the peaks and vines shattered instantly, and in just one click, he appeared in the torrent Before the giant palm, like the sharpest spear, a thick shield was pierced.

With a bang, the shield was penetrated.


Mo Mouyan screamed, and a **** hole appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Blood spewed out like no money.

At this time, he couldn't care about the pierced palm and hurriedly waved his arm.

Immediately, more than ten orbs appeared in front of him, forming a large formation.

clang! The Taiko demon Soul Charm hit the large array, and the light suddenly flickered rapidly, the light was dim and bright, and the orbs trembling wildly, as if they would collapse at any time, and they seemed to be frightened.

On the fairy island, the monks saw this scene, and they also sighed the sharpness of the ancient demon soul charm, and the tenacity of this large array of pearls.

But at this time, Chu Yan's voice suddenly resounded through the world.

"It's a coincidence to say that I also have the Orb.

However, my orb is never used for turtle shells.

The fierce spirit set Haizhu! "

In an instant, Baoguang was shining, and the breath of fierceness and evilness shook the world with the roar of the sky.

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