Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 2356: Sword Four Form

Seeing this scene from a distance, the three-headed dog monsters and the Zijin Thunder Ape were so frightened that the two monsters hugged each other tightly, rolling down from the top of the mountain.

"It's terrible!"

As they shouted in unison, Chu Yan's triple barrier of true wonderland was suddenly broken.

Countless golden rays of light condensed quickly around him, and they were extremely sharp, like endless sword lights and blades.

"Sword three styles!"

In the light, Chu Yan roared.

All the golden light forms a hurricane.

And centered on this hurricane, a larger wind wall appeared.

In this wall of wind, there are countless sword lights that are so intense that it is indescribable.

These sword lights are full of the taste of lore, as if they are the descending gods, they can be cut into pieces at once.

"Sword four styles!"

As Chu Yan shouted, the hurricane suddenly turned into a tornado.

In the wind wall, billions of sword lights condensed and spread, directly splitting the world of Xiao Qiankun in half.

Chu Yan's realm, at this moment, steadily stopped at the Triple Realm of True Wonderland.

After reaching the Triple Level of True Wonderland, Chu Yan immediately entered the Guixu Pagoda.

Ao Xin Jue and Ao Shen Jue after Ao Huang Jue were immediately displayed in front of Chu Yan.

The strongest profound meaning of both spirit and blood was immediately grasped by Chu Yan.

With Chu Yan's promotion, in a world full of death breath, he has put on a skeleton of leather armor and moved his body.

There was a crackling sound from its wrists and ankles.

As a majestic wind passed, the thick fog behind him was slowly blown away.

What suddenly appeared in front of my eyes were bones everywhere.

These bones were all shattered and scattered on the ground.

If you look closely, you will find that these bones have just been broken and shattered not long after.

Coupled with the skeleton that was the only one standing at this time and waving the long knife in his hand, the fierce battle that took place here can be seen.

"True Wonderland has tripled, and the speed of promotion is faster than I thought.

And this time, it seems to have been greatly benefited.

It's just a pity that I have no way to borrow such blazing yang energy for the time being. "

The skeleton moved its hands and feet.

It raised its arm and showed its right hand in front of itself.

A pair of black hole-like eyes, looking at his fingers.

The fingers that were originally just bones had already begun to grow flesh and skin.

Although there is only one point, it is clear that with the promotion of Chu Yan, the strength of the skeleton is constantly increasing.

And its body, from the very beginning, was just a bare skeleton skeleton, becoming more and more complete.

It is conceivable that in time, until Chu Yan is continuously promoted.

The skeleton will not only grow new muscles, but also blood vessels, skin, hair, internal organs, and finally become a "person".

But now that the distance becomes a person, there is still a long way to go.

Staring at his fingers for a moment, the skeleton raised his head and looked further ahead.

Under a thick fog, you can faintly see a straight mountain peak standing at the end of the world.

This mountain, standing in this life full of life, seems to be the throne of this world, giving people an extremely uncomfortable sense of oppression.

And the destination of the skeleton's trip is there.

"I hope I can get a complete body when I get there."

The skeleton hit the upper and lower jaws, making a sound, and then he carried a long knife that was taller than himself on his shoulders and continued to walk forward.

In the thick fog ahead, there were constant clicks and rustling sounds.

All kinds of evil thoughts and killing intents are constantly gathering.

Obviously, the tragic battle just now is the normal state of the skeleton in this world.

But a short rest is luxury.

But the skeleton didn't mean to stop at all, and continued to walk forward.

Another day passed quickly.

Chu Yan, who was promoted, stabilized his realm in the world of Xiao Qiankun.

Although the world of Xiao Qiankun was split in half by the four sword styles he newly understood, this world was created by the six reincarnation discs, so it was different from the ordinary world.

In addition, Chu Yan now has four pieces of six reincarnation discs in his hand, and it is not too easy to repair the small universe that has been split in half.

With the radiance of the six reincarnation discs blooming, the place where the world of Small Universe was split, grows like a sticky flesh and blood connection.

These stickiness, as if the lotus root is broken, slowly re-adhes the world of Xiao Qiankun.

When Chu Yan's breath was completely stabilized, it happened to be the third day as agreed.

And the leaves of the Sacred Heart Tree had also been completely refined by him.

At this time, Chu Yan, if he runs the Qi and blood with all his strength, the Qi and blood in his body will make his Dao body dozens of times stronger than before.

Not only is it incredibly hard, but its strength is amazing.

The power of Sunshine Sunshine is definitely more than just talking.

Coming out of the world of Xiao Qiankun, Chu Yan withdrew from the formation in the cave and stepped out.

Outside the cave, no one was waiting, but when he walked out, Chu Yan faintly felt that there was divine consciousness spying on himself.

He immediately looked for the past, but the opponent was extremely cunning and immediately hid.

However, it was precisely because of this action that Chu Yan instantly believed that someone was eyeing him.

"Heh, it seems that there are really not long eyes."

Chu Yan sneered in his heart.

He didn't surprise him.

Only when nine thousand ancient coins were smashed out without being noticed would there be a problem.

However, Chu Yan didn't bother to care about the opponent at this time, he walked directly towards the courtyard where the team that was going to Xiangmen Wangyang was located.

At this time, outside of the consignment shop, the old servant who had been following the young man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at a paper man in front of him.

This paper man began to burn in the middle at this time, and it was turned into ashes in a moment.

"Is this discovered?"

Seeing this scene, the young man asked in doubt.

The old servant pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, but it's better to be more cautious."

"is this necessary?"

The young man snorted disdainfully, "I'm the Sixth Realm of Wonderland, and you're the Eighth Realm of Wonderland, and it's necessary to be careful of a second realm of Wonderland?

The mocking expression on the youth's face became stronger: "You don't really think that if he can take out nine thousand ancient coins, he will be a big family or a big sect, such as a disciple of Shenwuzong?

Hahahahahaha! "

The old man was silent.

He just told the truth and didn't tell the youth.

This paper man will ignite spontaneously to destroy the evidence only when it is discovered by the other party.

That can only mean that the double cultivator of True Wonderland has indeed discovered his exploration of the eightfold cultivator of True Wonderland.

"It's not an exaggeration to be careful."

The old man said in his heart.

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