Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2355: Refining promotion

With the leaves of the Sacred Heart Tree in hand, Chu Yan naturally wanted to refine it the first time.

This consignment shop is obviously a very suitable place.

After hearing Chu Yan's request, the fat shopkeeper immediately arranged for someone to proceed.

Soon after, Chu Yan came to an excavated cave.

According to the shopkeeper, the consignment line designs a lot of business.

It is also one of them to provide a training place for monks.

And this place provided for Chu Yan at this time is the best place among them.

Chu Yan cultivated in it without worrying about being disturbed, let alone being spied on.

Chu Yan took the leaves of the Sacred Heart Tree into the cave and opened the formation.

Immediately, white mist gushed out all around.

The fog is like a wall, isolating all the gazes and divine consciousness that are trying to probe around.

However, only the consignment line's formation was obviously not able to reassure Chu Yan.

He himself flicked his fingers again and again, laying down several magical formations and barrier-like formations, and then moved into the world of Small Universe.

In fact, this place for cultivation is just a cover for Chu Yan.

No matter what, it is impossible for him to cultivate and promote on other people's turf.

The purpose of doing this now is to make others think that he is in this cave.

In fact, he has entered the world of Xiao Qiankun.

Sure enough, the moment Chu Yan entered the world of Xiao Qiankun, a surprised voice of "Huh" came from a secret room of the consignment shop.

"Why is it missing?"

The young man who had previously competed with Chu Yan for leaves, looked at the blurry picture before him, and turned his head to look at the fat shopkeeper of the consignment shop.

The face of the fat shopkeeper is not so good at this time.

According to the rules of the consignment bank, they are absolutely not allowed to disclose the customer's information.

This will greatly affect the credibility of the consignment bank.

In the worst case, it is possible that the consignment line cannot continue to operate in this black furnace city.

But who asked one of the bosses behind the consignment shop to come forward to open the door for this young man.

Otherwise, the fat shopkeeper would never show this young man the scene in the cave.

The risk is too great.

However, due to the face of the boss behind the scenes, he could only patiently explain: "This may be due to his own formation."

"Hehe, I'm really cautious."

The young man sneered, "But as long as I know your whereabouts, I want to see where you can escape."

Having said this, he let out a disdainful voice, and then said: "I thought it was a great deal because of the wealth and power. It turned out to be only the second layer of True Wonderland, hahahahaha."

This young man does have the confidence to say this.

Because of his realm, he reached the sixth level of true fairyland.

The distance to the Seventh Realm of Wonderland is only a short distance away.

And the reason why he needs this leaf of the Sacred Heart Treasure Tree is that he hopes that he can use the power of this leaf to smoothly break through from the middle level of the true fairyland to the high level.

After all, don't look at the sixfold and sevenfold, there is only one level difference.

In fact, this is the watershed between the middle and high levels of true wonderland.

Once he is promoted, his strength will advance by leaps and bounds, which is definitely not what he can compare to now.

"Never let him escape."

Seeing a blurry picture, the young man emphasized again, not knowing whether it was for himself or the shopkeeper and old servant.

The shopkeeper's face is still not pretty.

The old servant looked indifferent, as if Chu Yan was already dead.

At this time, in the world of Xiao Qiankun, Chu Yan opened the box containing the Sacred Heart Tree.

The moment the box was opened, a blazing light suddenly spread.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's spirits refreshed.

He felt the blood in his body, producing a strange rhythm at this moment.

There seemed to be an indescribable force in the whole body, gestating and gushing.

"That's how it feels."

Chu Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart, "It's really an innate spiritual treasure.

This still has lost a lot of essence. If it was just picked off, or it is still growing on the Sacred Heart Tree, I really don't know how it will help me. "

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yan didn't hesitate anymore.

Everyone else needs to gradually refine, or make a pill and then take a little leaf, and he will directly throw it into the mouth at this time.

But even Chu Yan couldn't help groaning when he put the leaves in his mouth, with an expression of pain on his face.

This bite is like swallowing a bite of burning charcoal.

But immediately, the Whale-Swallowing Spirit-hunting Dafa and the Immortal Demon's body ran together.

Rumble-a huge sound, the earth shakes the mountains.

Chu Yan's body, while frantically refining the leaves, is also quickly adapting to this terrifying force.

Gradually, the scorching heat, like charcoal, turned into comfortable warmth.

A warm current also circulated in Chu Yan's limbs.

On the surface of his body, thin golden lines gradually emerged.

At first glance, it looks like the original meridian on the leaves.

In fact, these thin lines are the blood vessels in Chu Yan's body.

At this time, his veins and blood were all absorbing the benefits of the Sacred Heart Tree.

If this scene were seen by that young man, his eyes would be flushed with envy, like a rabbit.

As time slowly passed, a dark red vortex appeared around Chu Yan's body.

Although this whirlpool only occupies more than ten acres of space, it gives people an extremely thick and profound sense of horror. Once bought into it, it will be overwhelmingly terrifying.

What the vortex is combined with seems to be a world full of destruction.

At this moment, Chu Yan was incorporating all the destructive power in this world into himself.

When the next day came, the world of Xiao Qiankun shook violently.

I don't know how many mountain peaks uttered a deafening roar, cracking, breaking and collapsing.

As the mountains shook, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the dark red vortex suddenly expanded.

The center of the vortex was deeply sunken, and a golden light rose to the sky, straight like a beam of light supporting the sky and the earth.

Right below the beam of light, Chu Yan's breath continued to rise like a rising tide, and it was more continuous and endless.

At the same time, a pale golden leaf phantom emerged three inches from Chu Yan's chest.

The phantom of this leaf gradually turned into countless light spots, floating towards Chu Yan's body as if being blown by the wind.

In a short period of time, the shadow of the leaves disappeared completely.

It was also at this time that Chu Yan's breath climbed to the peak of the second layer of True Wonderland.

The land of 100,000 miles in the world of Xiao Qiankun collapsed suddenly and turned into a black hole.

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